
kuài sù dào lù
  • Expressway;through way
  1. 基于NTCIP的快速道路路边通信协议探讨

    Probe into the Communication Protocol of Freeway Roadside Based on NTCIP

  2. 近年来,图形式可变信息标志(VMS)在国内外大都市快速道路交通管理中得到了越来越多的关注,代表了今后VMS技术的一个发展方向。

    In recent years , more and more attention is paid to the graphical variable message signs ( graphical VMS ) in the metropolitan freeway management , which stands for the trend in VMS technology development .

  3. 降低城市轨道交通工程造价,在城市轨道交通市域线的郊区段采用公交型普通铁路制式,大力发展快速道路公交系统(BRT);立章建制,为公交优先提供制度保障。

    We shall reduce the cost of urban mass transit construction , adopt the service pattern of ordinary public transit railway in urban rail network , vigorously develop the bus rapid traffic ( BRT ), establish rules and regulations to guarantee the implementation of public transit priority strategy .

  4. 城市快速道路车辆跟驰模型研究

    Car - Following Theory in Urban Expressway CAR - FOLLOWING MODEL

  5. 城市快速道路系统规划理论与方法的建构

    Constructing the Planning Theory and Method of Urban Express Road System

  6. 上海快速道路网智能诱导系统的设计与实现

    Design & Implementation of Intelligent Guidance System in Shanghai Expressway Network

  7. 一条城市快速道路的交通仿真分析

    A traffic simulation case study of an urban express way

  8. 快速道路公交和城市轨道交通关键参数比较及相关问题探讨

    Comparison of Key Parameters between Bus Rapid Transit and Urban Rail Transit

  9. 城市快速道路异常事件下路段行程时间的研究

    A Study of Link Travel Time Function During Incident on Urban Expressway

  10. 城市快速道路软基处理方案探讨

    Probing into treatment schemes of soft subgrade for city 's rapid highway

  11. 城市地下快速道路建设动因分析

    Analysis on Motivation of Urban Underground Fast-driving Road Construction

  12. 北京市城市快速道路系统节点分析与研究

    Analysis and Study on Nodes of Urban Express Road System in Beijing City

  13. 快速道路标志辅助识别系统

    A Quick Road Sign Recognition Support System Assisted examination

  14. 浅谈城市快速道路碎石化技术路面改造

    On Pavement Transformation of Urban Traffic Lane by Macadamization

  15. 城市快速道路系统规划的交通预测方法研究

    Traffic forecast for urban freeway and arterial systems planning

  16. 城市快速道路车道合道路口通行能力分析之半马尔可夫模型

    The Semi-Markov Model for Capacity of Highway with Merging Two Lane into One Lane

  17. 南京市快速道路交通噪声污染调查

    Investigation of Motorways Traffic Noise Pollution in Nanjing

  18. 联邦快速道路管理署负责邮递的联邦政府部门(有时是电讯)。

    The federal government department responsible for mail delivery ( and sometimes telecommunications ) .

  19. 城市快速道路交通流建模和控制

    Modeling and Control of Urban Expressway Traffic Flow

  20. 考虑进出口匝道排队约束的城市快速道路交通系统动态控制方法

    An Approach to Dynamic Traffic Control System for Urban Expressway with Constraint of Queue Length of On ramp & Off ramp

  21. 在分析城市快速道路交通流特征的基础上,对交通流仿真模型进行了初步探讨。

    The simulation model for traffic flow was discussed initially by analyzing the characteristic of the traffic flow in urban express highway .

  22. 所以仅仅从道路规划的思路来讨论城市地下快速道路网的规划建设是不够的。

    So it is not only from the path of planning ideas to discuss planning and construction of urban underground expressway network .

  23. 本校学区位于中山高速公路与第二高速公路之间,藉由东西向快速道路将两条高速公路连贯起来。

    The school district is located to are soon in the Zhueng-Shan superhighway and second superhighway , link up two superhighways to fast road .

  24. 增加城市道路投资力度,加快城市道路网络和大城市快速道路系统的建设;

    Increase the dynamics of investment of urban road , accelerate the network of urban road and systematic construction of express way of big city ;

  25. 在分析上海城市快速道路交通管理需求的基础上,针对系统功能的实现,提出了软件层次结构组织方法和多层数据对象结构。

    Based on analysis of urban expressway traffic control process in Shanghai , this paper provides hiberarchy system framework and multi-layer data object for ATMS system .

  26. 基于环境容量和交通容量,建立了一个双层多目标规划模型描述城市快速道路网的污染控制与匝道控制,并考虑了用户的路径选择行为。

    Based on environment capacity and traffic capacity , a bi-level multi-objective programming model is proposed to describe the pollution control and ramp control of the urban expressway networks . The route choice of network users is also considered in the model .

  27. 有效、快速的道路状况自动识别对于提高ABS性能具有重要意义。

    The effective and rapid road status automatic identification is very important to improve ABS capability .

  28. 运用Visio快速绘制道路交通事故现场图

    Using Visio quick-drawing graphics for the scene of road traffic accident

  29. 快速公交道路综合敏感性设计理念应用技术初探

    Discussion about Technologies of Context-sensitive Design for BRT Road

  30. 上海市快速高架道路网交通效益评析

    Traffic Efficiency Evaluation of Shanghai Express Overhead Road Network