
tóu shǒu
  • pitcher;bowler;thrower
投手 [tóu shǒu]
  • (1) [pitcher]∶棒球或垒球游戏中的投球队员

  • (2) [bowler]∶指板球运动中向击球员投球的队员

投手[tóu shǒu]
  1. 作为一名棒球投手,约翰比詹姆斯高明得多。

    As a pitcher , john is better than James by a long chalk .

  2. 在这个季节里,我们队里只有一名好投手,胜败如何,全在他一人手里了。

    With only one good pitcher this season , I 'm afraid we have all our eggs in one basket .

  3. 今年该队的候补投手实力不错。

    The team 's bullpen is solid this year .

  4. 处于风口浪尖的那些投手不见了踪影。

    The bowlers at the eye of the storm were nowhere in evidence .

  5. 他是一个非常棒的快投手。

    He 's a rather good fast bowler .

  6. 他将会作为史上最伟大的板球投手之一而留名青史。

    His name will live in history as one of the greatest bowlers of all time

  7. 在接下来的5年时间里,他成为了最了不起的棒球投手之一。

    Over the next five years , he became one of the greatest pitchers in baseball .

  8. 由三人组成的陪审团会从1分到6分给出分数,得分最高的投手获胜。

    A three-person jury gives scores from one to six , and the thrower with the highest number of points wins .

  9. 投手会试图用沙包来击打对手;

    The pitcher8 will try to hit the opponent with a beanbag ;

  10. 在这?热??投手投球竟打中了三个击手的头

    The pitcher has beaned as many as three batters in this game .

  11. 为什麽不是他得奖:投手在失败的球队可以赢得赛扬奖。

    Why he probably won 't : Pitchers on also-rans can win the award .

  12. 6.n.打者,击手,(棒球)击球员投手和击球员站在哪里?

    Where do the pitcher and the hitter stand ?

  13. CNN专访日本职业棒球投手——达比修有

    Talk Asia Interview with Japanese Pitching Sensation Yu Darvish

  14. 某些2-连通(n,n+3)-图的色唯一性他是洋基队连续九年分区冠军中,投手群唯一没有变动的一味。

    Chromatic Uniqueness of Certain 2-Connected ( n , n + 3 ) - Graphs ; He has been the one constant through the Yankees ' nine straight division titles .

  15. 投手只有应用正确合理的技术动作才能不断提高V1。

    Pitcher correct application of the technique are reasonable in order to improve the V1 .

  16. 众所周知,在金州勇士队的史蒂芬-库里大热之前,雷-阿伦都曾是NBA里最伟大的投手。

    It 's no secret that Allen was the greatest shooter in NBA history until Golden State Warriors point guard Stephen Curry got hot .

  17. 前任大都会、洋基投手AlLeiter表示,下沈球投手有令人喜爱的特质。

    Al Leiter , who pitched for the Yankees and the Mets , said sinkerball pitchers have other endearing qualities .

  18. 我们可以印刷与所有业内人士的BIOS一行业名录,使生产者知道他们是谁给投手。

    We print an Industry Directory with bios of all industry participants so that producers will know who they are pitching to .

  19. 在LittleLeague中,他是杰出的投手,最终,身为一名大三的学生,他作为大学运动代表队的一员,以五胜二负的成绩为团队赢得了一半的比赛。

    He was an outstanding pitcher in Little League , and eventually , as a senior in high school , made the varsity , winning half the team 's games with a record of five wins and two losses .

  20. 前全明星投手罗杰•克莱门斯(RogerClemens)还在等待法庭的裁决,希望能与一桩永远玷污了棒球运动的丑闻摆脱干系。

    The former All-Star pitcher Roger Clemens remains in court , attempting to clear his name in a scandal that has forever tarnished the game of baseball .

  21. 他所喜爱的是Moyer在投手丘上的斗志,他从各种困境中挣扎出来的能力。

    What he loved was Moyer 's combativeness on the mound , his ability to squirm from seemingly dire predicaments .

  22. 垒球出手速度(V1)是反映投手水平最主要的指标之一,也常用于直接评价投手的技术水平。

    Softball and hand speed ( V1 ) is the pitcher the most important indicator of the level , but also commonly used in the direct evaluation of the technical level pitcher .

  23. 他是我见过的最好的快投手。

    He is the finest fast bowler I have ever seen .

  24. 我将会让投手累坏并投到满球数。

    I 'll work the count full and wear out pitchers .

  25. 大部分非投手受伤也发生在全明星赛之前。

    Most injuries to non-pitchers also happened before the all-star break .

  26. 他因控球好而成为杰出的投手。

    He is an outstanding pitcher because of his ball control .

  27. 投手在他偷跑向本垒时触杀了他。

    The pitcher tagged him out on a steal of home .

  28. 更少有投手能够让这件事情发生。

    There are even fewer pitchers who could make this happen .

  29. 这主要是由投手肩关节灵活性比较差造成的。

    This is mainly pitching shoulder flexibility from the relatively poor .

  30. 投手扔出的时速130千米的快球能飞到10只长颈鹿这么高:

    A pitcher with an 80 mph fastball couldmanage ten giraffes :