
  • 网络black;Black Ink
黑墨 [hēi mò]
  • [India ink] 制成棒、块状的黑颜料(如混以胶质粘接剂的特制灯黑,有时加香料),用以画图或写字

  1. 而印于色调靠近长波端和短波端的色纸,蓝墨与黑墨的差异无统计学意义。

    As the paper which emit more long or short wavelength light , there are usually no significant difference between blue and black ink on DV .

  2. 硅树脂对降低胶印轮转黑墨粘着性的作用

    The Effect of Methyl Silicone Resin on Decreasing Tackiness of Black Offset Printing Ink

  3. 中国画用毛笔蘸黑墨和天然颜料画成,并以此著称。

    Chinese painting is known for its brush drawings in black inks and natural colours .

  4. 它们色彩鲜艳,芳香怡人。颜色:深紫色,带有鲜艳的深红色与黑墨色彩。

    Colour : Intense purple with a black inky depth and a bright crimson hue .

  5. 建立准确的用黑墨替代彩色油墨的算法,实现保证颜色准确复制前提下的油墨节省。

    It can reduce the total ink consumption on the premise of ensuring accurate color reproduction .

  6. 格林斯潘避开了蟹肉酱黑墨意大利面等较为考究的菜式,而点了更具苦行者风格的菜:烤箭鱼和烤有机蔬菜。

    Eschewing elaborate formulations such as black ink tagliatelle with crabmeat Ragu , Greenspan opts for a more ascetic dish : Grilled swordfish with roasted organic vegetables .

  7. 灯黑:制黑墨所用颜料之一。是在空气不足情况下使植物或石油等物料燃烧所得。

    Lamp-black : A type of pigment for black ink . It is prepared by the incomplete combustion of materials such as vegetable oils or petroleum under insufficient air .

  8. 传统绘画与书法的基本技法相同,即用毛笔蘸黑墨或彩墨作画,不用油画颜料。

    Painting in the traditional style involves essentially the same techniques as calligraphy . It is done with a brush dipped in black or colored ink . Oils are not used .

  9. 本文以黑墨为主要研制对象,确立了使用碱溶性树脂液分散颜料,然后使用水溶性的聚合物乳液调稀获得预期性能的水墨分散体系。

    The process of formulating for water-based ink in this paper is to disperse the pigment in the alkali-soluble solution polymer first , and then the emulsion polymer is added to the resulting dispersion .

  10. 第三,我还通过一些短暂的尝试来调整自己的气,营造出一种被景观凝视的效果,用自己的头发作为画笔,蘸上中国黑墨,在岩石上绘出一只眼睛。

    I also did some short performances to balance my Qi ( Chi ) for the creation of the landscape is staring at us , a rock painting of an eye produced by using my hair as a brush dipped Chinese black ink .

  11. 色相中的对立统一规律存在着黑与白、墨的干与湿、浓与淡和色的冷与暖。

    The unity of hues and shapes is between black and white , the dry ink and wet ink , heavy and light , cold and warm .

  12. 黑版:减色彩印法中的四张印版之一。它需用黑墨施印,使中性色调和细节能够正确的表现出来。

    Black printer : One of the four printing plates in a subtractive colour process which is to be printed in black ink to give correct neutral tones and detail .