
hóng dà
  • grand;great;vast;immense
宏大 [hóng dà]
  • (1) [grand]∶巨大,宏伟

  • 宏大的志愿

  • (2) [great]∶空间尺寸巨大,规模巨大

  • 规模宏大

宏大[hóng dà]
  1. 仪式场面宏大,却不浮华。

    The service was grand without being pompous .

  2. 这座宫殿很宏大。

    This palace is grand .

  3. 大教堂的宏大规模使人时刻领略到宗教的威严。

    The sheer size of the cathedral is a constant reminder of the power of religion .

  4. 她的计划都过于宏大。

    Her plans were overambitious .

  5. 马赫福兹先生讲述的故事过于宏大,主题有些混乱了。

    The themes get tangled in Mr. Mahfouz 's epic storytelling

  6. 在他的脑海中这一想法变得越来越宏大。

    The glory of the idea blossomed in his mind .

  7. 这个规模宏大的项目只用了9个月就完成了。

    The ambitious project was completed in only nine months

  8. 整个场面很宏大,深深吸引住了我。

    There was a theatrical air about the whole scene which had a great appeal for me

  9. 有些时候,创作如此宏大的一部小说所面临的挑战几乎把她给难倒了。

    There were times when the challenges of writing such a huge novel almost defeated her .

  10. 这个工程规模宏大。

    The project is on a grand scale .

  11. 世界可能再也看不到像2008年北京奥运会如此规模宏大而又独具匠心的开幕式。

    " the world may never witness a ceremony of the magnitude and ingenuity as that which opens the2008 olympics ," it said .

  12. 这本身就是宏大的艺术教育。

    " That 's a big education in art by itself . "

  13. 我觉得我已经被赋予了第二次生命,可以献身于一些有意义而宏大的事情。

    I feel that I 've been given a second life to devote to something that is meaningful and enormous .

  14. 在所有的项目中,受训者要学习领导力的重要性,并且参与到更宏大任务当中去,这时团队合作就很重要了。

    With all the programs , teamwork is key as trainees learn the importance of leadership and being part of a bigger task .

  15. 在我们敦促国会加强耕地保护、推动移民改革、寻求在不同背景下保障多种多样、规模宏大的新一代农场成功建设的政策之际,纽约金融中心需要广泛的支持。

    We at the NYFC need broad support as we urge Congress to increase farmland conservation , as we push for immigration reform , and as we seek policies that will ensure the success of a diverse and ambitious next generation of farms from all backgrounds .

  16. 酒店整体设计新颖,风格别致,功能齐全,无论是主题建筑,还是装饰装修,都构思巧妙,气势宏大。

    Integral designed with novelty , delicate style and comprehensive function , the hotel and considerably grandiosity .

  17. 然而,Web数据具有规模宏大、异构性、自治性、动态变化等特点,这使得Web数据自动化集成成为一项极具挑战性的研究课题。

    However , Web data is large , heterogeneous , autonomous and dynamic , which makes the automation integration of Web data become a challenging research topic .

  18. 新剧院有1200个座位,是投资55亿美元的宏大的上海迪士尼度假区(ShanghaiDisneyResort)里的重要景点。该度假区周四开放(6月16日)。

    The theater is an anchor of the colossal $ 5.5 billion Shanghai Disney Resort , which opened on Thursday .

  19. “西方统治”:这个宏大的标题是上学期我在哈佛(harvard)所授课程的名称。

    " Western ascendancy " : that was the grandiose title of the course I taught at Harvard this past term .

  20. 另外,Asana还有一个更宏大的计划,就是彻底取代电子邮件。

    And the larger plan : to replace email altogether .

  21. 把上市工作和向战略投资者出售少数股权结合在一起,已成为一种惯例,尤其经常出现在规模宏大且难度可能较大的首次公开发行(IPO)上。

    Combining a flotation with the sale of a minority stake to a strategic investor is an established practice . It has been used particularly in large , potentially difficult IPOs .

  22. 在将联想打造为一个全球品牌的宏大计划中,此笔交易只是其中一部分,此外还包括赞助都灵冬运会(turinwinterolympics)和北京奥运会。

    The deal was part of a grand plan to turn Lenovo into a global brand , which also involves the group sponsoring of the Turin Winter Olympics and Beijing Olympics .

  23. 表演内容的主题性、表演语汇的独特性、表演场面的宏大性、表演手可段的科学性、表演结构的整体性、表演功能的多元性等是现代大型体育庆典活动表演SZ的基本特征。

    Theme of the content , originality of form , magnificence of spectacle , science of means integrity of structure , diversity of function are the basic features of modern large-scale gymnastic celebration .

  24. 在规模宏大的国家公园TamanNegara,大量野生生物繁衍生息。这个国家公园位于马来西亚半岛中心附近。

    The wildlife is especially thick in Taman Negara , a huge national park located near the centre of the peninsula .

  25. 阿尔普、古斯塔夫·多雷(GustaveDoré)等当地艺术家都有各自的展厅,多雷的画作《耶稣离开总督府》(ChristLeavingthePraetorium,1867-1872年)宏大磅礴,充满神秘气息。

    Max Ernst and other heavyweights . Local talents like Arp and the illustrator Gustave Dor é get rooms of their own , highlighted by Dor é 's massive , dynamic , mystical " Christ Leaving the Praetorium " ( 1867-72 ) .

  26. 大阪年轻的无党派市长桥下彻(ToruHashimoto)脾气急躁、富有野心,并且有一个宏大的构想:把大阪发展为另一个首都城市,以防东京地区发生严重地震。

    Toru Hashimoto , the young independent mayor of Osaka , is hot-tempered , ambitious and has a big idea : to develop Osaka into a second capital city as insurance against a serious earthquake in the Tokyo region .

  27. 尽管外界流传着宏大的预言,但库克表示,就目前而言,苹果将致力于让车主安装CarPlay系统,该系统可以让iPhone接入汽车系统,作为一个娱乐、信息和通信网关。

    In spite of the expansive predictions , Apple 's chief said that , for now , his company 's focus would be on winning over car owners with its CarPlay system , which provides a way to plug an iPhone into a car 's systems to act as an entertainment , information and communications gateway .

  28. 最后的成果比原计划在Starz播放的剧集规模更加宏大。光是布景建造就雇佣了400人,还不算艺术部门的160人。

    The resulting production is on a scale much larger than the series planned at Starz . The construction crew included 400 people , with an additional 160 in the art department .

  29. 泡菜500的经营人蒂姆·蔡(TimChae)说,美国投资者已经开始把首尔当作某种水晶球,通过它可以看到,硅谷最宏大的梦想——一个无钞、无车、一切应有尽有的社会——已经实现了。

    Tim Chae , who runs 500 Kimchi , said that American investors have begun to think of Seoul as a sort of crystal ball . In it , they can glimpse a future where the most ambitious dreams of Silicon Valley - a cashless , carless , everything-on-demand society - have already been realized .

  30. 威廉,你到了一个多么宏大的图书馆。

    William , what a magnificent librarian you would have been .