
  • 网络Pioneer;Pioneer Corporation;Pioneer Corp
  1. 很多世界知名公司,如Kodak、先锋公司、Philips等都在进行OLED显示技术的研究与开发。

    Many famous corporations in the world have involved in OLED display technology , such as Kodak , Pioneer Corporation , Philips and so on .

  2. 北京姚建伟城市规划设计有限公司是我国城市视觉设计先锋公司。

    Yao Jianwei Urban Planning and Design isa pioneer of urban visual design of our country .

  3. 音像专家先锋公司(Pioneer)在最近的经济危机中退出了竞争惨烈的平板电视领域。

    Pioneer bailed out of the grindingly competitive flat-screen TV business in the recent recession .

  4. 最后,针对先锋公司供应商管理中存在的主要问题,利用ABC分类法设计出了物资分类管理方案;

    Finally , to leading subject matter that exist in the management , supplier of company , the paper utilize ABC classification design goods and materials classify the scheme of managing ;

  5. 另一次尝试是在2003年,雅虎买下搜索广告领域的先锋公司Overture,但那时谷歌在该领域已经是一马当先了。

    Its next attempt , in 2003 , was to buy Overture , the company that pioneered search advertising , but by then Google was pulling ahead .

  6. 近期美国生物科技公司先锋公司培育了一种去除主要过敏原的转基因大豆。

    More recently the US biotech company Pioneer has developed a GM soybean with a major allergen deleted .

  7. 如果交易达成,这将是梅耶尔接掌这家互联网先锋公司后实施的第一笔大规模收购交易。

    If the deal materializes , it would be Ms. Mayer 's first major acquisition since taking over the Internet pioneer last year .

  8. 上海三峰主要客户是日本先锋公司、奥林帕斯公司等国际著名企业。

    To satisfy our customer 's need is our first Priority , and we will actively develop our business with the consideration of environmental and human aspects .

  9. 先锋救护车公司推出的服务与社区组织布鲁克林华人联合会(UnitedChineseAssociationofBrooklyn)合作,后者正在帮助宣传这项服务。

    The Midwood Ambulance service has teamed up with the United Chinese Association of Brooklyn , a community organization , which is helping spread the word about the service .

  10. 他曾是先锋航空公司的执行总裁

    he was the C.E.O. of Pioneer Airlines .

  11. 马克:在我读大学那会儿他们还是一个非常开创先锋的公司,你读到了什么?

    Mark : They were such a cutting edge company when I was in college .

  12. 作为行业先锋,公司将在传感器研制领域不断探索,为继续开拓中国及世界电子技术的发展而努力。

    As the profession cutting edge , the company will explore unceasingly in the sensor development domain , to continue to develop Chinese and the world electronic technology development tries hard .

  13. 不过,倘若是华为,倘若年报意在让这家显示中国最出色制造实力而充当保密先锋的公司看似平常,则另当其说。

    Not so if the company is Huawei and the report is intended to make a company that reflects the best of China 's manufacturing prowess , while being a prime example of its secretiveness , seem normal .

  14. 法德尔曾在先锋移动软件公司GeneralMagic就职,随后在飞利浦(Philips)创建了一个专做手持设备的部门。

    Fadell had done a stint at the pioneering mobile-software company General Magic and then created a division within Philips to make handheld devices .

  15. 先锋澳大利亚分公司最近获得通过人民币合格境外机构投资者(RQFII)制度购买中国内地资产的许可。

    Vanguard Australia recently received a licence to buy onshore assets through the renminbi qualified foreign institutional investor ( RQFII ) scheme .

  16. 它是一只蓝筹股,规模和重要性都超过奥林巴斯,而且被视为改革先锋,该公司在2001年任命独立董事,并在2003年成立了董事会委员会,包括轻易被骗的审计委员会。

    It is a blue-chip , bigger and more significant than Olympus , and was regarded as a reform pioneer , appointing independent directors in 2001 and forming board committees , including its easily deceived audit committee , in 2003 .

  17. 我希望看到更多关于转基因作物的非工业研究,不仅仅因为我们不太担心偏见,还因为除了像孟山都和先锋这样的种子公司以外,还应该有其他致力于利用基因改造的实体。

    I ' d like to see more non-industry research done on GM crops — not just because we 'd worry less about bias , but also because seed companies like Monsanto and Pioneer shouldn 't be the only entities working to harness genetic modification .

  18. 巴菲特回答:(购买)象先锋集团那样的公司(发行的)较低费用的指数基金。

    Buffett 's answer : a low-cost stock index fund with a company like Vanguard .