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  1. 对于接地故障,先利用零、负序电流相位关系判断故障发生在A,B还是C区,每个区域对应一种单相接地故障和一种两相短路接地故障;

    When a grounding fault occurs , A , B or C region is judged by the phase angle between the zero sequence and negative sequence components of the current . Each region contains a kind of single phase to ground fault and phase to phase with ground fault ;

  2. 去乘尾数是零的数字时,先将零移下。

    When multiplying numbers ending in nought , bring down the noughts first .

  3. 我们先讨论零阶反应。

    So let 's talk about zero order reactions .

  4. 安培小时计的指针先从零转到2,然后又回到零。

    The pointer of the ampere-hour meter moves from zero to two and goes back to zero again .

  5. 本文先给出幂零矩阵的定义,然后讨论了它的若干性质。

    This paper first presents the definition of nilpotent matrix and then moves on to discuss certain properties of them .

  6. 传统的图像插值方法,包括零阶插值或最近邻插值、双线性插值、立方样条插值等,是先经补零疏化、后经内插滤波实现的。

    Conventional interpolation algorithms of image , such as zero-order or nearest neighbor , bilinear , cubic spline interpolation , can be analyzed in two steps : ( I ) upsampling by zero filling , and ( ii ) low-pass filtering .

  7. 我先将它们调零。

    I will zero them .