
  • 网络Remote Connect;Telnet;Remote Connections;remote link
  1. 设置允许远程连接的用户ID和密码。

    Set a user ID and password in order to allow remote connections .

  2. 对于通过SSH等远程连接的用户,则报告连接时使用的登录ID。

    With user remote connections , like SSH , the login-id used on the connection is reported .

  3. 输入accessremote&允许远程连接。

    Enter access remote & Allows remote connection .

  4. SqlServer2005远程连接问题的解决

    The Resolution to Remote Connection Problems about SQL Server 2005

  5. 建议在所有服务器上启用TerminalServices远程连接(以便将来它们的远程管理更轻松)。

    Recommend enabling Terminal Services remote connection on all the servers ( for ease of remote administration of them in the future )

  6. 有些远程连接工具,比如WindowsRemoteDesktopConnection,允许关闭但不停止远程连接。

    Some remote connection tools like Windows Remote Desktop Connection allow the remote connection to be closed but not stopped .

  7. 推动SSL产品系列化,打造高效安全远程连接

    Drive SSL Products Serialization , Construct Secure Remote Connection Effectively

  8. Connect是基于Netware服务器的远程连接技术。

    Connect technology is a remote linking solution based on Netware Servers .

  9. 客户机应用程序可以通过TCP/IP远程连接到微代理或在同一个Java运行时中连接到微代理。

    Client applications can connect to the micro broker either remotely through TCP / IP or from within the same Java runtime .

  10. 如果使用远程连接工具在服务器上安装LifecycleManager,了解这一点很重要。

    It is important to know this if Lifecycle Manager is being installed on a server using a remote connection tool .

  11. 安装估算程序(estimator)之后,可以提供所需的连接信息,远程连接任何IDS实例。

    After installing the estimator , you can connect to any IDS instance remotely by providing the necessary connection information .

  12. 从客户端角度来看,NFS文件系统使用远程连接的磁盘。

    From a client perspective , NFS file systems use disks that are remotely attached .

  13. 另外需要一个IBMDB2Connect许可,以便远程连接到位于主机系统(包括z/OS)上的DB2数据库。

    Also , an additional IBM DB2 Connect license is required to remotely connect to DB2 databases located on host systems including z / OS .

  14. 详细描述了如何配置RAS服务器和客户端的计算机;怎样在程序中建立远程连接和进行数据传输;

    It describes how to configure the computers which are used for the RAS server and clients and how to construct the RAS connection and transmit data ;

  15. 要设置JMX代理以接受远程连接,需要向JVM传递另外几个与JMX相关的标志。

    To set up your JMX agent to accept remote connections , you need to pass a few more JMX-related flags to the JVM .

  16. 此步骤中的困难源自于相关数据源的大小通常在TB或PB的范围内使得通过远程连接检索数据变得不切实际。

    The difficulty in this step arises from the size of the data source in question often in the tera-or petrabyte range which makes it impractical to retrieve the data over a remote connection .

  17. Geronimo团队已经认真实现了健全的标准,推广用简单的JNDI查询方法获得与无状态会话bean的远程连接。

    The Geronimo team has been careful to implement the established standards , so the simple JNDI lookup method of obtaining a remote connection to a stateless session bean works as advertised .

  18. 无线订货基于WIFI无线通讯技术,使用移动智能终端扫描商品条形码,并远程连接总部服务器进行订货操作的系统。

    System based on the WIFI wireless communications technology , wireless ordering the use of mobile intelligent terminal scan product bar codes , and remote connection the headquarters server ordering operation .

  19. DIIOP任务将促进远程连接访问数据库、视图和文档等内容。

    The DIIOP task facilitates the remote connections accessing databases , views , documents , and more .

  20. 事实是SAP不辞辛苦把HANA系统从实验室弄到展示厅,而不是远程连接过去,这让我知道HANA没法给使用者实时体验。

    The very fact that SAP hauled HANA systems all the way from their labs to the show floor , and not just connected to them remotely tells me that HANA will not give a real time feeling to users .

  21. 以空间信息网格项目(SIG)为例,在比较了传统数据库远程连接方式的基础上,讨论了利用开放网格服务架构(OGSA)对数据库进行网格化的封装、构造网格环境下的数据库访问接口;

    This paper presented an encapsulation method for the database access in SIG ( Spatial Information Grid ) research project . Based on the framework of Open Grid Service Architecture ( OGSA ), the design was different from the traditional database access mechanism .

  22. “允许用户使用终端服务远程连接”

    " Allow users to connect remotely using Terminal Services "

  23. 允许远程连接:在控制面板中,点击“系统”。

    Allow remote connections : in the control panel , click System .

  24. 您将如何建立您的第一个远程连接?

    How will you make your first remote connection ?

  25. 还有一项基本要求是你的主机应该远程连接。

    It is also'essential'that your host allows remote connections .

  26. 它能通过任何远程连接实现事先报告和观众管理的功能。

    It also enables advance reporting and visitor management over any remote connection .

  27. 远程连接源自终端用户设备吗?

    Do remote connections originate from end user devices ?

  28. 选择此选项可启用远程连接。

    Select this option to enable remote connections .

  29. 要停用这台计算机的远程连接,请清除下面的复选框。

    To disable remote connections to this computer , clear the check box below .

  30. 也可以通过远程连接到自己家用电脑存取自己所需的数据。

    You can also remotely connect to your home computer to access the data they need .