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  • 网络Pang Tong;houtou
  1. 庞统的经历告诉我们:长得太丑,可能会影响你的应聘效果。

    Pang Tong experience tells us : so ugly , may affect your application effect .

  2. 点将台位于庞统祠墓西,是&座自然形成的石叠平台。

    Dianjiangtai , located in the western part of Pangtong Mausoleum , is a natural stone platform .

  3. 但庞统的身亡使得刘备调诸葛亮入川,改命关羽负责荆州防务。李同志不在的时候,是由他负责的。

    But the Pang Tong accidental death causes Liu Bei to dispatch Zhuge Liang to enter Sichuan , lets Guan Yu be responsible for the Jing Zhou defense . In the absence of Comrade Li , the duty fell to him .