
  • 网络modernism
  1. 有“香港文坛教父”之称的作家刘以鬯毕生致力于“求新求异”,其“实验小说”创作借鉴西方现代派文学理论,充满了探索性和先锋性。

    He studied the literary theory of western modernism , especially the French New Fiction , and his experimental novels were of explorative and pioneering significance .

  2. 意识流小说是西方现代派文学的重要流派,中国古典诗词是我国古典艺术的精华,二者产生的时间、地域、文化心理背景截然不同,应无什么联系。

    The stream of consciousness novel is the important school of western modernism literature . Classic Chinese poetry is the cream of Chinese art . The both was totally different in emerging of time 、 region 、 cultural and psychological background .

  3. 象征:西方现代派文学的表意追求

    Symbol : on the Idea-expression of Literature of Western Modern Schools

  4. 卡夫卡是西方现代派文学的奠基人和代表作家。

    Kafka is the founder and representative writer of Western modernistic literature .

  5. 西方现代派文学一个普遍的主题是:寻找自我。

    Self-identity is a common theme in modern Western literature .

  6. 西方现代派文学的真正源头

    The Real Source of Modernistic Literature in the West

  7. 西方现代派文学的神话倾向

    Mythical Trend of the Western Modernist Literature

  8. 20世纪西方现代派文学的总体特征是反传统。

    The general characteristic of the western modernist literature in the 20th century is anti traditional .

  9. 西方现代派文学中的形而上

    The Metaphysical in Modernist Literature

  10. 美国当代著名作家约瑟夫·海勒(1923-1999)在西方现代派文学黑色幽默这一流派中享有盛誉。

    Joseph Heller ( 1923-1999 ), a modern American writer , gains world fame with Black Humor .

  11. 20世纪西方现代派文学是人类文明发展的产物。

    The western modernist literature of the 20th century is the product of the development of human civilization .

  12. 20世纪西方现代派文学具有反传统的精神实质。

    The modernist school literature of the west in the 20th century has the spiritual substance of counter tradition .

  13. 因此,西方现代派文学的真正源头,应是法国诗人波德莱尔发表《恶之花》的1957年。

    Therefore , the source of the real modernistic literature ought to be1957 when Charles Baudelair had his Les Fleus du mal published .

  14. 弗兰茨.卡夫卡是奥地利著名作家,20世纪西方现代派文学之父,表现主义文学大师。

    Famous Austrian writer , Franz Kafka , is the literary father of the contemporary western era , the literary master of expressionism .

  15. 被尊为西方现代派文学鼻祖的卡夫卡以其独特的生存方式言说着他的生命和灵魂。

    Kafka who was respected as the ancestor of the West Modern literature showed his own life and soul by a special living style .

  16. 象征主义是西方现代派文学的一种,强调用象征方法表达作者的思想情绪和抽象的人生哲理。

    Symbolism is one form of western modern literature , which underscores the application of symbolism to the expressions of author 's feelings and emotions and abstract life philosophy .

  17. 他的诗歌创作既有对西方现代派文学的接受与改造,同时也内含对中国诗歌传统的继承与反叛。

    In his poetry creating , Mu Dan accepts and transforms the Western Modernist Literature , at the same time , he also inherits and rebels the Chinese traditional poetry .

  18. 就批判性的审美精神而言,中国当代文学与西方现代派文学虽有共通性,但也存在着明显的异质性。

    So far as the critical aesthetic spirit is concerned , though there are some traits in common between the contemporary Chinese literature and the modern western literature , there still exists obvious heterogeneity .

  19. 20世纪西方现代派文学特别关注丑,形成了否定自我和否定世界的两个基本审丑取向。

    The Western literature ( in modernist school ) of the 20th century paid special attention to ugliness , thus it formed the two basic directions of judging ugliness which denied itself and the world .

  20. 针对中学生对西方现代派文学了解甚少的实际,尤其是文本解读的困难,提出了一些对教与学会更为有效的教学方法模式。

    In view of the middle-school student to the Western modernist literature understanding really few realities , the text explanation difficulty , proposed in particular some to teach with the academic society more effective teaching method pattern .

  21. 并进一步挖掘形成异同的社会文化传统、民族性格以及作家创作契机与心路历程等深层次原因,以期从中折射出西方现代派文学与中国当代文学千丝万缕的关联。

    The further finding forms the culture tradition , national character as well as the indited chance and idea course in their works . These refracts the complicated connection of Western modernist literature and Chinese contemporary literature .

  22. 先锋小说在颠覆20世纪80年代文学主流叙述程式的形式革命的过程中,试图用西方现代派文学作为自己瓦解现实主义的凭藉,并将自己接续到由西方现代主义文学所构成的世界文学共同体之中。

    In the process of the formal revolution designed to undermine the main narrative formula in the 1980s , the avant-garde novels try to rely on Western modernist literature to deconstruct realism , and thereby integrate themselves into the commonwealth of world literature formulated by Western modernisms .

  23. 鲁迅作为中国新文学划时代的开拓者,积极引进和移植了西方现代哲学和现代派文学。

    As a pioneer in the new literary trend in China , Lu Xun actively introduced and transplanted western philosophy and modernist literature into China .

  24. 十九世纪以来,西方文学界出现了一种与过去的传统文学(浪漫主义、现实主义)完全不同的文学类型,这就是西方现代派文学。

    Since 19th century , the western literary world appeared one literature type which was completely different from the past traditional literature ( romanticism , realism ) , this is called the western modern school literature .