
páng dà
  • huge;enormous;big;massive;colossal
庞大 [páng dà]
  • (1) [enormous]∶表示形体、组织、数量或程度大大超过惯常的范围或标准

  • 庞大的企业

  • (2) [huge]∶很大规模

  • 庞大的机构

  • (3) [colossal;big]∶人多规模大

  • 庞大的管理机构

庞大[páng dà]
  1. 警方无意中发现一个庞大的贩毒集团。

    Police have stumbled across a huge drugs ring .

  2. 你靠从那些不卖房就得挨饿的可怜人手里买下房子后建立起了庞大的房产帝国。

    You have built up a huge property empire by buying from wretched people who had to sell or starve .

  3. 她挪动庞大的躯体,费力地从椅子里站起来。

    She heaved her bulk out of the chair .

  4. 他的企业规模庞大。

    His business empire was vast .

  5. 庞大的海鸟群是最壮观的景象之一。

    Among the most spectacular sights are the great sea-bird colonies .

  6. 她觉得自己成了一个庞大的商业帝国中的一分子。

    She felt herself to be part of a large business empire

  7. 尽管他身形庞大,移动起来还是很灵巧。

    Despite his bulk he moved lightly on his feet .

  8. 非常庞大的裁员开支已被列入预算。

    The really heavy redundancy costs have been accounted for .

  9. 他承诺着手解决国家庞大的财政赤字问题。

    He promised to get to work on the state 's massive deficit

  10. 他的公司必须与俄罗斯庞大的官僚机构周旋。

    His firm must contend with the unwieldy Russian bureaucracy .

  11. 政府继续向庞大的筑路项目中投入数十亿英镑。

    The Government continues to pour billions of pounds into its massive road-building programme

  12. 那些化学品公司已经合并成一个庞大的企业集团。

    The chemical companies had amalgamated into a vast conglomerate

  13. 他把自己骇人的庞大身躯向桌子挪近了些。

    He moved his menacing bulk closer to the table

  14. 涉及数目确实非常庞大。

    The figures involved are truly very large .

  15. 爱尔兰共和军有庞大的军备。

    The IRA had extensive supplies of arms .

  16. 这些船虽然体积庞大,但能够承载的船员却很少,通常为20人左右。

    Despite their size , these vessels carry small crews , usually of around twenty men

  17. 卡车从空地上开出来,庞大的车身小心翼翼地避让着草坪。

    The truck pulled out of the lot , its bulk unnerving against the dawn .

  18. 过于庞大的重整军备开支会给国家的生产力带来难以承受的负担。

    Too much spending on rearmament would place an insupportable burden on the nation 's productive capacity

  19. 他们不得不将这些体形庞大、身披绒毛的白色动物剥皮,然后切碎了做食物。

    They had to flay the great , white , fleecy animals and cut them up for food

  20. 它应该是被沿排水沟冲入城市庞大的排水系统。

    It is supposed to be washed down the gutter and into the city 's vast sewerage system .

  21. 在一所规模庞大且资金充足的学校,可能会有更多机会参与实验室的研究工作。

    In a large , well-endowed school , the opportunities for laboratory work are likely to be greater .

  22. 民主经历了内战和庞大工业体系的逐渐兴起仍然幸存了下来,并且艰难挺进了20世纪。

    Democracy survived the Civil War and the developing industrial leviathan and struggled on into the twentieth century .

  23. 那也许适合美国,但对于庞大的欧洲市场却并不可行。

    That may be fine for the US , but it 's not feasible for a mass European market .

  24. 在一个庞大的组织中,良好的沟通至关重要。

    Good communication is vital in a huge organization .

  25. 下一步是开发庞大的消费品市场。

    The next step is to tap the large market for consumer goods .

  26. 去年以来,中国向美国派去两个庞大的采购团。

    China has sent two large purchasing groups to the U.S. since last year .

  27. 那座城市里的高层建筑很庞大。

    Some of the tall buildings in that city are colossal .

  28. 很久以前地球上生活着庞大的动物。

    Long ago enormous animals lived on the earth .

  29. 鲸是庞大的动物。

    A whale is a huge animal .

  30. 大象蹲下了它那庞大的身躯。

    The elephant lowered its great bulk .