
  • 网络existential literature;existentialist literature
  1. 因此,深入探讨《恶心》的存在主题及其审美意义,对于认识、了解和研究存在主义文学这一流派,是至关重要的。

    Therefore it is very important to analyze the theme of Being and aesthetic significance of Nausea , in order to comprehend and study the school of existentialist literature .

  2. 阿尔贝·加缪(AlbertCamus,1913&1960)是存在主义哲学、法国存在主义文学的重要代表之一。

    Albert Camus ( 1913-1960 ) is one of the important representatives of existentialist philosophy and French existentialist literature .

  3. 存在主义文学是存在主义哲学观念在文学上的反映。

    Existential literature is a reflection of existential philosophy in literature .

  4. 第一部分,大江早期存在主义文学的产生背景。

    The first part has discussed the background of existentialism literature .

  5. 大江健三郎是日本存在主义文学的代表作家。

    Kenzaburo Oe is a representative writer of Japanese existentialism literature .

  6. 从《苍蝇》看萨特存在主义文学

    On Sartre 's Existentialism Literature through His Play The Flies

  7. 让一保罗·萨特和西蒙娜·德·波伏瓦是存在主义文学的两位重要作家。

    Jean Paul Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir are two important writers of the existentialism literature .

  8. 人们在谈到二次世界大战后风靡一时的存在主义文学时,必然要提到他。他及他的作品一直是世界上许多国家的研究者重点研究的对象。

    Now many researchers from all over the world attached importance to him and his works .

  9. 这三大原则表现在无神论存在主义文学里,就反射出世界的荒谬与个人的孤独。

    These three principles echo the absurdness of the world and solitude of individual in atheistic existential literature .

  10. 西方现代文化对白先勇创作的影响是多方面的,比如基督教的悲悯情怀、存在主义文学和弗洛伊德学说等等。

    Western modern culture affects his creation in many aspects , such as sympathy of Christianity , existentialism and Freudism and so on .

  11. 同时萨特也是第二次世界大战之后,法国文学界最有影响、持续时间最长的存在主义文学流派的代表。

    And he was also Existentialist The Literature Representative of the most influential and the longest duration In French literary circles after the Second World War .

  12. 在这里,后现代主义叙事技巧与存在主义文学观实现了完美的结合。除此之外,小说的主题也体现了存在主义自由。

    Here the postmodern narrative techniques and existential literary view realize a perfect combination . Besides , the theme of the novel also implies the existential freedom .

  13. 其存在主义文学日本化的特征有三:一,吸收西方存在主义的想象力的表现,以及传承日本式的想象力和传统的象征性表现,并使两者达到完美的统一;

    The features of Japanese - styled existential literature includes the following three : firstly , it combined the imaginative expressions of existentialism and the traditional Japanese symbolic imagination ;

  14. 大江早期存在主义文学的产生,是在特定的文学基础存在主义在日本的传播,社会环境二战前后的日本社会状况及文化氛围。

    The incipient existentialism literature is on the base of the particular literature base the spread of existentialism in Japan and social environments the Japanese social condition and cultural surrounding of the World War ⅱ .

  15. 这其中,拉丁美洲魔幻现实主义文学与欧美现代派文学、存在主义文学以及后现代主义文学一起对20世纪后期中国小说产生了重要而深刻的影响。

    In the meantime , the magical realism literature together with western modernism literature , existentialism literature and post-modernism literature has produced an important and deep impact on the Chinese novels in the later 20th century .

  16. 从表现意识来区分,大江的存在主义文学创作可以分为两个时期:从《奇妙的工作》到《万延元年的足球队》为早期,表现的是荒诞意识以及如何超越荒诞意识。

    His existentialism literatures creation can be divided into two period on his expressive consciousness : The incipient creation is from Antic Work to Banengannen ′ s Soccer Team , He expressed the absurd consciousness and how to overrun the absurd consciousness .

  17. 法国存在主义哲学家、文学家让-保罗·萨特(Jean-PaulSartre)是西方当代最伟大的思想家之一,其存在主义哲学理念和文学创作对我国新时期文学产生了重大影响。

    Jean-Paul Sartre , French Existentialist philosopher and writer , is one of world 's greatest thinkers . His Existentialist ideal and literature have imposed great influence on Chinese Neo-Era literature .

  18. 导论部分介绍了美国的黑色幽默与法国二十世纪二十年代早期的与存在主义和讽刺文学的区别,以及以冯内古特为代表的黑色幽默文学作家的观点。

    In the introduction , the writing covers how American black humor distinguishes from that in early twentieth century France , which is associated with existentialism and satire .

  19. 小说《围城》是钱钟书对存在主义哲学的最高文学领悟。

    The novel Fortress Besieged represents Qian Zhongshu 's greatest literary understanding of existentialism philosophy .

  20. 萨特作为存在主义哲学大师和文学大师,其作品包涵的思想及其文艺观对20世纪的世界文学产生了深远的影响。

    As a philosophic master and a literary master , Sartre 's thoughts , his literary and artistic viewpoints reflected in his works have deep effect on world literature of the 20th century .

  21. 萨特是法国存在主义哲学的重要代表,当代法国著名的哲学家、文学家、政论家和社会活动家,是法国20世纪最伟大的思想家之一,以他的存在主义哲学和文学创作闻名于世。

    Jean Paul Satre ( 1905-1980 ), a famous French contemporary philosopher , artist , critic and social activist . As one of the greatest French thinker of the 20th century Jean-Paul-Satre is famous for his existentialism and his literary works .

  22. 萨特的存在主义哲学是阐释生命意义的诗性学说,萨特的存在主义文学是追问人生价值的哲学言说。

    Sartre 's existentialist philosophy is the poetic theory about the significance of life and Sartre 's existentialist literature is the philosophic discourse about the value of life .

  23. 从存在主义思潮的兴起说起,简要概括了存在主义哲学家的主要观点,由此衍生出了存在主义哲学家的文学观。

    Beginning from the rise of existential thought , this chapter has a brief summary of main points which existentialist philosopher have , and from what derived out of the literature concept of existential philosophers .