
  1. 很快总督就睡着了,流下提利昂独自沉思。

    Soon enough the magister was fast asleep , leaving Tyrion to brood alone .

  2. 她希望女儿多念点书,然而,玛丽亚10岁就嫁人,6个月后生下艾昂。芮芙卡抱着两岁的外孙艾昂说:“我很高兴当外婆,但对女儿的期望不止如此。”

    The young mum later tried to persuade Maria to stay at school . But Maria left to wed when she was ten - and had her baby six months later 。 Rifca cuddled grandson Ion , now two , and said : " I am happy to be a grandmother but wished more for Maria . "