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xià jià
  • marry down
  • a noble lady marries a humble man
下嫁 [xià jià]
  • [a noble lady marries a humble man] 旧时地位高的女子嫁给地位低的男子

  1. 他们认为她下嫁了。

    They thought she had married beneath her .

  2. 其中就有声名显赫的埃及艳后克利奥帕特拉七世下嫁托勒密十三世(PtolemyXIII),共享床笫之欢。

    One notable Queen Pharaoh ( Pharaess ? ) was the famous Cleopatra VII , who married her young brother Ptolemy XIII .

  3. 我还需要仔细考虑一下嫁入他家这事

    I need to give marrying into his family some more thought ...

  4. 不过,“下嫁”也有下嫁的好处。

    But " marrying down " has its benefits .

  5. 她向他通红的耳朵轻语,我为何要下嫁于你

    In his red ear then she whispered ," Why 'd I wed you ?"

  6. 现在就得同她分庭抗礼我还得下嫁其子

    Now she must share power with the mother and I must marry the son .

  7. 自从美国政府牵红线让贝尔斯登下嫁摩根大通之后,华尔街对金融股的态度变得摇摆不定。

    Wall Street remains skittish about financial stocks since a run on Bear Stearns caused the U.

  8. 作为一名婚姻治疗师,有关下嫁的说法让我觉得难以置信地过时。

    As a couples therapist , the notion of marrying down strikes me as impossibly antiquated .

  9. 有迹象表明,我母亲认为她是屈尊下嫁了,虽然她庆幸就这样嫁了。

    There were hints that she thought she had condescended , however thankful to have done so .

  10. 此处的“下嫁”是指女性与收入或受教育程度不如自己的男性结婚。

    Marrying down refers to a woman who marries a man who makes less money or is less educated .

  11. 许多黑人女性的反应是“下嫁,而不是外嫁”,正如班克斯教授提到的。

    Many black women respond by " marrying down , but not out ," as Mr Banks puts it .

  12. 这些女性害怕听到来自朋友或家人关切的窃窃私语,那些亲朋好友坚信她们是在下嫁。

    They dreaded the concerned whispers from friends or family who persisted in believing that they were ' marrying down . '

  13. 在冠军杯小组赛被里昂和佛罗伦萨挤到第三名之后,利物浦只能下嫁与欧洲二级联赛赛事。

    The Reds were demoted into Europe 's second-tier competition after finishing third in their UEFA Champions League group behind Lyon and Fiorentina .

  14. 他的操守不允许他去垂涎一个姑娘,要是他认为有一个适合她下嫁的男人在场的话。

    His principles forbade him to pay attention to a girl if he thought any man was present whom it might suit her to marry .

  15. 这篇文章认为“下嫁”也许是个不错的选择,因为在今天,雄心勃勃的女性更需要一个善于“合作”的伴侣,而非传统意义上“养家糊口”的丈夫。

    The article discusses the upsides of " marrying down , " saying today 's ambitious women need partners who are collaborators rather than traditional breadwinners .

  16. “那你就只图有个男人来照料塔拉,竟不考虑等级而让她下嫁吗?”

    " So much that you do n 't mind your sister marrying out of her class as long as you have a man around to care for tara ?"

  17. 其中,以较高阶层的女性嫁给较低阶层的男性为表现形式的下嫁婚,因其社会意义明显而更为常见。

    Hypogamy , in which a woman of higher status is given to a man of lower status in marriage , is more frequent due to its obvious social significance .

  18. 从夏商至秦汉时期,坡形墓道的使用存在着一个不断“下嫁”的过程。

    During the period of Xia and Shang Dynasties , Qin and Han Dynasties , the use of this tomb passage had gradually changed from the nobility to the commons .

  19. 但是,罗兹也说道,在现实生活里,如果一个成功的女性选择“下嫁”,那么她将很难得到祝福,相反,更多的人会告诉她:你应该找一个更好的人,才配得上你。

    But in real life , says Rhodes , when a successful woman " marries down , " rather than receiving blessings she will be told that she should have found someone more her equal .

  20. 成功女性需要下嫁,选择能力不如她们的伴侣。女性在选择伴侣时,选择的标准也会逐渐发生改变:伴侣对其事业的支持程度将超过传统意义上的经济支援程度。

    Successful women will have to marry down by choosing partners less qualified than them and may increasingly select men based on how supportive they might be to their careers , rather than whether they can support them financially .

  21. 凯-海默维茨(著名作家)发现,今年57%的大学毕业生为女性。这个结果让她不禁疑惑:这些受过高等教育的女性到了适婚年龄的时候,到底会不会下嫁呢?

    Kay Hymowitz notes that this year , 57 % of all college grads will be women , which leads her to ponder . Heres a question : when the time comes , will these women be willing to marry down ?

  22. 成功女性将不得不选择不如自己的男性“下嫁”,而且将可能越来越多地根据男性是否能支持自己发展事业,而不是根据男性能否提供经济后盾来选择伴侣。

    Successful women will have to ' marry down " by choosing partners less qualified than them - and may increasingly select men based on how supportive they might be to their careers , rather than whether they can support them financially .

  23. 坡形墓道或称斜坡墓道,是今天考古学中常见的术语。从夏商至秦汉时期,坡形墓道的使用存在着一个不断下嫁的过程。

    The domatic or sloping tomb passage is an ordinary term often used in archaeology . During the period of Xia and Shang Dynasties , Qin and Han Dynasties , the use of this tomb passage had gradually changed from the nobility to the commons .