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wěi niān
  • wilting
萎蔫 [wěi niān]
  • [wilt] 植物因缺乏水分而茎叶萎缩

  • 花草在酷热的太阳下由于失去水分而萎蔫

  1. 它高贵优雅,不容易萎蔫,不用经常浇水,也不会长出花盆之外。

    Vibrant colors last year around without wilting , watering , or outgrowing their pots early , quantities are limited .

  2. DNA含量则不受土壤含水量高于萎蔫点的水分胁迫影响。

    DNA content was unaffected when soil water content was above wilting point .

  3. 当植株产生萎蔫或矮化症时细菌可进入体内繁殖。

    The bacteria may gain entry and develop internally as in wilts and stunts .

  4. 当植株产生萎蔫或矮化症时细菌进入体内繁殖。

    The bacteris may gain entry and develop internally as in wilts and stunts .

  5. 基于GIS的中国松树萎蔫病发生的适应性评价

    GIS method on adaptive assessment of pine wilt disease in China

  6. 结果发现:所得到的C毒素使C细胞质玉米叶片失绿并且严重萎蔫。

    The result showed that C toxin resulted in the yellow leaf and wilting of C cytoplasm .

  7. 基于GIS的松树萎蔫病发生格局研究

    Study of the pine wilt disease occurrence and its range expansion pattern based on GIS

  8. 干旱胁迫下苎麻叶片萎蔫程度、相对含水量与ABA变化的品种间差异

    Changes of RWC , wilting degree and ABA in different ramie varieties under drought stress

  9. 利用GIS技术对安徽省松树萎蔫病发生的空间分布和气候特征进行了分析。

    GIS ( Geographic Information Sciences ) techniques were used on analyzing the spatial-climate distributed characteristic of the PWD ( Pine Wilt Disease ) occurrence in Anhui province .

  10. 随生育期的延长(抽蔓期和结果期),黄瓜根系积聚大量N,植株长势明显受抑,甚至出现萎蔫枯死现象。

    With the growth of cucumber ( vine and fruit stages ), the large accumulations of N in roots caused the growth inhibition of cucumber plants , even the appearance of wilt .

  11. 结果表明,SA预处理明显增强了黄瓜幼苗的耐低温能力,萎蔫率、死亡率明显下降;

    Resistance of chilling increased much more after SA pre treated , and both the wilting rate and the death rate decreased .

  12. ACC处理可以促进采后香石竹切花的乙烯合成,跃变高峰提前出现,加速花瓣萎蔫。

    ACC treatment promoted ethylene biosynthesis , advanced climacteric rise and peak appearence , and accelerated the petals wilt of carnation cut flower .

  13. 抗豌豆萎蔫病半无叶直立型新品系Azur的筛选和利用

    The Selection and Application of New Resistance Oxysporum Tendril Leaf Pea Variety Azur

  14. NaCl处理的种子萌发籽苗受伤害最重,其籽苗叶片渗漏质电导率最大,感染白粉病最重,但无永久萎蔫现象。

    The plantlet treated with the NaCl was injured most badly , the conductivity of the leaf was biggest , the powdery mildew was severe , but the permanencies wilting did not happen .

  15. 经5℃低温处理24h后多毛番茄叶片无明显变化,而普通番茄叶片出现了萎蔫症状。

    After 24h of low temperature treatment , no obvious change was found in leaves of hairy tomato , but leaves of cultivated tomato cultivars showed wilting symptom . 2 .

  16. 出现表观永久萎蔫症状T1早于T2和T3,高羊茅早于钝叶草;

    Emergence of apparent permanent wilting symptom in Tl were earlier than that in T2 and T3 , and that in tall fescue were earlier than that in Auguestinegrass ;

  17. 小麦根系较长,小麦连体耐萎蔫能力较强复水以后恢复较快。表明适当浓度的SA提高膜结构的稳定性,有利于干旱胁迫过程中小麦叶片保持水分,抵抗干旱逆境。

    As a result of all these beneficial factors , the membrane stability and the ability to maintain water and resist drought were enhanced in wheat leaves treated with appropriate concentration SA under drought stress .

  18. 施硅明显减轻了PEG胁迫下水稻叶片萎蔫程度,减缓了叶片和根系干物重、自由水含量、总含水量和相对含水量的下降。

    Application of silicon significantly alleviated leaf wilting , and improved the dry weight , free water content , total moisture content and relative water content in the roots and leaves of rice under PEG stress .

  19. 松材线虫Bursaphelenchusxylophilus是一种松树寄生线虫,引起松树萎蔫病,给林业生产造成极大的危害。

    Pine wood nematode ( Bursaphelenchus xylophilus ) is a kind of parasitic nematode that can cause serious pine wilt disease .

  20. 推迟了萎蔫时间44h;

    The wilting ti - me was postponed 44 hours .

  21. 利用嗅觉仪测定了棉铃虫Helicoverpaarmigera(H櫣bner)成虫对萎蔫的枫杨Pterocaryastenoptera气味的行为反应。

    The behavioral responses of adults Helicoverpa armigera ( H ü bner ) to the odors of wilted leaves ( OWL ) of Chinese wing nut tree , Pterocarya stenoptera were tested by using an olfactometer .

  22. 胁迫100h时,转基因株系和对照叶片均严重萎蔫,根系失水萎缩,变为黄褐色。

    Both of the transgenic and control leaves were severely withered , and the roots were shrunk and become brown at the time point of 100h after stress .

  23. 结论:黄单胞菌L4毒素破坏线粒体内膜结构,从而使ATP代谢不能正常进行,叶面气孔关闭,而且蒸腾作用的热量无法散发,使叶片坏死萎蔫。

    Heat of transpiration cannot be emitted and induce leaf to wilt . Conclusion : Xanthomonas L4 phytotoxin can disrupt mitochondrial to inhibit oxidation and phosphorylation to couple with each other , so ATP can not be formed normally result in leaves to death .

  24. 以木枣为试材进行枣树蒸腾作用与萎蔫现象研究,结果表明:晋西北黄土丘陵旱坡地枣树叶片在正常年份内的蒸腾速率为0.93μg/(s·cm2);

    Cultivar " Muzao " was used as test material , the study results showed that in arid hillside field , loess hills of northwest ShanXi Province , the transpiration rate of jujube leaf blade in normal year is 0.93 μ g / s · cm 2 ;

  25. 松材线虫萎蔫病是由松材线虫[Bursaphelenchusxylophilus(Steiner&Buhoror)Nickle]引起的松属树种上一种毁灭性的病害,目前对该病的致病机理尚不十分清楚。

    Pine wilt disease caused by pine wood nematode [ Bursaphelenchus xylophilus ( Steiner & Buhrer ) Nickle ] is a ruinous disease for pine , but the pathogenesis has not been quite clear so far .

  26. 经0-48h,记载萎蔫程度,并测定相关抗氧化酶的变化。切根苗受害最严重,其次为伤根苗,完整根系棉苗的发病最轻。

    Through the 0-48h with the result that the wilt degree and measures the variety of related anti-enzyme Slice a seedling victimizes most seriously and secondly in order to harm a seedling , complete root the out break that fasten the cotton seedling is the most light .

  27. 干燥的培养基易导致原球茎及幼苗萎蔫、褐化。

    Dry medium led protocorms and seedlings to shrink and die .

  28. 亚麻萎蔫病病原菌鉴定

    Identification on Pathogenetic Fungi of Flax Flaccid Disease in Inner Mongolia

  29. 本文在田间和室内从行为和生理两方面研究了萎蔫的黑杨叶片对鳞翅目成虫的引诱机制。

    The article study on the reason in behavior and physiology .

  30. 萎蔫和玉米粉混合处理对紫花苜蓿袋装式青贮品质的影响

    Effects of Wilting and Corn Flour on Alfalfa Bag Silage Quality