
  • 网络Community;gaming community
  1. 游戏社区化是未来移动终端游戏的发展趋势。

    Community is the development trend of mobile terminal game in the future .

  2. 作为解答,它回答了很多游戏社区的要求,但是也带来了一些意料外的障碍。

    As an intermediate solution , this answered some of the community 's requests , but also introduced a few unintended obstacles .

  3. Youtube视频分享网、Dailymotion网站以及(面向儿童的)“企鹅俱乐部”角色扮演游戏社区也榜上有名,孩子们在“企鹅俱乐部”中都扮成小企鹅,它们“摇摇晃晃地走来走去,一起玩耍”。

    Video-sharing websites YouTube and Dailymotion are on the list , along with the Club Penguin online role playing game where children pretending to be the flightless birds " waddle about and play " together .

  4. 尽管她聪明,任劳任怨,且工作起来富有成效,她的梦想总是被她不美丽游戏社区的外貌蒙上阴影。

    Despite being smart , hard-working , and productive , her dream has always been shadowed by the fact that she isn ´ t the best looking young woman .

  5. 莱恩·怀特(又名真先锋)说,游戏社区是一个“看不见你就会忘记你”的行业。

    Ryan Wright , aka " True Vanguard , " said the gaming community is a very " out of sight , out of mind " kind of industry .

  6. 比如:在网络游戏社区中,用户资源会形成种族、帮派、同盟、师徒、朋友等各种关系,关系之间又存在着相容、互斥、传递等各种属性约束,这些关系是游戏活动的基础。

    For example : in the online game community , users will form a race , alliances , mentor , friend and other relationships , they are the basis of game activity .

  7. 本系统依托于《学院派》3D虚拟社区项目,此项目把3D网络游戏和社区相结合。

    The system relies on the " Academic ", a 3D virtual community project , which combine 3D online game with community .

  8. 《星际争霸II:自由之翼》正在庆祝他的1个月纪念日,并且我们会非常高兴的发现这是一个令人吃惊的,大家一起游戏的社区。

    StarCraft II : Wings of Liberty is celebrating its one-month anniversary and we 're extremely excited to witness the amazing community that 's come together around the game .

  9. 另外,公司倾力打造的SNS社区《经典世界》,结合网页游戏与社区养成的双重特性,为玩家带来最新的互动娱乐体验!

    In addition , the SNS community Classical World of this company , combined with dual characteristics of web games and community brings new interactive entertainment experience for players !

  10. 而在手机游戏分享社区TapTap上,它也获得了9.6分。

    It also scored 9.6 on the mobile game sharing community TapTap .

  11. 平衡操和传球游戏对社区老人注意和平衡能力提高的效果观察

    Effects of balance gym and pass-ball game on the improvement of balance and attention abilities of community elders

  12. 做“快速记忆”的游戏复习怎样表达社区场所。

    Play a " Quick Remember " game to review how to express the places .

  13. 这是回馈的一个奇妙的体验,见证翻译成游戏中切实改善社区。

    It was an amazing experience to witness the translation of community feedback into tangible improvements in the game .

  14. 而网络游戏,作为虚拟社区的一个典型代表,在中国取得了飞速的发展,并且成为互联网行业发展的亮点。

    And also bring the formation of the virtual community . As a representative of virtual community , online games get rapid development , and become the " light spot " of the internet industry .

  15. 你们的反馈和参与不仅是我们制作最好的游戏,而且是从事世界游戏社区的关键。

    Your feedback and participation is critical in making this not only the best game it can be , but also the most engaged gaming community in the world .

  16. 本文试图解析人的游戏状态,从而构建出一种人文网络游戏社区。

    This paper attempts to resolve one of the game state , so as to establish a humanistic online game community .

  17. 亚马逊首席执行官杰夫•贝佐斯(JeffBezos)表示,Twitch网站及其5500万用户已经把游戏实况转播及观赏变成一种“全球现象”,这种现象将帮助亚马逊“为游戏社区提供新的服务”。

    Jeff Bezos , Amazon 's chief executive , said that Twitch and its 55m users had made broadcasting and watching gameplay into a " global phenomenon " that would help Amazon " build new services for the gaming community . "

  18. 该游戏不仅在日本游戏预约前十名中高居第一,而且还在包括LOBI等许多日本游戏玩家社区中排名前三。

    It not only ranks No. 1 on top 10 on the pre-registration list in Japan , but also ranks among the top 3 in many Japanese player communities including LOBI .