
  • 网络Memory Management;MMU
  1. 在大部分系统语言中,比如C和C++,您必须进行内存管理。

    In most systems languages like C and C + + , you have to do memory management .

  2. Windows下堆内存管理机制研究

    Research of Heap Memory Management Mechanism in Windows

  3. 分析Java的内存管理与垃圾收集机制。

    Analysing the managing and collecting of memeory garbage about JAVA .

  4. Windows的虚拟内存管理与优化

    Virtual Memory Management and Optimum for Windows

  5. 桌面Linux内存管理算法改进

    Improved algorithms for desktop Linux operating system memory management

  6. Linux内存管理实现的分析与研究

    Analysis and Research of Realization for Linux Memory Management

  7. Linux的虚拟内存管理和Cache机制探析

    Discussion on Virtual Memory Management of Linux and Cache Mechanism

  8. 内存管理在每个IP包头加上固定字节的包信息。

    A fix position is placed at the head of every IP packet in memory management .

  9. Linux内存管理机制分析和改进

    Analysis and Improvement of Linux Memory Management Mechanism

  10. Linux内存管理中的Slab分配机制

    Slab Assigning Mechanism in Memory Management of Linux

  11. 它有自己的内存管理控制、自己支持的标准C等。

    It has its own memory management control , the support of the standard C far from being perfect and so on .

  12. 传感器网络结点OS内存管理的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Senor Networks Node OS Memory Management

  13. 可生存嵌入式OS内存管理设计与实现

    Research and Implementation of Memory Management for Survivable Embedded OS

  14. DB2自调优内存管理器(self-tuningmemorymanager,STMM)控制这个自动过程。

    DB2 self-tuning memory manager ( STMM ) controls this automation process .

  15. 在移除GC之前,必须提供内存管理的替代解决方案。

    Before it can be removed , an alternative memory-management solution must be provided .

  16. 浅析WINDOWSnt操作系统的内存管理

    Analysis on Memory Management in WINDOWS NT

  17. 一些开发人员会告诉您Java将他们从内存管理和C++的炼狱中解救出来了。

    Some developers will tell you that Java programming rescued them from the hellfire-and-brimstone pits of memory-management and C + + .

  18. JVM实时内存管理模型的设计与实现

    A Design and Implementation of Real-Time Memory Management Model for JVM

  19. 本论文探讨了虚拟操作系统的所应该具备的基本功能,同时介绍了在多核环境下的内存管理和VFS文件系统(VirtualFileSystem)的设计实现。

    This paper discusses the basic function provided by virtual operating system and introduces the realization of memory management and virtual file system .

  20. 带有线程分配池的内存管理机制会使创建临时object的代价减小,但是分配内存总没有不分配内存好。

    A generational GC with per-thread allocation pools for temporary objects can make allocation cheaper , but allocating memory is always more expensive than not allocating memory .

  21. C~(++)Builder内存管理安全研究

    Study of Memory Secure Management in C ~ ( + + ) Builder

  22. 分析了Linux的内存管理机制,提出了一种开发高效设备驱动程序的简便方法。

    Through analyzing the memory management in Linux , a simple method of developing high performance device driver is proposed .

  23. KVM从Linux继承了强大的内存管理功能。

    KVM inherits powerful memory management features from Linux .

  24. 本文将着重介绍Linux内核的内存管理,尤其是slab分配提供的机制。

    This article focuses on Linux kernel memory management and , in particular , the mechanisms provided through slab allocation .

  25. Java的一些优点,比如跨平台、自动内存管理以及指针算法的取消对于嵌入式实时系统的开发者来说很具有吸引力。

    The primary features of Java that make it attractive for embedded systems are platform independence , automatic memory management and safe pointers .

  26. μClinux内存管理采用非标准Linux内存模型。

    Management of μ Clinux adopted the nonstandard model of Linux memory .

  27. 开发系统运行着经过裁剪的Linux操作系统,由于它有内存管理和多任务管理等优点,使得开发应用程序更加容易;

    Linux operation system runs in embedded system and it makes develop procedure more easy because of its MMU and multi-procedure management .

  28. 到2010年,其他对手将会采用支持全自动内存管理的语言和API。

    That by2010 , the rest of the industry will have adopted languages and APIs that feature fully automatic memory management ;

  29. 这为Linux的发行者改进自己特定发行版本的Linux的内存管理器留下了很大的空间。

    This left a lot of room for Linux distributors to improve on the memory manager for their own particular distribution of Linux .

  30. uClinux是从Linux发展而来的,是专为没有内存管理单元的微处理器而设计的嵌入式操作系统。

    UClinux derived from Linux is specially designed for embedded microprocessors without the memory management unit .