
  • 网络avant-garde;avant garde;avant-garde art
  1. 中国当代先锋艺术的必要性及危机

    The Necessity and Crisis of Contemporary Chinese Avant-garde Art

  2. 先锋艺术:跨世纪的反抗游戏

    Avant-garde Art : A Cross-century Game of Resistance

  3. 卡地亚基金会(TheCartierFondation)和亨利·卡地亚-布雷松基金会(HenriCartier-Bresson)位于著名的蒙帕纳斯公墓(MontparnasseCemetery)两侧,两者在步行距离之内。它们的规模正好可以满足你对常规和先锋艺术的胃口。

    The Cartier Fondation and Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson , which are within walking distance of each other on opposite sides of the famed Montparnasse Cemetery , are sized to offer just the right dose of the familiar and the cutting edge .

  4. 杜尚,20世纪西方先锋艺术的鼻祖,他的出现改变了西方现代艺术的进程。

    Du-champ , the originator of the20th pioneering art of west , changed the development of western modern art .

  5. 这些新的形象、形式,与性别政治或先锋艺术给我们带来的美学革命是不一样的,其最大的特征并非是超越性,而是商业性。

    These new images , forms , are different from the esthetic revolution which is triggered by gender politics and avant-garde art .

  6. 荒诞派戏剧吸收了当时先锋艺术的成果,对西方戏剧的发展产生了积极的影响。

    Absorbing the artistic merits from the " avant-garde ", the Theatre of Absurd has an important impact on the development of western drama .

  7. 它的设计风格经典、绅士、风度,是独特的美感、极强的先锋艺术的表征。

    Its Style of the design Classical 、 nobleness 、 Style are the Beauty of the Unique 、 the token of the Art in strong Pioneer .

  8. 而在各类先锋艺术蓬勃发展的时代,非主流动画将一直以来对艺术形式的探索鲜明的表现出来。

    Revealed And in all kinds of vanguard art vigorous development of era , the mainstream animation will have been on the exploration of the distinctive artistic form .

  9. 先锋艺术的反抗实质上只是一种游戏,一方面恢复了人的自由,另一方面因游戏态度而消解了反抗功能。

    In essence , resistance of avantgarde art is a game , restoring human freedom on the one hand and neutralizing its resistance because of its attitude of game .

  10. 纽约的格林尼治村是波希米亚生活艺术在新世纪的活动中心,是新的西方先锋艺术空间代表。

    Greenwich Village in New York is the activity center of Bohemia life art in the new century , which is the representative of new western pioneer art space .

  11. 他曾在访谈中多次提到,纽约现代艺术博物馆的画作、爵士乐、欧洲电影和格林尼治村的先锋艺术给他以巨大的影响。

    He mentions more than once that the paintings in the Museum of Modern Art , Jazz , European films and avant-garde art in Greenwich Village all enormously influence him .

  12. 他从精英文化的先锋艺术中汲取创作灵感,借鉴创作手法,以此用来提升大众文化的品质和大众审美趣味,并在这个汲取和提升的过程中构筑起自己的个性文化和表达方式。

    He draws aspiration and uses creative trick for a reference from the elite culture and then use it to promote the quality of mass culture and interest of people .

  13. 在筹备了一年、投入了2000万左右的资金之后,佩斯在北京798艺术区购得一处空间。这个过去的先锋艺术区如今挤满了画廊和成车成车的游客。

    A year and roughly $ 20m later , Pace acquired a space in Beijing 's 798 District , a once avant-garde art neighbourhood now teeming with galleries and busloads of tourists .

  14. 面对二十世纪的美学思想,不仅受到现代艺术和先锋艺术的影响,同时也受东西方意识形态冲突的影响,在这样复杂的学术背景下,他提出了自己的观点。

    Not only affected by modern literature and pioneer arts , the aesthetical thought in twentieth century was also influenced by the ideological conflict between Eastern and Western . Under such complicated academic background , he proposed his own perspective .

  15. 作为当代重要的艺术哲学家,阿瑟·丹托批判性挪用德国古曲美学和分析哲学的理论资源,对艺术活动尤其是先锋艺术实践进行了系统而深入的分析和阐释。

    Arthur Danto , as one of the most important contemporary art philosophers , has conducted a systematic and thorough investigation of art activity , particularly modern avant-garde art practice with the ideas he critically appropriated from German classical aesthetic thought and analytic philosophy .

  16. 山东新生代同样有着先锋的艺术精神,在写作技法上探索有意味的形式。

    As pioneers of artistic spirit , they prefer to probe " meaningful form " .

  17. 端上来的牛里脊泡在红葡萄酒汁中,并用一些时蔬点缀,与其说是一道菜,倒不如说更像先锋派艺术展示。

    The beef comes in a red-wine sauce and is served with little vegetables arranged more like an avant-garde art exhibition than a plate of food .

  18. 非人化是现代主义艺术,尤其是各种先锋派艺术的一个根本特征,它根源于审美现代性之自反性悖论。

    " Dehumanization " is a basic feature of modern art , especially various avant-guard style arts . It originates in " reflexive " of aesthetic modernity .

  19. 在文学和艺术领域,主要分析了跨掉派,黑色幽默和欧洲先锋派艺术对反文化运动的影响。

    Then in literature and art , the influence of Beat Generation , Black Humor , and European Avant-garde on the occurrence of counterculture movement is analyzed .

  20. 先锋派艺术的一些抽象艺术语言被应用于海报设计中,使十月革命后的海报设计实现了真正意义上与绘画的分离,并结合了俄罗斯主要先锋艺术流派的特征。

    The avant-garde art , abstract art language is used in the poster design , poster design to achieve a real sense of separation and painting after the October Revolution , and a combination of the characteristics of the Russian avant-garde art schools .

  21. 美术学院外的先锋派行为艺术。

    Pioneer action art in a gumtree ousidet of art school .

  22. 原创与实验&朦胧诗后先锋诗歌的艺术趋向

    Original Creation and Experiment & The Art Tendency of Post-Misty Avant-garde Poetry

  23. 中国先锋文学形式艺术的探讨

    An Approach to Formal Art of Chinese Vanguard Literature

  24. 先锋派的艺术风格、边缘化的题材逐渐变成了后来者走向成功的捷径。

    Avant-garde artistic style and edging subject have gradually become the successors ' shortcut to success .

  25. 本文主要从西方先锋派合唱艺术的发展状况、主要表现特征及其出现的原因等方面进行论述。

    From three main perspectives , namely the developmental status of Avant-garde chorus , the major expressive characteristics as well as the reasons concerned .

  26. 实验性写作:女性作者以先锋性的艺术形式表达性别与人类生存意识,展现女性散文新的内涵与叙事话语。

    Experimental writing : female writers express the lives of genders and human in avant-garde article forms , presenting new meanings and new narrating discourse of prose .

  27. 其作品视觉独到,思想浓厚,并打破了传统的艺术表现手法,自创了一系列先锋派的艺术精品。

    Original vision of his work , deep thinking , and break the traditional means of artistic expression , and invented a series of avantgarde works of art .

  28. 但这条路对于艺术家们来说并不容易:除了零下的温度和长达数月的黑暗,这个仅有60万人的小首都直到最近,享誉世界的都是出口的木材和泡在液中的鱼干,而不是先锋派当代艺术。

    But the route isn 't easy for those involved : Aside from subzero temperatures and months of darkness , the relatively small capital city of 600000 was , until very recently , better known for timber exports and dried fish aged in lye than cutting-edge contemporary art .

  29. 存在主义时间观念在新时期先锋小说中的艺术表现

    Time in the Vanguard Novel

  30. 第二节分析苏童从先锋到传统的艺术回归之途。

    The 2nd section is about that the return of Su Tong from the vanguard to the traditional art .