
wěi suō
  • atrophy;shrink;wither;recession;shrivel;sag
萎缩 [wěi suō]
  • (1) [atrophy]∶生物体变干枯

  • 肌肉萎缩

  • (2) [recession]∶指经济衰退

萎缩[wěi suō]
  1. 使萎缩,使衰退使凋谢或退化;

    To cause to wither or deteriorate ; affect with atrophy .

  2. 同时还发现新疆大陆性气候造成油菜角果成熟后期出现油分下降,角果萎缩等自然现象。

    During the later growth period she finds the cause of the quantity of oil reduce and fruit wither is the continent climate in Xinjiang .

  3. 事情的实质是工商业在萎缩。

    The nub of the matter is that business is declining .

  4. 如果不进行治疗,牙龈会开始萎缩、红肿和出血。

    If untreated , the gums recede , become swollen and bleed

  5. 这样可能会导致身体虚弱和肌肉萎缩。

    This can lead to bodily weakness and muscle wastage .

  6. 病人们在泳池里锻炼萎缩的四肢。

    Patients exercised their atrophied limbs in the swimming pool .

  7. 10月,制造业经济已经连续第6个月出现萎缩状况。

    The manufacturing economy contracted in October for the sixth consecutive month .

  8. 牙龈萎缩可能是疾病导致的,也可能仅仅是错误的刷牙方式引起的。

    Receding gums can be the result of disease or simply incorrect brushing .

  9. 她有一条腿有点儿萎缩,看上去明显比另一条腿瘦。

    She has one slightly withered leg , noticeably thinner than the other .

  10. 这个部门因为预算削减而逐年萎缩。

    The department has been shrinking year by year because of budget cuts .

  11. 工会的人数和力量都在迅速萎缩。

    Union membership and union power are declining fast .

  12. 外资银行的放贷金额持续萎缩,面临枯竭。

    Credit from foreign banks is drying up

  13. 肌肉组织会随着我们日趋衰老而萎缩。

    As we age we lose muscle tissue

  14. 斯科特的肌肉萎缩,一条腿发育不完全,成了个瘸子。

    Scott 's muscle atrophied , his leg became stunted , and he was left lame

  15. 经济萎缩,通货膨胀加剧。

    The economy shrank and inflation zoomed

  16. 如果植物的叶子有斑点或者萎缩,就不要用来繁殖。

    If a plant has spotted or crinkled leaves , do not use it for propagation .

  17. 这些遗传病通常只发生在男性身上,如肌肉萎缩、血友病等。

    These are genetic disorders that only affect males normally . They are things like muscular dystrophy and haemophilia

  18. 图书馆是对未来的一项投资,不应任其日趋萎缩。

    Libraries are an investment for the future and they should not be allowed to fall into decline .

  19. 停止锻炼会使肌肉萎缩、脂肪增加。同样,如果花更多的精力锻炼,就会减掉脂肪。

    If you give up exercise , your muscles shrink and fat increases . By the same token , if you expend more energy you will lose fat .

  20. 自去年起,制造业已经萎缩了1.5%。

    The manufacturing industry has contracted by 1.5 % since last year .

  21. 盛夏炎热使某些植物萎缩了。

    The summer heat withered up certain plants .

  22. 萎缩性胃炎与胃癌的关系尚有争论。

    The relationship of atrophic gastritis to cancer has been debated .

  23. 现在经济萎缩终于过去了。

    Economic shrinking has finally been overpassed now .

  24. 这些植物还会改变形状,萎缩以使表面积最小化,剩余的水正是通过植物表面蒸发掉的。

    The plants also change shape , shrinking to minimize the surface area through which their remaining water might evaporate .

  25. 在过去12个月中,尼日利亚饱受经济萎缩、货币贬值及燃料持续短缺之苦。

    In the past 12 months , Nigeria has suffered from a shrinking economy , a sliding currency , and a prolonged fuel shortage .

  26. 在烈日下没有水的月份里,它们会枯萎、萎缩至缩小,直至看起来像一堆灰色枯叶。

    During months without water under a harsh sun , they wither , shrink and contract until they look like a pile of dead gray leaves .

  27. 在《巨大的分歧》中,那些描绘年轻人的挫折的故事最为痛苦,他们渴望进入我们日益萎缩的中产阶级。

    Among most bitter stories in The Great Divide were those that portrayed the frustrations of the young , who long to enter our shrinking middle class .

  28. 某些部分会萎缩,尤其是大脑中那些对学习、记忆和计划十分重要的区域。

    Certain parts shrink , especially areas in the brain that are important to learning , memory and planning .

  29. 但是这次价格冲击以及其他几次均事出有因——苏联的干旱,美国玉米带的庄稼产量萎缩热等。

    But this and other price shocks were event-driven —— drought in the Soviet Union , crop-shrinking heat in the U.S. Corn Belt .

  30. 该数据是美国GDP自2009年萎缩2.5%以来首次下跌,同时也是1946年美国经济萎缩11.6%以来最惨重的年度经济倒退。

    The estimated drop in GDP for 2020 was the first such decline since a 2.5 % fall in 2009 . That was the deepest annual setback since the economy shrank 11.6 % in 1946 .