
  • 网络Starting pitcher
  1. 答案是当球队拥有年轻的先发投手,他们一定不会把他交易出去。

    The answer is , that when a team has a young stud starting pitcher , it doesn 't trade him .

  2. 在以26000194美元取得日本左投井川庆的交涉权次日,洋基仍然把焦点放在取得另一位先发投手。

    A day after winning the rights to negotiate with Japanese left-hander Kei Igawa with a $ 26000194 bid , the Yankees remained focused on acquiring another starting pitcher to go with him .

  3. 洋基的先发投手问题可以再次有所损伤,这次是因为一片破裂的指甲。

    The Yankees'rotation could be thrown for another loss , this time by a broken fingernail .

  4. 休斯和张伯伦在凯许曼和他的球探部门心中将来可能就是第一号先发投手。

    Hughes and Chamberlain could be No.1 starters in the minds of Cashman and his scouting staff .

  5. 在输掉了因雨延赛的第一场赛事后,洋基需要一个稳定的先发投手表现。

    Having dropped the first game of the rain-necessitated twin bill , the Yankees needed a solid starting performance .

  6. 先发投手群有点不稳固,但是有些先发投手还没到位,可以这麽说。

    The rotation is kind of in shambles a little bit , but the horses are in their stable , so to speak .

  7. 下个月,洋基在迈向第27次世界大赛冠军所面临的问题只剩下先发投手群的调度。

    The only question attached to the Yankees ' march toward a 27th World Series title next month is about the starting pitchers .

  8. 在本季洋基饱受批评的伤兵名单中,大腿拉伤的选手还包括左外野手松井,先发投手小王和穆帅。

    Other Yankees who have landed on the disabled list with hamstring injuries this season include outfielder Hideki Matsui and starters Chien-Ming Wang and Mike mussina .

  9. 作为旧金山巨人队的先发投手,麦凯恩要奠定胜利,2012年季后赛的所有比赛中,为三场重要比赛奠定胜利的都是投手麦凯恩。

    McCain is the San Francisco starter should come to win , he will be the winning pitcher in all three clenching games for each round of these 2012 playoffs .

  10. 先发投手派提特当天晚上坐在板凳休息区看休斯在第7局上场,他说休斯的快速球有进步,看起来很像李维拉的致命武器卡特球。

    Starting pitcher Andy Pettitte watched Hughes work from the dugout in the seventh inning and said the way Hughes'fastball was rising , it looked a little bit like Mariano Rivera 's devastating cutter .

  11. 洋基开季的第一个月打的一团乱,洋基败场比胜场多过五场,大部分原因是因为洋基的先发投手因为受伤困扰与投球不一贯导致。

    The first month of the season was messy for the Yankees , who ended April five games under the break-even mark , in large part because their starting rotation was ravaged by injuries and inconsistency .

  12. 《亚洲名人聊天室》摩根·尼尔:我听过很多成功的先发投手说一名好投手跟一名伟大的投手之间的差别,在心理和生理上一样重要。

    MORGAN NEILL , TALK ASIA : I 've heard a lot of successful starting pitchers say that the difference between a good pitcher and a great pitcher is as much mental as it is physical .

  13. 他确实知道如何让投手多投些球在球数上取得领先,这已经成为洋基的特色也是他们能多次在五局后击溃先发投手的原因。

    He really knows how to work the pitcher and work the count and that 's become a trademark of the Yankees and a big reason why they 're able to get rid of starters by the fifth inning so many times .

  14. 老派是唯一在这场系列战不会出赛的洋基先发投手,这次先发顺序为:老克、王建民、休斯、老穆,洋基的打者希望结果可以跟上一次上主场一样。

    Pettitte will be the only Yankees starter not pitching in the Detroit series , leaving the load to Roger clemens , Chien-Ming wang , Phil Hughes and Mike Mussina as the bombers try to match their results from last weekend in new york .