
  • 网络Storage unit;cell;store unit;bit B KB MB GB TB;SKU;Flash Memory Cell
  1. 8.Theharddrivehasalmost40megabytes!硬盘有将近40MB呢。megabyte是百万字节,是电脑的存储单位,通常以缩写MB来表示。也就是我们说的兆字节。

    The hard drive has almost 40 megabytes !

  2. NeilHudson将这个最基础的数据单元称为“FlexibleEntityModel,它对结构没有要求,你可以直接更新成对的name/value(这也就是最小的存储单位)”。

    Neil Hudson describes this fundamental data unit as " a Flexible Entity Model , where no schema required and you can update name / value pairs ( which is the smallest unit of storage )" .

  3. 在某些操作系统中,可分配的最小物理存储单位。

    In some operating systems , a minimal allocatable physical unit of storage .

  4. 英语复合词在英汉心理词典中存储单位的实验研究

    An experimental study on the storage unit of English compounds in English-Chinese bilingual mental lexicon

  5. 存储单位类型标识,用于物料在存储或传输过程中是使用托盘还是其它容器。

    The classification of your storage units allows you to use the stock placement strategies in an optimal way .

  6. 不同的存储单位类型(托盘类型)是不能放在同一个货架的。

    A mixture of different storage unit types ( pallet types ) within one shelf section is not allowed .

  7. 如果你要实现存储单位管理,维护参数在“存储类型控制”章节有介绍。

    If you are implementing storage unit management , maintain the parameters that are described in the chapter " Storage type control " .

  8. 首先总结了本研究的发现,在此基础上构建了研究英语单词存储单位的研究模式。

    Based on the findings , we establish the model for studying the storage units of English words in English-Chinese bilingual mental lexicon .

  9. 在活细胞中,藻蓝蛋白既可以作为蛋白存储单位,也可以作为抗氧化剂,使细胞在一定限度内免受光损伤。

    In the living algae cell , phycocyanin can serve as a protein storage unit and as an antioxidant , protecting the cell from certain wavelengths light damage .

  10. 在第四章中,我们利用第二个词汇名词实验,研究了影响英语单词在英汉双语心理词典中存储单位的内部因素,分为三个部分。

    The following chapter is devoted to the internal factors influencing the English word storage in English-Chinese bilingual mental lexicon with the help of the second lexical naming experiment .

  11. 将程序计数器归入存储单位的内存分块并行计算机,能够实现多个存储单位和多个执行单位的动态连接,依靠同步时钟,让多个程序一起执行。

    The program counter should belong to the storage device . The parallel computer of memory blocking can allow multiple memory units and performance units dynamically linking , therefore many programs can run together depend on synchronous clock .

  12. 存储容量单位表示方法的探讨

    Study on Representation for Units of Storage Capacity

  13. 衡量计算机存储的单位。

    A unit for measuring computer memory .

  14. 它是按照国家政策规定,通过“个人存储、单位资助”的办法建立的一笔属于个人的住房消费资金,专项用于个人支付住房方面的费用。

    It is in accordance with state policy , building personal housing consumption funds through personal storage and enterprise help , specially used for individual house paying costs .

  15. 存储函数(单位:英尺)是用来衡量仓库中储存货品所需要的工作量。

    Storage Function ( unit : ft ) Is designed to measure the workload required to store the inventory in the warehouse .

  16. 域是数据存储的基本单位,每个域一般含有由数据库描述的属于实体的一个方面或一个特性的信息。

    Fields are the basic units of data storage , and each field typically contains information pertaining to one aspect or attribute of the entity described by the database .

  17. 对象作为对象存储系统的基本单位,它的管理将是系统管理的关键。

    At the same time , object is the base unit of the object storage system , it is key element for system management .

  18. 新的方案把媒体文件按媒体包分成若干存储单元,以存储单元为单位做数据校验。

    In the new scheme , the media file is divided into a number of storage unit . The storage unit is the smallest unit of data check .

  19. 海量存储系统(MSS)中,在分级驱动器上进行分配的存储空间单位。

    Carry ( storage ) register In MSS , the unit of space that is allocated on a staging drive .