
  • 网络Remote Desktop;rdp;VNC;MSTSC
  1. 您确信要删除远程桌面web连接软件包吗?

    Are you sure that you want to remove the remote desktop web connection package ?

  2. 注意,一些系统,特别是Ubuntu,将其称作远程桌面(RemoteDesktop)。

    Note that some systems , notably Ubuntu , call this Remote Desktop .

  3. 做出改善,提升了针对WindowsAzure角色的远程桌面的稳定性和健壮性。

    Enhancements to improve the stability and robustness of Remote Desktop to Windows Azure Roles .

  4. 这个网站给你机会尝试很多重要的功能,如网络,媒体库,Aero桌面,任务栏,电源管理等功能,还可以测试WindowsXP模式,远程桌面,位置感知打印,演示设置等其他功能。

    You can also test other features like Windows XP Mode , Remote Desktop , Location aware Printing , Presentation settings etc.

  5. 通过一个连接到远程桌面的超链接或仅在浏览器的地址栏输入URL即可进行远程访问,这对于“平民”用户来说非常方便。

    " Civilian " users are comfortable selecting a hyperlink to such a desktop display , or entering the URL in their browsers'address field .

  6. X也是商业用户肯拥抱免费的GNU/Linux的主因,它等同于其他操作系统上的远程桌面协议的复杂度和代价的层次性。

    X is something business can embrace in GNU / Linux that costs nothing and is equivalent to many layers of complexity and cost with RDP on that other OS .

  7. 您希望使用比专有解决方案更方便并且具有比ssh更具安全性的方式来访问远程桌面吗?

    Want to view a desktop remotely , with more convenience than proprietary solutions and security advantages over ssh tunnelling ?

  8. 为了满足这些需要,微软设计开发了远程桌面协议(简称RDP)。

    To satisfy these needs , Microsoft defined Remote Desktop Protocol ( RDP ) .

  9. 微软公司开发的远程桌面协议RDP(RemoteDesktopProtocol)就是基于NC环境应用而推出的尚未开放的商业保密通信协议。

    Furthermore , the RDP ( Remote Desktop Protocol ) explored by the Microsoft corporation is introduced , which is based on NC environment , but unopened source as a business secret .

  10. 随着Internet与软件业的迅猛发展,软件使用维护上的复杂度和一些特殊领域(如网吧和政府机关等)对于远程桌面监控的迫切要求,都在刺激和推动着远程控制系统的研究与开发。

    As the rapid development of Internet and software industry , the research and development of remote control system is motivated by various requirements , such as , the complexity of the operation and maintainance of software , the need of remote desktop monitoring in specific areas , etc.

  11. 另外,在性能相同的情况下,增加ECC密钥长度,可以提高安全性。2、利用ECC扩展后的SSL协议对RDP远程桌面协议的安全性进行改进。

    Under the same performance , increasing the ECC key length can improve security . ( 2 ) Using SSL protocol extended by ECC to improve the security of Remote Desktop Protocol .

  12. 对于远程桌面来说,您可以使用标准的VNC,不过VNC的灵活性意味着它很容易通过VNC层的调整来对远程系统进行增强。

    For remote desktops , you can use standard VNC , but VNC 's flexibility means that it 's easy to enhance the remoting system through adjustments at the VNC level .

  13. 对您来说,更传统的ssh隧道或Hamachi以及商业解决方案可能是通向远程桌面的更简单起点。

    More conventional ssh tunnels , or Hamachi , or a commercial solution , would probably make an easier entry point to the world of remote desktops for you .

  14. AT&T剑桥实验室开发的虚拟网络计算软件VNC是一个强大的远程桌面共享工具,能够让多个用户通过复杂的互联网环境实时观看到远端的服务器桌面并进行操作。

    It is an effective supplement of other interaction ways such as video / audio and instant message . VNC ( Virtual Network Computing ) is a powerful remote desktop share tool developed by AT & T Cambridge Lab.

  15. 而且因为我们描述的是自动化测试执行系统,而不是手动系统,所以参与者仅需建立与正运行的实例的直接远程桌面协议(RDP)会话。

    ( And since we 're describing an automated test execution system instead of a manual one , participants rarely need to establish a direct remote desktop protocol ( RDP ) session with running instances . )

  16. 简化远程桌面连接(无须上传证书)

    Streamlined Remote Desktop connectivity ( no need to upload a certificate )

  17. 本地机器上没有远程桌面或没有正确安装远程桌面

    Remote Desktop does not exist or not properly installed on local machine

  18. 用远程桌面在局域网中分享一台电脑上网

    Using Remote Desktop to Share A Computer Accessing the Network in LAN

  19. 远程桌面帮助会话管理器服务继续。

    Remote Desktop Help Session Manager service was continued .

  20. 替代用户配置文件和远程桌面连接或终端服务客户端的设置

    Override settings from user profile and Remote Desktop Connection or Terminal Services client

  21. 您要退出远程桌面会话吗?

    Do you to exit the remote desktop session ?

  22. 注意,启用快速用户切换将自动关闭远程桌面。

    Note that turning on Fast User Switching automatically turns off Remote Desktop .

  23. 采用这个密码套件的远程桌面协议握手过程能够避免中间人攻击。

    The handshake of RDP that adopts this ciphersuite can avoid man-in-middle attacks .

  24. 只需要花几分钟的功夫,您就可以建立自己的远程桌面。

    With a few minutes'effort , you can set up your own remote desktops .

  25. 请启用这台计算机上的远程桌面共享

    Enable Remote Desktop Sharing on this computer

  26. 利用远程桌面实现家庭办公

    Work at Home with Remote Desktop Technology

  27. 键入远程桌面共享的密码。

    Enter password for remote desktop sharing .

  28. 远程桌面连接许可管理。

    Remote desktop connection permission management .

  29. 由于这方面的需求,许多远程桌面的解决方案已经出现在市场上。

    Because of this demand , many remote desktop solutions have emerged in the market today .

  30. 否,我不希望我的计算机配置成可以响应远程桌面共享呼叫

    No , I do not want my computer to be able to answer Remote Desktop Sharing calls