
xiān xínɡ zhě
  • forerunner
先行者 [xiān xíng zhě]
  • (1) [vanguard;pioneer]∶先遣者,先驱

  • (2) [forerunner]∶前辈;先导者

  • 纪念伟大的革命先行者孙中山先生

  1. 外贸企业可以利用电子商务重构成本优势、差异化优势和先行者优势。现有的Web系统中也普遍存在可复用程度低、可维护性差等问题,且重构成本较高。

    The foreign trade enterprise can utilize E-business to construct advantage of the cost , difference advantage and forerunner 's advantage again . Lots of the existing Web systems are low reusability , maintainability and adaptability .

  2. 孙中山:中国现代化的伟大先行者

    Dr. Sun Yat-sen : A Great Forerunner of Chins 's Modernization

  3. 很多机构已经从农业的破坏性变革中发现了投资机会,德意志银行(deutschebank)即是其中的先行者之一。

    Deutsche Bank was in the vanguard of institutions that spotted an investment opportunity in these disruptive changes in agriculture .

  4. 英国零售业巨头乐购(Tesco)在韩国的分店HomePlus便是这一理念的先行者。

    Korean grocer , home plus , a division of English giant Tesco ( Teso ) , pioneered this concept .

  5. Meridian1&国内ISDN商用化的先行者

    Meridian 1 & The Pioneer of ISDN Commercialization in China

  6. Opera一直是实现HTML5特性的先行者,这对于新的表单元素而言尤其如此。

    Opera has been a leader in implementing HTML 5 features , and this is especially true for the new form elements .

  7. 商学院是否应该作为先行者,培训审计CSR行为的管理者?

    Should business schools pioneer and train managers in the conduct of CSR audits ? 10 .

  8. 一些先行者正在考虑用RESTful技术来提供企业级的分布式系统。

    Some early adopters are thinking about RESTful techniques to deliver enterprise-class distributed systems .

  9. 哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity)的丹尼尔?诺切拉(DanielNocera)和帕梅拉?西尔弗(PamelaSilver)是这条道路上的先行者。

    Daniel Nocera and Pamela Silver , from Harvard University , have taken early steps along this road .

  10. Amazon是市场的先行者,并利用因特网标准与开源平台打造了一个十分灵活的平台。

    Amazon was early in the market , and has leveraged Internet standards and open source platforms to create a very flexible platform .

  11. 基于PCR和荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术的分子检测手段,用以帮助临床医生选择恰当的药物遗传学方法治疗,雅培在这方面是先行者。

    Abbott is a pioneer in the use of molecular tests based on PCR and fluorescence in situ hybridization ( FISH ) technologies to aid clinicians in the selection of appropriate pharmacogenomic therapies .

  12. 家庭健康监视的先行者ContinuaHealthAlliance是由关注个人健康护理的医疗保健和技术公司组成的非营利性质的开放联盟。

    A pioneer in home health monitoring , Continua Health Alliance is a non-profit , open alliance of healthcare and technology companies working on issues of personal healthcare .

  13. IBM曾以快速转型而著称,它一方面能迅速放手陷入衰退期的业务,另一方面能作为先行者涉足新兴市场,但它如今的行动却不够迅速。

    In short , a technology company that has built its reputation on moving fast to exit aging businesses while being the first to enter new businesses is not moving fast enough .

  14. 芯片制造商英特尔(Intel)和韩国电子产品集团三星(Samsung)等先行者已在越南设厂并在扩大生产。

    Pioneers like chipmaker Intel and Samsung , the South Korean electronics group , have already set up factories in Vietnam and are ramping up production .

  15. 不过,牛顿市的心理学家佩吉·克里斯(PeggyKriss)是一位先行者。

    But Peggy Kriss , a psychologist in Newton , is an early adopter .

  16. JetBrains是重构工具的先行者,所以我们希望Ruby开发者能够有一系列稳定的代码重构工具。

    JetBrains is the pioneer in creating refactoring tools , so we wanted Ruby developers to have a set of reliable Ruby code refactorings .

  17. 作为中国企业国际化的先行者,TCL自1999年正式进军越南市场,迄今已满十个年头。

    As a pioneer in the internationalization of Chinese enterprises , TCL entered the Vietnam market in 1999 , so far its internationalization has been lasting full 10 years .

  18. LeopardCapital执行合伙人史蒂文斯(KennethStevens)说,受益于最佳交易、最佳关系的,是第一批进入的人,也就是先行者。

    ' It 's the first in , the early mover , that benefits from the best deals and the best relationships , ' said Kenneth Stevens , a managing partner at Leopard Capital .

  19. 俄克拉荷马州的奥布雷?麦克伦登(AubreyMcClendon)和汤姆?沃德(TomWard)是从事土地租赁的专业人士;作为页岩气领域的先行者,他们成功地建起了美国第二大天然气生产商。

    Aubrey McClendon and Tom Ward of Oklahoma were land-leasing specialists ; they managed to build the nation 's second-largest gas producer by leading the charge into shale fields .

  20. 二十多年来,投资非洲的先行者迈尔斯?莫兰(MilesMorland)一直在这片不能直接饮用自来水的地方寻找投资机会。

    Miles Morland , a pioneering Africa investor , has spent more than two decades looking for deals in places where you cannot drink the tap water .

  21. 1998年,《南方周末》率先成立品牌工作室,把CI理念导入报纸经营当中来,堪称中国报业品牌建设的先行者。

    In 1998 , the South Weekend took the lead in founding the brand office in Chinese press , and led CI system into newspaper management , so it could be rated as the pioneer of Chinese journalism on establishing brand .

  22. 为使高层管理人员的激励机制更加直接有效,应适当鼓励一部分上市公司进行MBO的尝试,部分上市公司可成为M130的先行者。

    In order to make the reward mechanism to the senior-ranking administrative personals more effective , it was encouraged that some joint-stock companies try to run MBO , and the others should turn into the pioneer of MBO .

  23. BD公司作为网络营销的国内先行者,如何在发展企业的同时,做好市场的规划,体现企业的社会价值,推动整个行业发展,是本文研究的主要目的。

    This paper focuses on how to keep BD growing , at the same time develop a better market planning and embody its social value as well as spur the development of internet marketing industry .

  24. 作为美国的搭车服务业先行者,Uber不再满足于在迅速发展的美国市场占据主导地位,转而将目光投向全球,准备在中国等国家扩展业务。

    No longer content with dominating the burgeoning ride-share business in the United States an industry the company helped pioneer it has set its sights on expanding its operations around the globe , including in China .

  25. 尽管这个系统发布之初的用户基础不是很庞大,但微软很快就与IBM和英特尔(Intel)等科技巨子谈妥了合作关系,刺激了增长预期,推动更多先行者成为其用户。

    While it did not have a large user base in its early years , Microsoft ( MSFT ) soon negotiated relationships with tech giants like IBM ( IBM ) and Intel ( INTC ) , fueling growth expectations and motivating more early adopters to sign on .

  26. 美国是星载激光雷达的先行者,在气溶胶探测方面,它先后实施了LITE和CALIPSO两项计划。

    America is the leader of the world space borne Lidar and it has carried out two programs LITE and CALIPSO in detecting the global cloud and aerosol .

  27. 作为创建网络社区以帮助市场推广者洞察消费者需求的先行者,赫森在1999年联合创办了Communispace公司。

    A pioneer in creating online communities to help marketers gain consumer insights , hessan co-founded communispace in 1999 .

  28. 优步以及谷歌(Google)、特斯拉(Tesla)和沃尔沃(Volvo)等自动汽车行业先行者已开始进行车辆路面测试,并取得了不同程度的成功。但nuTonomy表示,它是第一家在真实世界里向公众成员提供自动驾驶体验的公司。

    Uber and pioneers of the autonomous car industry including Google , Tesla and Volvo are already road-testing self-driving vehicles with varying success , but nuTonomy says it is the first to offer rides to members of the public in a real-world setting .

  29. 作为美国的“搭车”服务业先行者,Uber不再满足于在迅速发展的美国市场占据主导地位,转而将目光投向全球,准备在中国等国家扩展业务。

    No longer content with dominating the burgeoning " ride-share " business in the United States - an industry the company helped pioneer - it has set its sights on expanding its operations around the globe , including in China .

  30. 从多年前几个孤独的先行者拍出第一批DV纪录片作品,到今天DV似乎成了一种小资的时尚,艺术青年的春梦甚至大众媒体追捧的新宠。

    Since some years ago the first set of DV documentary works were screened by several lonely forth-goers , nowadays DV seems to be fashion of petty bourgeoisie , the dream of youth who devote in art and the cosset of popular media .