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  1. 所以呢皇帝就派他七次下西洋。

    The emperor sent him to the Indian Ocean seven times .

  2. 郑和第六次下西洋发现美洲了吗?

    Did zheng he find the Americas in his sixth voyage ?

  3. 对郑和下西洋和平外交政策的探究

    To Zheng He under Western world peaceful foreign policy inquiring into

  4. 我们整个晚上都在下西洋棋,吃梨子和花生。

    We played checkers and ate pear and peanuts all night .

  5. 500年前葡萄牙史书对郑和下西洋的记载

    The Studies about Zheng He in the West 500 Years Ago

  6. 下西洋与渡美洲的航海术比较

    Comparison between Nautical Techniques of Sailing to Western Ocean and to America

  7. 对明清政府海外贸易政策的反思&纪念郑和下西洋600周年

    Reflections on the Overseas Trade Policy of the Government of Ming-Qing Dynasty

  8. 恒定环境条件下西洋参叶片光合作用的日变化

    Diurnal Changes of Photosynthesis of Panax quinquefolium Leaves under Invariable Environmental Conditions

  9. 下西洋的成功实践铸造成郑和精神。郑和精神的精髓是和谐与和平。

    The essence of Zheng He 's spirit lies in harmony and peace .

  10. 男人们下西洋跳棋,听唱片。

    The men played checkers and listened to records .

  11. 纪念郑和下西洋600周年系列(一)郑和&世界历史上最伟大的航海家

    ZhengHe , the greatest Navigator in the World History

  12. 郑和下西洋与中国东南亚的友好交往

    Zheng He 's Expeditions and the Friendly Intercourse Between China and Southeast Asia

  13. 郑和下西洋与琉球海上贸易

    Zheng He 's Sailing to West Ocean and the Ryukyu 's maritime trade

  14. 不拍戏时,那位电影明星喜欢下西洋棋。

    Off-camera the movie star liked to play chess .

  15. 郑和七下西洋,共历时29年。

    The Zheng He seven Western world , altogether lasts for 29 years .

  16. 他们喜欢在教室下西洋棋。

    They like to play chess in the classroom .

  17. 大家都知道郑和下西洋的故事。

    Many of you know about Zheng He 's voyages to the Western Seas .

  18. 他是下西洋棋的好手。

    He 's a dab at chess .

  19. 郑和下西洋与太仓元明沉船之研究

    Research on Zheng He 's Voyage and Taicang 's Sunken Ship in Yuan and Ming Dynasties

  20. 1405年的今天,中国明代著名航海家郑和首次下西洋。

    1405-Chinese fleet commander Zheng He set sail to explore the world for the first time .

  21. 郑和下西洋六百多年,留下了历史的追思与遗憾,文章论述了郑和航海精神与历史遗产;

    Both regret and inspiration has been left by Zheng He 's navigation six hundred years ago .

  22. 丹尼尔:我们学了郑和下西洋的故事。

    Daniel : We 've learnt the story of Zheng He " Sailing to West Ocean " .

  23. 一批跟随郑和下西洋的回族穆斯林,分别从各自不同的角度为这一永载史册的壮举立下了丰功伟绩。

    Some Hui Muslims followed Zheng He and made tremendous contributions to this magnificent feat in various aspects .

  24. 赛哈智修建的三座清真寺成为郑和下西洋船队中广大穆斯林官兵的精神支柱。

    These three mosques built by Sai Hazhi served as spiritual support for the Muslim soldiers in Zheng 's fleet .

  25. 本文对郑和远洋船队七下西洋的医学保障工作进行了初步探讨。

    In this paper the author makes a preliminary discussion on the medical supplies in Zheng He 's seven trips .

  26. 今天下午,我去参加郑和下西洋知识问答,得了二等奖。

    This afternoon , I participate in Zheng and under the Western knowledge question and answer , hushes the second prize .

  27. 郑和七下西洋,没有占别人一寸土地。

    And Zheng He did not take a single inch of foreign land on his seven voyages to the Western seas .

  28. 本文以具体史实考析了陈良绍是明永乐年间随郑和下西洋的苏州医生。

    The thesis examines Chen as a doctor of Suzhou who joined Zheng He 's fleet in the reign of Yongle .

  29. ⑤下西洋远至东非的动机,可能是为了搜求长颈鹿等非洲特产。

    Searching for the African specialties such as giraffes may be the reason why Zheng made his voyage to East Africa .

  30. 中国的海洋意识与海权现状&纪念郑和下西洋600周年

    Chinese Consciousness of Sea and Current Situation of Sea Right & On the 600 Anniversary of Zhen-He Navigating the Western Pacific Ocean