
yuǎn dà
  • ambitious;broad;long-range
远大 [yuǎn dà]
  • [long-range;broad;ambitious] 指一个人的志向、见解、前程等高远而伟大

  • 远大的计划

远大[yuǎn dà]
  1. ABC公司在认识到包装产业的远大前景情况下,提出了进军包装印刷项目的战略意向。

    ABC Company has put forward the strategic purpose of the packages printing project when it realizes the long-range prospect of the industry .

  2. ◎出家人要有高尚的节操、远大的志向和永不退转的菩提愿。

    Monastics are supposed to bear noble moral integrity , long-range ambition and rekindled Bodhi mind .

  3. 她很聪明,但却缺乏远大志向。

    She was intelligent but suffered from a lack of ambition .

  4. 这个党必须采取更广泛的策略和更远大的视野。

    The party must adopt more inclusive strategies and a broader vision .

  5. 她前程远大。

    She has a great future ahead of her .

  6. 他们打着实现远大理想的幌子为他们的每件恶行开脱。

    They justify every villainy in the name of high ideals .

  7. 她总是鼓励儿子要树立远大抱负。

    She had always nurtured great ambitions for her son .

  8. 他是为数不多的几个志向远大而且有管理经验的人之一。

    He is among the few aspirants with administrative experience .

  9. 这个年轻人怀有极其远大的抱负。

    The young boy was burning with a fierce ambition

  10. 英国一直缺乏远大理想。

    Britain has suffered from a poverty of ambition .

  11. 这张大碟收录了“远大前程”全天秀的现场录音。

    The LP features live recordings from the ' Great Xpectations ' all-day show .

  12. 他是一个精力非凡、志向远大、政治上很有见识的人。

    He is a man of extraordinary vitality , driving ambition and political nous .

  13. 也许我们的抱负还不够远大。

    Maybe we 're not thinking big enough .

  14. 她是个受过良好教育、思维敏捷、抱负远大的女孩子。

    She was a very well educated girl with a lively mind , a girl with ambition .

  15. 他的“远大设想”就是将基督教和“全世界所有宗教的智慧”融为一体。

    His ' cosmic vision ' is to blend Christianity with ' the wisdom of all world religions ' .

  16. 远大的志向鞭策着他。

    The great ambition is spurring him on .

  17. 你的孩子又聪明又用功,一定前程远大。

    Your son is smart and diligent ; he definitely has a bright future before him .

  18. 中年人,巴特继续写道,可以遥望远处的死亡,但是他们趁还有大好时光,以“慎重而缓慢的节奏”去完成那些远大而新生的事业。

    The middle-aged person , Barth continued , can see death in the distance , but moves with a " measured haste " to get big new things done while there is still time .

  19. 考虑到政府的标准还不够远大,实际情况变得很明确:不在家做饭,我们无法吃到对的东西,因而很难夸大后果。

    Considering that the government 's standards are not nearly ambitious enough , the picture is clear : by not cooking at home , we 're not eating the right things , and the consequences are hard to overstate .

  20. 梦想远大,攀登高峰!

    Dream big and climb high !

  21. 去年,香港推出了“优秀人才入境计划”(qualitymigrantadmissionscheme),利用积分制来吸引志向远大的专业人士移居香港。

    Last year Hong Kong introduced a " quality migrants scheme " , using a points system to attract high-flying professionals .

  22. 亚马逊最初于2013年披露了PrimeAir系统以及用无人机送快递的远大目标,这是该公司采取广泛措施来进一步提高快递速度的举措之一。

    Amazon initially unveiled Prime Air and its drone delivery ambitions in 2013 as part of a broader effort to further speed up deliveries .

  23. 谷歌(Google)和Facebook等硅谷公司赢得了志向远大的毕业生的心。

    In their place , Silicon Valley companies such as Google and Facebook capture the hearts of ambitious graduates .

  24. 本文结合STP理论对远大制药公司的MS产品进行了目标市场细分、目标市场选择以及目标市场定位。

    The thesis has applied the STP theory into target market segmenting , market targeting and market positioning .

  25. 也许你有一个远大目标要追求,但一路走来,从A到B的路程不是连续的。

    Maybe , he said , you have a big goal out there and pursue it , but along the way , that line from A to B is not a continuum .

  26. 因此,CDO等结构性产品就成了看似前途远大的多元化方向。

    So structured products such as CDOs looked a promising diversification .

  27. 由于即将上市,Facebook目标远大,钱袋鼓鼓,因此它的收购之旅可能不会就此罢手。

    With lofty goals and gobs of cash in the wings thanks to its impending initial public offering , Facebook may not be done shopping .

  28. 在Facebook公司里,我们的墙上贴着提醒我们要有远大目标的海报&挑战自我每一天都要做得更多。

    At Facebook , we have posters on our walls to remind us to think big & to challenge ourselves to do more each and every day .

  29. 我们最终将变成每个乐队的第五位成员,UniversalRepublicRecords总裁蒙特•李普曼(MonteLipman)这样描述他公司的远大抱负。

    We ultimately will become the fifth member of each band , is how Monte Lipman , president of Universal Republic Records , describes his label 's ambition .

  30. 然而,另一种解释让人联想到谷歌更为远大的雄心:这是向微软核心的桌面软件业务发起进攻的最新组成部分,这场进攻最终会威胁到Windows系统的垄断地位。

    The other interpretation , however , suggested something far more ambitious : that this was the latest element in an attack on Microsoft 's core desktop software business that could eventually pose a threat to the Windows monopoly itself .