
  • 网络express road
  1. 广州环状连续交通快捷路建设特点浅析

    Brief Analysis of Characteristics of Construction of Express Road of Ring Continuous Traffic in Guangzhou City

  2. 作为在道路设计规范中不存在的道路等级,快捷路实质是连续流标准的主干路。

    As a kind of road category not existed in the road design specifications , the express road is essentially a main trunk road with continuous flow standard .

  3. 广州市通过建设快捷路进行有限的投入,使道路获得了较大的通行能力,在使用中获得了良好的效果。

    Guangzhou City makes the limited investment through the construction of express roads so as to obtain larger capacity of the roads and get the good effect in the use .

  4. 通过在建工程实例,总结了一些快捷路的特点和具体设计时针对这些特点应注意的问题。

    Through the example of the project in construction the paper summarizes the characteristics of some express roads and the problems to be paid attention to these characteristics during the actual design .

  5. 实验表明,在腐蚀介质中进行交流电解是铱材金相制作的快捷之路。

    It is shown that the AC electrolytic corrosion process in a corrosive is a easy way to prepare metallographic specimens of iridium material .

  6. 结论2DFASE序列MRU图像细腻、清晰、分辨率高,其成像仅需数秒时间,特别对静脉尿路造影(IVU)检查失败者,提供一种方便快捷的尿路成像技术。

    Conclusion 2D MRU with FASE sequence may successfully provide high quality images within a short time . This technique is especially useful in cases of intravenous urography ( IVU ) failure . MRU provides a new and safe imaging technique for urinary deformity .