
cún chǔ zhuǎn fā
  • store and forward
  1. 存储转发是目前用得最多的IP传真的工作模式。

    Store and forward is the operational mode of IP fax that has been most widely implemented .

  2. 在实际应用中也先后出现了C/S和P2P架构,它们具有简单存储转发机制固有的缺点。

    There also emerged C / S and P2P architectures , which have inherent disadvantages of the simple store and forward mechanism .

  3. 通常,基于存储转发机制的Internet只为用户提供了尽力而为的服务。

    Traditionally , based on store-and-forward mechanism , Internet can provide users with only a best-effort service .

  4. ip传真是一种存储转发的方法。

    IP fax is a store-and-forward method .

  5. IP传真系统中使用两种基本的传输模式:存储转发模式和实时模式。

    Two primary transmission modes are being utilized in IP fax systems : store-and-forward mode and real-time mode .

  6. 方案中采用JMS消息队列技术保证平台消息的存储转发和消息调度的优先级;

    The JMS technology have guaranteed the message memory retransmits and the message dispatch priority ;

  7. 但存储转发的数据传输方式与生俱来的缺点限制了P2P系统性能的提升。

    But the inherent defects of Store-and-Forward transmission mode restrict the improvement of traditional P2P system to a small scale .

  8. 存储转发是IP传真最可靠的工作模式,因为它能处理网络滞后和包丢失。

    Store and forward is the most reliable operational mode of IP fax because it is able to deal with network latency and packet loss .

  9. 存储转发方式的RPR环中分组传输延时分析

    Analysis of packet transfer delay of resilient packet Ring in store-and-forward architecture

  10. 最后,在Linux系统下,使用Socket网络编程实现了根据SBR路由算法完成的数据存储转发,验证了算法可行性。

    Finally , in the Linux system , we use the Socket network programming to complete the data store and forward based on SBR , and verify the feasibility of the algorithm .

  11. DTN通过使用了一种新的具有存储转发技术的包裹层协议,采用保管传递功能提供了可靠的数据传输。

    DTN provides reliable data transfer with custody transfer , using a new bundle protocol with a store-and-forward technique .

  12. 网络编码(NC,Networkcoding)技术是近年来信息技术领域的重大研究成果,其利用网络节点在存储转发时对数据进行合并处理,提高网络容量和利用率。

    Network coding ( NC ) is a significant research achievement in the field of information technology in recently . Through combining the packets in the process of storing and forwarding messages at network node , NC can enhance network capacity and utilization .

  13. 而对目前市场上百花齐放的P2P直播系统来说,从存储转发的传统思路上提升其核心的数据传输性能必然将会遭遇技术瓶颈。

    On the other hand , there are plenty of peer-to-peer live streaming systems in present market , if still using the traditional idea of store-and-forward to improve their data transmission performance , technology bottleneck will be encountered inevitably .

  14. 持久节点发挥着AMQP存储转发队列的作用,即时节点可用于满足AMQP队列的需求。

    Persistent nodes play the role of AMQP store-and-forward queues , instant nodes can be used for on demand AMQP queues .

  15. 无线节点在存储转发数据包或确认包(ACK)的过程中,将提取与该包来自同一条流的丢包反馈信息,并将其填充到该包的MCP头部中。

    When the intermediate nodes forward a data packet , the packet-drop information with the same flow ID will be extracted and recorded into the MCP header of that packet .

  16. 为克服这个问题,国际电信联盟(ITU)为存储转发传真通信制定了T.37全模式标准。

    To remedy this problem , the International Telecommunications Union ( ITU ) created the T.37 full mode standard for store-and-forward fax communication .

  17. 它之前必须处理所有主要的用例,包括队列式存储转发消息,Tibco风格的发布和订阅,还有可靠的文件传输。

    It had to handle all the major use cases , including queue-style store-and-forward messaging , Tibco-style publish and subscribe , and reliable file transfer .

  18. Inmarsat-C系统作为Inmarsat一个移动通信系统的标准,它主要为海上移动地球站(简称船站)提供存储转发电传、遇险报警和增强群呼安全信息的播发等业务。

    Inmarsat-C is one of the mobile communication systems criterions of Inmarsat ; it provides the services of store and forward Telex , distress alerting , EGC and so on .

  19. 本文主要介绍中国公用传真存储转发业务网(CHINAFAX)、电子数据互换业务网(CHINAEDI)和电子信箱业务网(CHINAMAIL)的网络结构、规模、业务功能及用户接入方式。

    In this article we mostly introduce the network structure , scale , service functions and user access method for China Public Fax Store & Forward Service Network ( CHINAFAX ), Electronic Data Interchange Service Network ( CHINAEDI ) and Electronic Mail Service Network ( CHINAMAIL ).

  20. 非话通信中的一种传真存储转发系统方案

    A Scheme for FAX Store and Forward System in Non Voice Communication

  21. 基于可控的存储转发机制模式的消息系统设计

    A Message System Design Based on Controlled Store-Forward Pattern

  22. F&PORT传真存储转发系统

    F-PORT Fax Store - and - Forward System

  23. 报文处理系统和业务使用户能够在存储转发基础上交换报文。

    Message handling systems and services enable users to exchange messages on a store-and-forward basis .

  24. 它打破了传统路由器只能简单地存储转发这一常规。

    It breaks the convention that a router can only simply store and forward messages .

  25. 这可以是任何一种存储转发系统,包括声音邮件、传真邮件或电子邮件。

    This is any store-and-forward system , including voice mail , fax mail , and e-mail .

  26. 存储转发方式的消息传递适用于此情况,因为其核心特性正是所需的特性。

    Store-and-forward messaging lends itself to this situation because its core properties are precisely those needed .

  27. 存储转发信息交换中心

    Store-and-forward message switching center

  28. 作为主机可以运行各种应用程序;作为路由器要具有存储转发的功能。

    As a host , it can run a variety of applications ; as a router , it must forward packets .

  29. 网络编码技术与传统的存储转发路由不同,允许中间节点对数据进行编码操作。

    Network coding has changed traditional routing with only store-and-forward , and it allows relay nodes to code the data they have received .

  30. 正因为此,大部分交换机提供了在到达一定错误门限时切换回存储转发模式的操作。

    Because of this problem , most switches provide the option to switch the mode back to store-and-forward if an error threshold is met .