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xiān fù
  • deceased father
先父 [xiān fù]
  • [deceased father;my late father] 先公。亡父

  1. 先父辞世已三载。

    It 's three years since my father passed away .

  2. 我只是想追上先父而已。

    All I ever wanted was to measure up to my father .

  3. 我先父热心于建设他的出生地蒙田。

    My father loved to build up Montaigne , where he was born .

  4. 受够了先父来国父去,我们该来了解那些革命的女人们!

    Enough about our forefathers , let 's learn about some revolutionary women !

  5. 1999年,先父死于癌症。

    In1999 , my father died of cancer .

  6. 今天我就要为先父报仇。

    I have to avenge my dad now .

  7. 有一天先父碰巧看到了并读完它。

    One day , my father happened to pick it up and read it .

  8. 我们的建国先父们认识到了这些。

    And our Founding Fathers knew about this .

  9. 美国的建国先父们会如何假设品德高尚之人所该具备的条件?

    How did the American Founding Fathers assume the leaders would be men of virtue .

  10. 因此先父对他这个教子乔治·韦翰恩宠有加。

    and on George Wickham , who was his god-son , his kindness was therefore liberally bestowed .

  11. 那农夫因答应其先父决不卖业而受到约束。

    The farmer is laid under restraint by a promise he made his father , mever to sell the homestead .

  12. 在另一幅画中,朴槿惠在产房里刚生了一个酷似其先父的孩子。

    Another painting put Ms. Park in a delivery room , having just given birth to a baby who resembles her late father .

  13. 先父是位十分严厉的父亲,大概因为他的性格而又因为我是家中长子,他对我要求相当高。

    He was austere and demanding , partly because of his personality , but partly because I was the eldest son of the family .

  14. 老科特勒估计这些古文物应该属于他的先父。老大爷说他的父亲于18世纪50年代去过北非。

    The elder Kettler suspects the ancient artifacts may have belonged to his late father , who traveled through North Africa during the 1950s .

  15. 我也需要上帝的恩惠,我们在他的手中,他带领我们的先父,就如同旧时的以色列

    I shall need , too , the favor of that Being in whose hands we are , who led our fathers , as Israel of old

  16. 不过,我想起先父每次带兵出征高原地区时,常先定下他的继承人。

    But considering that my father also , at what time he led an army into the higher countries , appointed who should reign after him .

  17. 我这一生,深受先父薰陶。相信在座许多人也知道,先父在他身处的年代中,是个杰出的人物。

    For my life , I was very much influenced by my late father who as many of you know was an outstanding personality of his time .

  18. 也不可希望由它所造成的,会使我们的先父很痛恨的。最可幸的是公众意识会从这一问题转向其它更紧要更现实的问题上。

    Most happy will it be for the country when the public mind shall be diverted from this question to other of more pressing and practical importance .

  19. 我也需要上帝的恩惠,我们在他的手中,他带领我们的先父,就如同旧时的以色列,

    I shall need , too , the favor of that Being in whose hands we are , who led our fathers , as Israel of old ,

  20. 虽然先父从未接受过正规教育,但他会说流利的英语,而且可以背诵唐诗三百首。

    Although he never had a proper education , he was able to be fluent in English and was able to recite " Three Hundred Tang Poems " .

  21. 我只能为同胞们表达这一最好希望,愿曾向我们先父微笑善良的神的眷顾能使他们的子孙保持他们所继承的祝福。

    I can express no better hope for my country than that the kind Providence which smiled upon our fathers may enable their children to preserve the blessing they have inherited .

  22. 候,他便自动提出负担我一切的生活费用。我相信他所以这样做,一方面是对先父感恩,另一方面是为了疼爱我。”

    tary promise of providing for me , I am convinced that he felt it to be as much a debt of gratitude to him , as of affection to myself . "

  23. 由于禀性聪慧,品德高尚,她终于当了这个女修道院的院长。美国的建国先父们会如何假设品德高尚之人所该具备的条件?

    By her wise and virtuous conduct , she was at length made lady abbess of this convent How did the American Founding Fathers assume the leaders would be men of virtue .

  24. 先父遗传是一种遗传上的理论,现今它被证明不真实,但是直到19世纪晚期,它还广泛地被相信和接受。

    Telegony is a theory in heredity , now discredited but widely believed until the late19th century , holding that offspring can inherit the characteristics of a previous mate of the female parent ;

  25. 虽然他曾经向她说过,为了尊重达西的先父,他老是不愿意揭露那位少爷的过错,可是他毕竟还是肆无忌惮,毫不犹疑地在破坏达西先生的人格。

    that he had then no reserves , no scruples in sinking Mr. Darcy 's character , though he had assured her that respect for the father would always prevent his exposing the son .

  26. 我相信他所以这样做,一方面是对先父感恩,另一方面是为了疼爱我。

    Darcy gave him a voluntary promise of providing for me , I am convinced that he felt it to be as much a debt of gratitude to him , as of affection to myself .

  27. 此种具有宗教意味的解读法认为,司马迁谨尊其先父“续吾祖”的遗志,将与父亲共同收集的史料编纂成书以尽孝道。

    By the religious reading , Sima Qian fulfilled some part of his filial obligations when he honored his father 's dying wish to " continue our ancestors " by bringing together the tales they had gathered .

  28. 吉赛尔将伴着巴西音乐家保罗•乔宾钢琴演奏的著名巴萨诺瓦爵士乐登上马纳卡纳球场的舞台。保罗•乔宾的先父安东尼奥曾在1962年创作了这首风靡世界的音乐。

    Gisele will strut into Rio 's Maracana stadium to the strains of the famous bossa nova jazz song , played on a piano by Brazilian musician Paolo Jobim , whose late father Antonio composed the worldwide hit in 1962 .

  29. 我们也听说犹太人不满先父令他们随从希腊风俗,而愿保守自己固有的生活方式,并且要求遵守自己法律的许可。

    Learning that the Jews do not wish to adopt Greek customs , as it was the will of my father , but prefer their own way of life and ask that they be allowed to live according to their laws .

  30. 先父供给他上学,后来还供给他进剑桥大学——这是对他最重要的一项帮助,因为他自己的父亲被他母亲吃光用穷,无力供给他受高等教育。

    My father supported him at school , and afterwards at Cambridge ; most important assistance , as his own father , always poor from the extravagance of his wife , would have been unable to give him a gentleman 's education .