
nèi chén
  • chamberlain;eunuch
内臣 [nèi chén]
  • (1) [domestic(internal) minister]∶国内臣僚

  • 举国为内臣。--《战国策.燕策》

  • (2) [internal officials in court]∶宫廷近臣

  • (3) [eunch]∶宦官

  1. 米甸人带约瑟到埃及,把他卖给法老的内臣,护卫长波提乏。

    Meanwhile , the Midianites sold Joseph in Egypt to Potiphar , one of Pharaoh 's officials , the captain of the guard .

  2. 而复辟的天顺朝,却是锦衣卫权势大张的时期。成化初年,再命内臣领校尉缉事,东厂始为定制。

    In the Chenghua period , eunuchs were again authorized to spy outer matters and the Dong Chang was established at the same time .

  3. 有一个埃及人,是法老的内臣,护卫长波提乏,从那些带下他来的以实玛利人手下买了他去。

    Potiphar , an Egyptian who was one of Pharaoh 's officials , the captain of the guard , bought him from the Ishmaelites who had taken him there .