
  • 网络Weihai
  1. 英租威海卫《1903年鞭笞规定法令》表达了一种深刻的矛盾,破解这一矛盾需要回到法律文本的历史语境中去,需要对文本背后的二元法律进行分析。

    The deep contradiction exists in the Flogging Regulation Ordinance of 1903 during the British lease of Weihai . We need to take the historical contexts into consideration in order to explain the contradiction through the analysis of the " dual legal system " underlying the legal text .

  2. 法律文本的矛盾&从英租威海卫时期的一份鞭刑文件说起

    Contradictions in Legal Text & A Study of the Document Concerning Flogging During the British Lease of Weihai

  3. 随后,本文对英租威海卫司法权威建立的整个过程进行了阐述和分析。

    Subsequently , the whole process to establish judicial authority is interpreted and analyzed .

  4. 英租威海卫的性质并非“租借地”而是“割据地”。

    The nature of the Territory was not a lease territory , but a concession .

  5. 本文介绍了作者对英租威海卫法律制度有关问题的初步认识,以及有关英租威海卫历史档案的分布情况。

    The author shares his understandings and research findings with us focusing on the legal system of Weihaiwei and discusses historical archive on Weihaiwei under the British Concession .

  6. 在非新闻语言方面,《威海卫天琴鸟报》的编辑们运用特定的情态动词来表达不同的情感态度;而第一人称代词的大量使用有助于拉近编辑和读者的距离。

    As for non-news , editors express different feelings by the choice of modal verbs , and the abundant use of the first personal pronouns can fill the gap between the editors and readers .

  7. 五所有华北、华东之飞机、舰船,应即停留原地;但沿黄海、渤海之中国海岸的舰船,应分别集中于连云港、青岛、威海卫、天津。

    5 all the aircraft and vessels in northern and eastern China are to stay where they are , but the vessels anchored along the Chinese coast of the Yellow Sea and the POHAI Gulf should be assembled at lienyunkang , tsingtao , Weihaiwei and tientsin .

  8. 威海地区明代卫所保存现状的调查与研究

    Research on Preservation of Ming Garrison Towns in Weihai