
  • 网络run fast
  1. 如果你看见小偷,你应该快速跑上去并阻止他。

    If you see a thief , you should run fast and stop him .

  2. 快速跑是跨栏跑技术教学的基础

    Full-speed Run Is the Base of Technical Teaching in Hurdles

  3. 浅谈快速跑摆臂技术的教学方法

    Talking about Education Ways of Technique of Swinging Arms in Speed Race

  4. 我快速跑上楼,躲在我的床后。

    I run swiftly up the stairs and hide behind my bed .

  5. 发现法在快速跑教学中的运用

    The Application of Finding Method in Fast Running Teaching

  6. 他快速跑向前去救球。

    He ran forward quickly to save it .

  7. 马快速跑的步态它的每条腿都单独撞击地面。

    A rapid gait of a horse in which each foot strikes the ground separately .

  8. 莫利老鼠快速跑回家。

    Molly the mouse ran home quickly .

  9. 他们提着小篮在阳光明媚的早晨快速跑去。

    They were off in a flurry , little metal buckets reflecting the morning sun .

  10. 然后,他从树上越过栅栏,全速跑到附近的街道上,之后有快速跑了回来。

    He then leapt from the tree over a fence and sprinted down a nearby street and back again .

  11. 在快速跑的途中跑教学中,有的教师往往只注重下肢技术教学,相形之下,在摆臂的技术教学方面,则方法和手段略显单一。

    Some teacher only pay attention to technical education of legs in the education of speed race . quick ;

  12. 飞机飞速驶向跑道,接近跑道太快太靠近地面了。为了接一个过头球,他快速跑向前去。

    The aircraft " overshot " the runway , was approaching too quickly and came too close to the ground .

  13. 通过4个月的教学实验,得出在中学生快速跑中加入髋关节应力练习,有助于中学生提高快速跑成绩并且掌握正确跑动技术。

    The four-month teaching experiment proved that joining the stress practice on hip joint in scurry is helpful for middle school students to improve their running results and grasp right running skill .

  14. 根据现代短跑放松技术的特点,研究中学生的生理和心理特点与快速跑过程中的放松能力相结合来提高运动成绩。

    According to the characteristics of modern relax skills , this article mainly studies how to improve the result through combining the physical and psychological characteristics of middle school students with relax ability during speed running .

  15. 在接近终点的时候,一位70岁的老人从我身边快速跑过。我觉得羞愧,我比他年轻不止50岁,但我甚至跟不上他。

    At one point near the end , a70-year-old man ran past me , very very fast , and I felt embarrassed that I was50 years younger than he and I couldn 't even keep up with him .

  16. 短跑运动员快速放松跑能力的训练

    The Training of Short-distance Runners on their Ability in Racing Fast and Relaxed

  17. 他正想跑开,于是我快速地跑过去并抓住他。

    He started to run away so I ran fast and caught him .

  18. 威尔伯开始快速的跑出去了。

    Wilbur started to race out to his yard .

  19. 男孩手里握着钱快速地跑出去买东西。

    The boy quickly went on an errand with money clasped in his hands .

  20. 斜坡维修组〔地政总署〕孩子们快速地跑下斜坡。

    Slope Maintenance Section [ Lands Department ] the children ran down the hill amain .

  21. 您快速地跑上坡,通过慢跑或走下坡进行恢复。

    You run up the hill fast and then recover by jogging or walking down .

  22. 孩子们快速地跑下斜坡。

    And so the latter 's prompt retreat , the children ran down the hill amain .

  23. 在这细小的裂缝中,你看到一些小小的动物快速地跑来跑去。

    And in the little cracks you saw tiny little living things scurrying about , and there was that utter silence , complete and infinite .

  24. 有时候速度可以如冲刺,有时是快速跨步跑,也还有轻松慢跑,恢复时间不预设。

    There are no set distances to run in fartlek running , the pace varies from all out sprints to fast strides and easy jogging with no predetermined recovery times .

  25. 但是,在一系列艰苦的户外游泳课程、快速间歇跑和更长更慢的跑步课程,以及骑车大约800英里穿越伦敦南部和威尔士北部之后,我在差强人意的时间内完成了比赛。

    But following a combination of arduous outdoor swim sessions , fast " interval " runs and longer , slower sessions , and roughly 800 miles of cycling through south London and north Wales , I completed the race in a reasonable time .

  26. 难道你们不觉得用我们的税款去武装世界,比乘坐快速交通工具跑来跑去更好么?

    Wouldn 't you rather be a taxed to arm the world , than travel quickly from city to city ?

  27. 休斯则说他倒没有刻意要去「卡」球,但他的快速球偶尔跑起来就像卡特球。

    Hughes said he wasn 't trying to cut the ball on purpose , but it 's just what happens sometimes when he throws his fastball .

  28. 突然,克莱尔从坐的地方一跃而起,顾不上奶牛是否会把奶桶踢翻,快速地向她跑去。

    Suddenly Clare jumped up , leaving his bucket to be kicked over by the cow , went quickly towards her ,

  29. 这只猫带着天花板上的瓷砖一起掉下来,四脚安全着陆,随后它快速的往右边跑,试图逃离现场。

    After sending a few ceiling tiles hurtling to the ground and landing on all fours , the cat decided to make a quick exit to the right .