
  • 网络kernel;kernel space;kernelspace
  1. 此处提供的page缓冲区在内核空间中。

    The page buffer provided here is in kernel space .

  2. 探测位置(ProbeLocation):用户/内核空间中执行跟踪动作的位置。

    Probe Location : Location in user / kernel space where tracing action is to be performed .

  3. Linux中用户空间与内核空间的通信实现

    Realization of Communication of User Space Data with Kernel Space Data in Linux

  4. 步骤三:系统调用write导致从用户空间到内核空间的上下文切换。

    Step three : the write system call causes a context switch from user mode to kernel mode .

  5. 如果打开这个选项,则会将一个基本过滤表(带有内置的INPUT、FORWARD和OUTPUT链)添加到内核空间。

    Turning this option on will add a basic filter table to kernelspace with built-in INPUT , FORWARD , and OUTPUT chains .

  6. Linux内核空间设备驱动程序的开发

    Developing Linux kernel space device driver

  7. Linux提供了一组API来在用户空间和内核空间之间移动数据。

    Linux provides a set of APIs to move data between user space and kernel space .

  8. 子系统内部多线程的设计和实现,及在Linux内核空间中多线程的协作。

    Design and implement module internal multi-threaded mode , and collaboration between multi-threads in the Linux kernel space . 5 .

  9. 在Linux内核空间实现元数据镜像技术、故障检测技术、IP接管技术和恢复技术,具有对应用程序透明性的特点。

    We implement metadata mirroring , failure detecting , IP takeover and recovery in Linux kernel space , which is transparent to the applications .

  10. 第二个切换是从JNI层到内核空间。

    The second switch is from a JNI layer to a kernel space .

  11. POSIX信号处理在内核空间中完成。

    POSIX signal handling is done in kernel space .

  12. 最直接的usermode-helperAPI应用程序是从内核空间加载内核模块。

    One of the most straightforward applications of the usermode-helper API is loading kernel modules from kernel space .

  13. 对每个异常,CPU控制单元也生成一个硬件错误码,并在开始执行处理函数前将其压入内核空间栈中。

    For some exceptions , the CPU control unit also generates a hardware error code and pushes it on the Kernel Mode stack before starting the exception handler .

  14. 这是因为sleep函数实际上是执行了一次对内核空间的调用,从而将应用程序的执行挂起了,然后有效地暂停执行,并等待内核再次将其唤醒。

    This is because the sleep function actually makes a call into kernel space to suspend the application and then effectively halts the execution and waits for the kernel to wake it up again .

  15. 然后,选择器把通道和感兴趣的操作复制到内核空间,让内核为这个应用程序执行实际的poll。

    The selector then copies the channels and interested operations into the kernel space and let the kernel do the actual polling for the application .

  16. 在宿主内核空间运行的coLinux内核驱动程序。

    The coLinux kernel driver that operates in the host kernel space .

  17. 现在让我们看一看usermode-helperAPI所使用的内核空间。

    Let 's now look at some of the places in the kernel where the usermode-helper API is put to use .

  18. 开发了此平台上运行在Linux操作系统上的的简单应用程序,图形化应用程序、用户空间驱动程序、内核空间驱动程序以及裸机上的测试程序。

    And simple application , graphical application , user space driver and kernel space driver on Linux OS , and test program on bare metal , running on the platform , are all developed .

  19. PPP模块的实现采用模块化,由用户空间的三大子模块和内核空间的一个子模块共同完成。

    The implementation of PPP module uses modulation , it can accomplish by the three sub-module of user space and a sub-module of kernel space .

  20. 在kernel/kmod.c中可以找到usermode-helperAPI的源代码和API(展示了主要的用作内核空间的内核模块加载器)。

    You 'll find the source and API for the usermode-helper API in kernel / kmod . c ( illustrating its primary use as the kernel-space kernel module loader ) .

  21. 针对Wine在Linux用户空间间接加载Windows二进制映像文件,在完成第1步工作的情况下,在Linux内核空间中实现了Windows映像文件加载器。

    The Windows binary image files are always loaded indirectly by Wine in Linux user space . So , in the circumstances of completing the previous work , a Windows image file loader is realized in the Linux kernel space .

  22. 文章在对Linux操作系统下PPPoE服务器软件现有解决方案的效率和限制分析的基础上,提出并实现了一种基于单虚拟设备的内核空间解决方案。

    This paper brings forward a new PPPoE server software design solution in Linux OS , based on the analyses of the efficiency and limitation of the current solution .

  23. 由于我们刚才写入数据的缓冲区(page)已经在内核空间中了,因此可以直接对其进行操作,并使用sprintf来写入下一个fortune。

    Because the buffer that I 'll write to ( page ) is already in kernel space , I can manipulate it directly and use sprintf to write the next fortune .

  24. 然后从用户空间、内核空间以及用户空间与内核空间的交互技术三个方面,介绍了基于DS树算法的流分类原型系统的设计和实现方法。

    Secondly , it introduces the design and implementation of the DS-Tree algorithm based classification prototype system . The aspects in the design include user space , kernel space and the interaction technique between them .

  25. 与传统用户空间透明网关相比较有所不同的是,内核空间透明网关是将IP数据包的处理程序放置在内核中,实现了真正意义上的基于网络层转发数据包,提高了透明网关的性能。

    The difference between the traditional user-space gateway and the kernel-space one is that the latter puts the IP packet handling program in the kernel of Linux system , forwards the packets on the network layer in a real way , thus enhancing the gateway performance .

  26. DSF还可以加快测试用例的开发,因为您不必去学习用于用户/内核空间通信的输入输出控制接口。

    DSF can also speed test case development , since you aren 't forced to learn the ioctl interface for user / kernel space communication .

  27. 之后针对adhoc网络实现方面研究较少的问题,本文在Linux平台上实现了LB-DYMO路由协议,并给出了详细设计过程,包括用户空间模块设计和内核空间模块设计。

    After the Ad Hoc networks for research aspects of fewer problems , this article on Linux implements LB-DYMO routing protocol , and gives a detailed design process , including user-space and kernel space module design module design .

  28. 本文首先介绍了EPON中交换芯片对VLAN的支持,接着从用户空间、内核空间和芯片驱动三个层面描述了VLAN的设计,从而实现VLAN的配置与动态管理。

    First , this paper introduces the ASIC in EPON supporting VLAN , then depicts three aspects of VLAN design : user space , kernel space and chip driver , consequently implements configuration and dynamic management of VLAN .

  29. 而且,因为iptrace将检查来自内核空间的完整的数据包,所以其结果可能导致丢弃大量的数据包。

    And , because iptrace examines the entire packet from the kernel space , the results can offer lots of dropped packets .

  30. 设备驱动每20ms完成一帧探伤波形数据的实时采集,并将数据从内核空间传输到用户空间,完成探伤波形数据的实时采集。

    The device driver accomplishes real-time acquisition of a frame ultrasonic wave data every 20ms and then transfers the data from kernel space to user space .