- access time

Data that needs to have subsecond access time .
As a crucial part of high-performance systems in modern processors , SRAM is usually used as a multi-level cache that can bridge the access time gap between processors and DRAM .
This system helps speed up access times .
Sometimes , the contents of a ROM chip are copied to SRAM or DRAM to allow for shorter access times ( as ROM may be slower ) .
Sure , we have redundant array of independent disks ( RAID ) scaling and NAND flash solid-state disks ( SSDs ), but as noted by IBM Almaden Research , the time scale differences of the access time gap are massive in human terms .
From the measurement result , the access time of SRAM is 8 ns and the dissipation current is 7 mA when the working frequency is 10 MHz .
Access speed of disk is the key to database performance .
In fact , Namely learns your habits and makes your most-used apps even quicker to access over time .
Our needs for high capacity , fast transfer rate , and short access time appear to be insatiable .
A portion of memory having short access time , as compared to the main memory of the central processing unit .
You have to admit that you are , in fact , in difficulties This system helps speed up access times .
Unless you measure carefully , you don 't know the true average access time or throughput of your disk subsystems .
Vertical carousel is a kind of important material handling equipment , it can save more space and access time than traditional storage device .
Access Time : is the average time to read a random sector o n the disk , analogous to latency response time .
Disk performance can be measured in terms of several important characteristics : seek time , latency , access time , and the spin speed of the disk .
Even though time needed for one memory access is quintupled , caching permits performance to remain reasonable .
The main reasons affecting the performance of disk I / O are disk competition , too frequent I / O and the configuration and management of data blocks . Making all available disks equally balance I / O may reduce the disk access time .
The author mainly studies three types of work modes : storing car priority , retrieving car priority and situ standby . By means of work time and energy consumption simulation for each work mode , the paper has obtained the optimum storing and retrieving car control strategy .
NET , introduced the access technique of image object in Microsoft SQL Server , discussed the effect on access time with different size of data block .
Processors also access memory pools on each of the other nodes , though the time taken for that access varies with how far the nodes are from one another .
Based on theoretical analysis on performance improvement , a prefetch algorithm SKP based on a performance modeling is developed . The improvement in access time can be maximized .