
  • 网络theatrical mask
  1. 公司介绍:珠海波尔公司专业致力于生产制作工艺礼品,主要产品有戏剧脸谱、圣诞装饰品、烛台等。

    Zhuhai Ball production company dedicated to manufacturing professional gifts , the main products include drama mask , Christmas decorations , Candlestick .

  2. 这里有许多参与性工作坊,比如包粽子、把中国折纸折叠成蝴蝶和船只还有画戏剧脸谱。

    There are many participatory workshops like making zhong zi , folding and shaping Chinese origami paper into butterflies and boats and also decorating opera masks .

  3. 摘要:年画、水墨画、剪纸、戏剧脸谱等中国传统文化元素,成为中国国产动画设计提供了厚重的文化底蕴和智力支撑。

    New year picture , paper cuttings , Chinese ink and wash painting , drama mask , folk myth elements of traditional Chinese culture for the Chinese domestic animation design provides heavy cultural heritage and intellectual support .

  4. 面具在中国浩翰的民间美术形态中及日常生活运用中有着极其重要的地位,从祭祀用的傩面到娱乐使用的戏剧脸谱,一直伴随着各民族文化流传和发展。

    Mask play an extremely important role in a broad array of folk art forms of china , from the ceremonial Nuo face to recreational use theatrical masks , from ancient to modern times , it has been accompanied by Chinese people .

  5. 20世纪中国戏剧:脸谱的消解与重构试论戏曲脸谱的意象营构与表情体验

    Chinese Theatre in the 20th Century ; De-construction and Re-construction of Face-painting On Facial Sketch in Opera : Images and Expressions