
kuài zhào
  • snapshot;candid photo;pistolgraph
快照 [kuài zhào]
  • [snapshot] 快速拍摄的随意照片,通常使用小型手持照相机

快照[kuài zhào]
  1. 分析结果显示在Problems视图中,类似于下面所示的屏幕快照。

    The analysis results are displayed in the Problems view , similar to the snapshot below .

  2. 提示5:使用新的快照监视器元素检查XML性能

    Tip5 : Use the new snapshot monitor elements to examine XML performance

  3. 她的快照一张都没有洗出来。

    None of her snaps came out .

  4. 快照族一般是13岁到25岁的青年,并且玩这个应用玩得不亦乐乎。

    Snubs are mainly teenagers aged1 between 13 and 25 , who are having fun with the service .

  5. 快照族就是阅后即焚这个手机应用的用户。这个应用能让用户拍照录视频并且几秒内就会自动销毁。

    Snubs are users of snapchat , a mobile app that allows users to capture videos and pictures that self-destruct after a few seconds .

  6. 快照族之间有很多可以分享的“速食”,比如搞怪的脸部表情或者他们即将要吃的食物。

    There are all sorts of things snubs like to share for immediate2 consumption , ranging from wacky facial expressions to pictures of a meal they 're about to eat .

  7. 青年人喜欢时尚,追求速度,而成为快照族也已明显成为一种认同彼此身份的新方式,快玩起来吧,不要和年轻人产生代沟咯。

    Teenagers crave4 for fashion and speed . Becoming one of the snubs is likely to be a new way of identifying one another . Join the snubs or it would create generation gap between you and the youngsters .

  8. 可以通过“QuickInformation”部分的上下文菜单创建屏幕快照或添加屏幕快照附件。

    You can create and attach a screenshot from the Quick Information section 's context menu .

  9. 图3展示了在撰写本文时所得到的Web页面屏幕快照。

    Figure 3 shows a screenshot of the resulting Web page when this article was written .

  10. 屏幕快照:AccessLotusDB-WSClientPXstage窗口显示了选中的Stage选项卡和已完成的服务信息

    Screen cap : Access_Lotus_DB-WSClientPX stage window showing the Stage tab selected and Web Service information completed

  11. 在下面的屏幕快照中,三条注释与ValidateCreditCard任务相关。

    In the screenshot below , three comments are associated to the Validate Credit Card task .

  12. 其SqlServer中数据更新含快照、事务、合并复制;

    The data renewal in SQL Server contains snapshot copy , affair copy and combination copy ;

  13. 在记录简化的测试脚本的同时,RationalFunctionalTester能够获取程序快照并显示程序可视化。

    While recording simplified test scripts , Rational Functional Tester captures application snapshots and displays application visuals .

  14. 使用DB2快照(DB2Snapshot)监控死锁和锁等待的数目。

    Use DB2 Snapshot to monitor the number of deadlocks and lock waits .

  15. 基于无intransit消息快照的终止性检测

    Termination Detection Based On Snapshots Without In-transit Messages

  16. 不论您选择了什么,QualityObjectives部分都将从质量管理的角度提供项目所处位置的快照。

    Whatever you choose , the Quality Objectives section provides a snapshot of where the project is , from a quality management perspective .

  17. 单击CreateReport按钮即可创建正在监视的应用程序当前线程统计信息的快照报告。

    Click the Create Report button to create a snapshot report of the current thread statistics of the application that you 're monitoring .

  18. 通常在动态SQL快照中可以找到关于insert的附加信息。

    Additional information on the insert can usually be found in the dynamic SQL snapshot .

  19. 相反,工作项目之间的联系在COMMONSNAPSHOT快照的LINKS表格中是单独的实体。

    Instead , the links between work items are separate entities in the LINKS table of the COMMON_SNAPSHOT snapshot .

  20. 注意两次快照相比,Map.Entry、Task和int[]对象有了显著增加。

    Notice that there has been significant growth in Map . Entry , Task , and int [ ] objects between the two snapshots .

  21. MyServer显示当前配置的状态、添加的时间戳、修改的时间戳、IP主机名称,以及快照持续时间。

    My Server shows the status , added timestamp , modified timestamp , IP Hostname , and snapshot duration for the current configuration .

  22. LEO卫星网络快照序列路由算法优化

    Optimization of Sequent Snapshots Routing Algorithm in LEO Satellite Networks

  23. 此处我们假设使用RationalClearCase存储库,为每个开发工作站提供了一个快照视图。

    Here we assume a Rational ClearCase repository with a snapshot view for each development workstation .

  24. 生成数据快照的命令行和CAPI接口可以对监控数据执行每会话重置。

    Both the command line and C API interfaces to snapshot data have the ability to perform a per-session reset of monitoring data .

  25. 不支持通过ftp自动下载动态快照文件。

    Automatic downloading of dynamic snapshot files via FTP is not supported .

  26. 每会话重置在功能上与DB2系统监控快照API中的重置功能相当。

    This per-session reset is functionally equivalent to the reset capability available in the DB2 system monitor snapshot APIs .

  27. 在您完成对Shell的配置之后,请捕获这些设置的快照并将其保存到一个Shell启动文件中

    After you 've configured your shell , take a snapshot of your settings and save them in one of the shell startup files

  28. 您现在应获取完整的DB2快照;然而,我们不会在本文中讨论该主题。

    You should now take a full DB2 snapshot ; however , we have not discussed this topic yet .

  29. 在APTSNAPSHOT快照中,有以下的表格

    In the APT_SNAPSHOT snapshot , the following tables

  30. RationalFunctionalTester将测试用例标记为错误,并在问题视图中提供报告的错误的快照。

    Rational Functional Tester marks the test case as failed and provides , in the Problems view , a snapshot of the error reported .