
nèi jì shēng wù
  • endoparasite;entorganism
内寄生物[nèi jì shēng wù]
  1. 为植物根系内寄生物,可对农作物造成严重的危害。

    Are root endoparasites that are capable of causing considerable damage on a variety of crops .

  2. 病毒是专性的细胞内寄生物。

    Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites .

  3. 为广寄主性的植物根系专性内寄生物,是当前威胁中国农业生产最重要的病原物类群之一。

    Are polyphagous obligate endoparasites of plant roots . These nematodes currently constitute one of the most economically important groups of pathogens of agricultural crops in China .