
  • 网络Survival Factor;NF-κB;NF-kB
  1. 被激活的NF-кB具有抗凋亡的作用,并且被认为是多种肿瘤的一种关键存活因子(5,6)。

    The active form of NF - к B is known to have anti-apoptotic activity and is thereby considered to be a key survival factor for several types of cancer ( 5,6 ) .

  2. 在肝脏,IL-22似乎是肝细胞的存活因子,多种毒性物质诱导的肝损伤模型以及肝部分切除模型均证实IL-22可以促进肝细胞的存活与再生。

    In the liver , IL-22 seems to be a survival factor for hepatocyte . Several liver disease models including toxins-induced hepatitis and hepatectomy model all demonstrated that IL-22 could increase the survival and regeneration of hepatocyte .

  3. 研究表明HIF-1在前列腺癌中不但与血管生成因子、增殖与存活因子、葡萄糖转运以及糖分解酶等有关,而且与p53、p21、信号转导通路等有关。

    It is involved not only in angiogenesis , cell proliferation / survial and glucose metabolism but also in p53 , p21 and signal transduction pathway in prostate cancer .

  4. 海蜇生长、存活影响因子的研究现状

    Influence Factors on Growth and Survival of Rhopilema esculenta

  5. BAFF是外周血B细胞一个关键的存活与成熟因子,它的活性通过其特异性受体BAFF-R调节,其过表达与自身免疫性疾病发生和B细胞肿瘤形成有关。

    BAFF is a critical survival / maturation factor for peripheral B cells and this activity is mediated through a BAFF-specific receptor , BAFF-R. Overexpression of BAFF has been linked to autoimmune disease and aspects of B cell neoplasia .

  6. 热休克蛋白在滞育期间的表达是决定越冬抗逆性和存活的重要因子之一。

    The up-regulation of Hsps during diapause is an important factor contributing to overwintering defense strategy and survival .

  7. 说明可溶性总糖和主要营养成分总量是影响苹果绵蚜存活的关键因子,是决定其寄主选择的重要因素。

    This indicated that total soluble sugar and gross content of nutrient substances played an key factor for the survival of WAA and was an important factor to host choice .

  8. 脊椎动物和无脊椎动物合计捕食占78.3%。这说明动物对坚果的捕食是影响坚果存活的主要因子。

    The proportion of acorns predated by animals including vertebrates and invertebrates amounts up to 78.3 % , indicating that acorn predation by animals is a limiting factor affecting acorn survival before seed dispersal .

  9. Bcl-2家族蛋白是细胞死亡和存活的主要调节因子。

    Bcl-2 family proteins are major regulators of cell death and cell survival .

  10. 尤其GDNF是公认的能促进中脑DA细胞存活的神经营养因子。

    Particularly the neurotrophic factor of GDNF is generally accepted to promote survivance DA in midbrain .

  11. 用Coxsackievirus中具有代表性的病毒coxsackievirusA16和B3分别感染星形细胞,检测病毒复制、病毒生长曲线、细胞病变、细胞存活率、细胞因子基因转录水平及蛋白分泌变化。

    Thereafter , infected astrocyte with Coxsackievirus A16 and B3 , respectively . The infection of astrocytes was detected by virus replication , virus growth curve , cytopathic effect , cell survival , the change of cytokine gene transcription and cytokine secretion .

  12. 替米考星对内毒素炎症小鼠存活率和细胞因子的影响

    Effects of tilmicosin on cytokine response and survival rate of inflammatory mice by LPS

  13. 肾移植长期存活受者细胞因子谱系的研究

    Study on the cytokine profiles in long term renal transplant recipients at different dosage of immunosuppression

  14. 影响刺参幼体发育与存活率的主要因子

    The main factors influencing the larval develop - ment and survival rate of the sea cucumber

  15. 结果显示:(1)盐度是影响日本对虾生理、存活的重要环境因子;

    The results showed that : ( 1 ) Salinity is an important environmental parameter affecting physiology , survival of Penaeus japonicus ;