
cún xiàn jù
  • existential sentence
  1. 英语存现句的象似性研究

    A Study of English Existential Sentence from the Perspective of Iconicity

  2. 存现句是现代汉语中具有鲜明特点的一种句式,也一直是语法学界讨论的热点。

    As a characteristic sentence type , Existential sentence has been the hot subject in linguistics field .

  3. V着存现句的动画教学效果研究

    Research on the Effect of Teaching the " V Zhe " Existential Sentence with Cartoons

  4. 二价动词做存现句的B段,其先决条件是作为施事的N1不摘要能出现,其次是处所成分位于动词之前。

    The prerequisite for the bi-valent verbs to be a part of existence construction is N1 must be omitted and the location words lies before the verb .

  5. 第三章主要介绍了对于分析there存现句相关的生成语法理论,包括,格理论,x-bar,核查理论,合并,经济原则,并对最简方案的生成操作进行了比较详细的分析。

    The third chapter mainly deals with the relative theories of generative grammar used for analyzing there ES , including case theory , x-bar , checking theory , merge , economy principle , and the derivation method .

  6. 英汉语存现句的生成语法研究

    Existential sentences in English and Chinese : towards a generative analysis

  7. 英、汉存现句的相似性论证

    Argumentation of the Similarities between the English and Chinses Existential Sentences

  8. 第二章介绍了存现句的界定标准,讨论了存现句的性质。

    The second chapter introduces the criterion of differentiating existence constructions .

  9. 英汉存现句中名词短语确指效应的语义分析

    Definiteness Effect on Noun Phrases in Existential Sentences-A Formal Semantics Analysis

  10. 现代汉语存现句与方位词

    Sentences of Existing and Appearing and Locative Words in Modern Chinese

  11. 现代汉语存现句研究

    On Existence Constructions in Chinese On Concession in Chinese Sentences

  12. 论存现句的性质和范围

    On Characteristics and Scopes of Chinese Existence - appearance Sentences

  13. 认知功能视野下的汉语存现句研究

    The Study of the Chinese There-be Construction : Cognitive & Functional View

  14. 汉语存现句及相关并列紧缩结构的认知功能语法分析

    Cognition-based Functional Analysis of Presentative Sentences & the Paratactic Construction in Chinese

  15. 汉语存现句中了和着的选择

    Choice of LE and ZHE in Chinese Locative Inversion Construction

  16. 汉语存现句语义格分析

    The Analysis to the Semantical Case of Chinese Existence - appearance Sentences

  17. 汉英存现句句法对比研究

    A Syntactical Contrast of Existential Sentences in Chinese and English

  18. 存现句是表示某处存在、出现或消失某人某物,可以分为存在句和隐现句。

    Generally thinking , Exist sentence is part of Exist-emerge sentence now .

  19. 英汉存现句的认知特点

    On the Cognitive Characteristics in the Existential Sentences of English and Chinese

  20. 存现句的主题结构和信息结构

    The Topic-comment Structure and Information Structure of Presentative Sentence

  21. 试析存现句中的处所词语传播视角:我存在,我叛逆

    Analysis on the Place-word in Exist and Presence Sentence

  22. 论现代汉语存现句的语用分类

    On Pragmatic Classification of Existential Sentences in Modern Chinese

  23. 存在句是汉语比较有特点的一种句式,表现力很强,一般认为是存现句的下位句式。

    Exist sentence of Chinese is character istic and its expression is very strong .

  24. 存现句与格理论的发展

    Existential Construction and the Development of Case Theory

  25. 英语场景非典型编码标识小句及其与汉语存现句的对比

    Non-prototypical Encoding of English Setting in Marked Clause Structure and Its Conceptually-corresponding Chinese Clause Structure

  26. 篇章中的存现句研究

    Study of Presentive Sentences in Text

  27. 现代汉语存现句研究汉语存现句式的认知分析

    On Existence Constructions in Chinese A Cognitive Approach to the Existential and Phenomenon Sentence in Chinese

  28. 存现句是处所词语作主语,全句表示什么地方存在、出现或消失了什么人或什么事物的句子。

    Exist and a presence sentence express someone or something exist , present or disappear in some place .

  29. 存现句的句型

    Existential Sentences in Brief

  30. 存现句是一种跨语言活跃的句式,表示某处存在、出现或消失某人或某物。

    Existentials refer to a type of sentences indicating appearance , disappearance or existence of somebody or something .