
  • 【计】black box
  1. 此工具使用一个非侵入式的黑盒方法来测试Web服务实现。

    This tool tests Web service implementations using a non-intrusive , black-box approach .

  2. 黑盒测试及测试工具RationalRobot的应用

    Black test and use of test tool rational robot

  3. 基于黑盒的FPGA功能测试

    Study of FPGA logic test based on Black - box theory

  4. 由于对象封装了数据和函数实现,因此对于Web服务的应用程序开发者来说,对象是个黑盒。

    Since objects encapsulate data and functional implementation , the object is a black box to the application developers in Web services .

  5. 接着介绍了构件软件的发展特点以及由此带来的对软件测试的影响;提出了一种针对构件单元的BIT黑盒测试方法;

    Later , we introduce the development feature of component software and some difficulties in component software testing .

  6. 对于许多WebSphere用户来说,EJB通信就是一个黑盒。

    For many WebSphere users , EJB communications are a black box .

  7. 本人主要实现的是基于Proxy模式的黑盒自动化测试。

    Myself mainly realize am based on the Proxy pattern black box automation test .

  8. 自动化黑盒测试、GUI级回归测试工具在行业中被广泛应用。

    Automated black box , GUI-level regression test tools are popular in the industry .

  9. 本文分别从软件测试中白盒测试和黑盒测试的方法对Web应用程序存在的脚本漏洞进行检测。

    We take on detections of the scripting vulnerabilities existed in Web applications using both ways named white-box test and black-box test which come from software testing .

  10. 对于一个遇到内存泄漏的系统管理员来说,承载着大量第三方应用程序的WebSphereApplicationServer就像是一个黑盒。

    To a system administrator encountering a memory leak , a WebSphere Application Server hosting a number of third party applications is like a black box .

  11. 提供一个JavaEEEAR和可配置的安装脚本,而不是黑盒二进制安装程序。

    Deliver a Java EE EAR and configurable installation scripts , not a black box binary installer .

  12. 测试用例生成策略采用的是黑盒测试的等价类法和边界值法,测试用例和预期结果采用XML文档存储。

    Test cases generated by the strategy was black box testing of the equivalent method and boundary value method and they were stored in the XML document .

  13. SCRUM方法在处理系统开发过程时将其看作可控制的黑盒。

    The SCRUM approach treats these systems development processes as a controlled black box .

  14. Web服务已逐渐普及,其具体实现封装成黑盒,用户与服务及服务之间通过标准接口通讯,由此基于Web服务的系统具有强扩展性和可复用性。

    With the popular of Web services , the web application system has well extensibility and reusability because its implementation is encapsulated into black box , and users and services communicate with interfaces .

  15. 软件黑盒测试中SPR的规范化管理方法

    An advanced management technique for software problem report with the black box testing method

  16. 多数web层的测试框架遵循黑盒测试方式,开发者用web组件编写测试类来验证渲染的HTML输出是否符合预期。

    Most of the web-tier testing frameworks follow black-box testing approach where developers write test classes using the web components to verify the rendered HTML output is what is expected .

  17. 在黑盒自动化模块,首先讨论了Proxy模式的黑盒测试,该模式的优缺点。

    In the black box automation module , first discussed the Proxy pattern black box test , this pattern good and bad points .

  18. EDFA黑盒模型及其虚拟实验验证

    Black box model of edfa ′ s and its verification in virtual experiment environment

  19. 该系统采用了黑盒测试理论及模糊测试技术,在执行漏洞扫描时,目标网站的源码对用户是透明的,这样在实现完备的Web漏洞测试功能的同时也保证了Web网站的隐私保护需求。

    We employ black-box testing idea and fuzzy testing technology to scan the loopholes , besides ; the source code of target web site is absolute users-invisible to ensure the Web site privacy requirement at the same time .

  20. 该算法主要包括预处理、DAG图分解算法、黑盒边界处理三个部分。

    Our algorithm consists of three parts : preprocessing , decomposition and black block processing .

  21. 平台移植软件的测试具有以黑盒测试和GUI测试为主的特点,因此要求测试周期短,测试计划灵活等。

    Testing of porting software has its own characteristics such as GUI and black box based , so it depends on short test cycle , flexible test plan .

  22. 采用一种新的方法&分割矩阵(DIRECT)全局优化算法,设计二维阵列,该算法适用于多变量黑盒问题的求解,并且具有比其他优化算法更快的收敛速度。

    The authors use a new global optimization method , DIRECT algorithm , to design two-dimensional arrays , which is very useful when the object function is a " black box " and has a faster convergence rate than others .

  23. 最后系统实现与测试时,在系统分析与设计的基础上,使用C语言开发该系统,而系统的测试以黑盒测试为主,重点放在系统功能实现方面。

    Finally , when implementing and testing of system , base on the system analysis and design , I use C # language to develop the system . And the test of the system mainly base on Black Box Testing .

  24. 传统的电话系统或IP网络描述为竖井(silo)结构,由与网络设备提供商(NetworkEquipmentProviders,NEP)硬件紧密偶合的专用黑盒解决方案组成。

    The traditional telephony system or IP network is depicted as a silo structure , which is comprised of proprietary black box solutions closely coupled with Network Equipment Providers ( NEP ) hardware .

  25. Linux系统的图形库不象Windows有统一的标准,因此Linux系统下黑盒测试工具开发需要考虑自身的特点。

    GUI library of Linux has not unified standards and this is not the same as that of Windows . This special characteristics need to be considered in development of black-box testing tool in Linux .

  26. 在设计阶段采用了面向对象设计与分析方法,而且融入了设计模式的思想及方法,代码实现阶段使用C面向对象编程语言,测试阶段进行了白盒测试和黑盒测试。

    During the design phase , we use object-oriented analysis and design , also the design pattern are involved ; we develop the system using C # object-oriented programming language ; white-box and black-box testing techniques are applied during testing phase .

  27. 最后分别模拟放大系统采用黑盒模型和两能级模型,有八个WDM光信号输入时,放大后的光谱图。

    Finally , when there were eight WDM optical input signals , using the black box model and two level model respectively , we simulated the amplified optical spectrum .

  28. JR:审查代码或是黑盒测试都能检查应用程序是否包含漏洞。

    JR : Both source code auditing and black-box testing can be use to check if an application is vulnerable .

  29. 前台设计主要在Dreamweaver上设计完成的,后台开发主要在Eclipse上完成的,后期主要采用黑盒测试方法进行系统测试。

    Some front page designs is completed in Dreamweaver the whole design is completed on Eclipse , the black-box testing methods are adopted by the system testing .

  30. 只存在黑盒和白盒透视图,并且在MDSD的整个建模过程中都被我们所使用。

    There are only black and white box perspectives and we use both throughout the MDSD modeling process .