
jì shù lǎo huà
  • Technical aging;technology aging
  1. 而另一方面,在这个行业,新技术老化的速度比其它大多数行业都要快。

    The flip side is that the new ages into the old more quickly in tech than in most other industries .

  2. 但东三省市场化程度低,国有经济比重高,企业设备和技术老化,资源型城市主导产业衰退,经济发展活力不足。

    But it is the area with low level in market , high proportion of state-owned-enterprises , out-dated enterprise facilities and technology , the decline in the dominant industries of resources city and weak economic development with little vitality .

  3. 此次三方合并,将推动合并后的实体跻身全球10大期货交易所之列。目前,日本的期货市场已落后于地区及全球的增长速度,部分原因是技术老化和监管障碍。

    A three-way merger would propel the combined entity into the global top 10 of futures exchanges at a time when the Japanese platforms have lagged behind regional and world growth , in part because of ageing technology and regulatory barriers .

  4. 在国内外氧化铝行业,铝酸钠溶液精滤工序所用过滤设备技术老化、运行成本高、操作维护困难,造成生产被动苦不堪言。

    In the alumina industries at home and abroad , the filters used for aluminate liquor refining process are old technical kind , with the problems of high running cost and difficult operation & maintenance , which finally results in passive production .

  5. 但是近10多年来,我局炭黑生产徘徊不前,工艺技术老化,品种单一,设备陈旧,能耗高,失去了竞争和应变能力,目前形势十分严峻。

    But in the last 10 years , it is hesitant , the technology and technique are old , the product is single , the equipments are obsolete and the energy consumption is high as well as the competition and emergency ability are lack , the situation is very serious .

  6. 旋流分离技术处理老化油的适应性分析

    Adaptability for Handling Aging Oil by Using Cyclone Separating Technique

  7. 该技术消除老化的迹象,使嘴唇显得不那么皱褶,且不使用人工植入物,令丰唇后的外观看起来更自然。

    This procedure provides patients with a more natural look and feel , eliminates signs of aging , makes lips appear less puckered and abstains from using artificial implants .

  8. 奥布雷德格雷(aubreydegrey)等“不老主义者”预测,驻颜技术和替代老化细胞及身体部位方面的医疗进步,可能会加快最近死亡率迅速下降的趋势。

    The medical advances in rejuvenation techniques and replacing worn-out cells and body parts predicted by " immortalists " such as Aubrey de Grey may accelerate even the rapid recent trend towards lower mortality rates .

  9. 现代测试技术在聚酰胺老化研究中的应用

    Application of modern testing technology in polyamide aging research

  10. 超声波技术治疗皮肤老化临床效果的初步观察

    The preliminary observation of the clinic effects of the ultrasonic wave on treating the aging face

  11. 将影响拖网捕捞能力的众多因素归并为渔船作业能力、综合捕捞技术、渔船老化程度、出航率4个公共因子。

    Various factors affecting the fishing capacity of trawlers were merged into four common factors , fishing capacity , integrated fishing techniques , fishing vessel aging extent and sailing rate .

  12. 采用空穴损伤非接触诊断专利技术,进行老化药柱的空穴损伤实验研究,求得一种固体复合推进剂的空穴损伤演变的实验曲线和使用寿命。

    With the aid of the discontiguous diagnostic patent technology for the void damage and thermal aging test of the void damage of grain , the experiment curve for void damage variety and the service life of a solid composite grain were obtained .

  13. 本文采用先进的数字局部放电检测技术对不同老化阶段的试样线棒进行了综合测试,分析了局部放电各参量与试样线棒老化程度的关系,给出了各种反映绝缘老化特性的指纹图形。

    The comprehensive measurements are carried out on the specimen at different aging state with the novel digital partial discharge ( PD ) measuring technology . The relationship between PD parameters and the degree of the aging is analyzed and the fingerprint diagrams are given .

  14. 种苗繁殖技术研究内容为老化假鳞茎培养法与无菌播种繁殖体系的建立。

    Propagation technique research included the aging false bulb culture and establishment of propagation system of aseptic seeding .

  15. 原有的数据录取系统因技术落后和元器件老化等原因已无法继续使用。

    The existent data acquisition system can no longer continue to be used as the result of taking the system , backward technology , the aging components and other reasons .

  16. 笔者以充油电缆绝缘结构为研究对象,采用红外光谱分析技术对不同热老化阶段的电缆油油样进行了理化分析。

    In this paper , the high voltage oil-filled cable insulating structure is investigated , and the infrared spectral analysis is used to analyze the cable oil samples in different thermal aging stages .

  17. 本课题是在实验室范围内,应用电渗析技术对化学镀镍老化液进行净化再生,并对两种膜&异相离子交换膜和均相离子交换膜的分离效果进行比较。

    In the paper , the separation of spent bath of electroless nickel planting bath was studied in the laboratory and the separation capacities of two kinds of membranes , heterogeneous ion exchange membrane and homogeneous ion exchange membrane , were compared .