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  1. 庞斯莱得明白耶稣为他的罪而死。

    Poncelet has to understand that Jesus died for his sins .

  2. 你怎么可以替庞斯莱担忧。

    How can you spend all your time worrying about poncelet .

  3. 今天马修庞斯莱在这是因为他穷。

    Matthew poncelet 's here today because he 's poor .

  4. 马修庞斯莱,你是神的孩子。

    You are a son of god , Matthew poncelet .

  5. 我恨不得抢他的枪,轰掉庞斯莱。

    I could have grabbed his gun and shot Poncelet right then and there .