
  • 网络dramatic situations;Situation Of Play
  1. 论马丁·艾思林的戏剧情境

    Martin Esslin 's Dramatic Situation Theory Brief View of Drama

  2. 第一章,主要回顾了戏剧情境理论的形成过程和重要的发展阶段。

    The writer reviewed the formation and important development stage of situational plays .

  3. 戏剧情境是戏剧文本抽象化文化内涵和艺术特征的外在化呈现形式。

    Drama situation is a drama text abstraction cultural connotation and artistic characteristics of present form externalization .

  4. 声乐特点是新颖的宣叙&咏叹风格、独特的戏剧情境下的抒情段落和冲突型的重唱;器乐特点主要从微型序曲和标题性主导动机以及调性布局几方面研究。

    Vocal music is characterized by innovative arioso-recitative , the unique lyrical paragraphs and the conflicting trio . And the instrumental musical characteristics research from the micro-overture , leitmotiv and tonality distribution .

  5. 鬼魂形象所具有的超自然力被戏曲艺术家提升为以虚用实的艺术表现力,在结构剧情、营造戏剧情境上发挥出巨大作用。

    The function of the ultra natural force is enormous in the structure story and building drama situation where the dramatists promotes of ghost 's image by using the real artistic expression timidly .

  6. 样板房室内设计与戏剧场景情境

    Sample Room Interior Design and Dramatic Scene on Stage

  7. 也可组织学生表演课本剧和戏剧亲身体会课文情境;

    Thirdly , the teachers can organize the students to perform the corresponding drama and personally experience the scene of text .

  8. 亨利是真理的宣讲家和表演家,这是他命中所注定的,也正因为如此,他总是不停地匪夷所思地撞进戏剧化般的情境中。

    He was a speaker and actor of the truth , & born such , - and was ever running into dramatic situations from this cause .

  9. 戏剧审美接受心理机制是一种在戏剧情境中完成的撩诱与触动交融、整合、互动的心理过程。

    Drama aesthetic acceptance psychological mechanism is a psychological process shaped in the drama environment .

  10. 在古典主义时期,三一律被正式提出,虽然这是在戏剧结构上的一种编剧技巧,但正是因为时间和空间的约束,戏剧情境在无意中已经变成了对于情节和人物的重要限制。

    But confined by space and time , play situation has become critical restrictions on plots and characters .