
  1. 高级技工教育实验教学方案探析

    Exploration of Experimental Teaching Programs for Higher Technical Education

  2. 但是,在目前的技工教育中,语文课备受冷落,语文教学方法陈旧,学生对语文学习不感兴趣。

    However , in current technical worker education , Chinese lessons relatively isolated , teaching methods are out of times , students are not interested in Chinese learning .

  3. 该文主要就技工教育中存在的问题进行了分析,并就怎样提高技工教育的质量等问题提出了自己的意见。

    The paper analyses the current problems existing in minority technical education . It also expresses the author 's ideas about how to improve the quality of technical education .

  4. 技工教育致力于培养面向企业生产、经营一线的中、高级技能型人才,其教育的本质要求学校在培养目标和培养模式上与企业保持对接。

    Technical education is dedicated to training the middle and senior skilled workers for production and management . The essential requirements for the technical education in training aims and modes are to meet enterprises ' need .

  5. 我国应该借鉴国外牙科技工教育的经验加强师资队伍建设,从实习基地建设及课程设置入手进行教学改革,探索适合我国口腔工艺专业人才培养道路。

    We should improve our teachers ' qualifications , build our practicing bases , and reform our curriculum by means of some foreign experiences so that we could explore the ways of cultivating dentistry professionals which would adapt to the situation of our country .

  6. 技工学校教育创新是促进职教发展的重要途径和条件,是贯彻实施素质教育的需要。

    Education innovation in technical school is the important way and condition for promoting development of vocational education , and also necessary for implementing quality education .

  7. 技工学校也是中等教育的一种形式。

    Technical workers'schools , like vocational schools , are a form of secondary education .

  8. 而技工学校实施素质教育的主渠道是课堂教学和实践操作。

    The main irrigation ditch of the quality-oriented education in the technical school is the teaching instruction and the practice .

  9. 的根本出路在于素质教育,技工学校实现素质教育面临许多困难。

    The education basic outlet lies in the education for all-around development , the Technical school realizes the education for all-around development faced with many difficulties .

  10. 认真分析和对待这些问题并采取相应的对策,是技工学校和技工教育工作者的重要任务。

    Careful analysing and treating these problems , and taking some measures , is important mission of the technician 's school and the technician 's educator .

  11. 技工学校职业指导工作是集思想引导、能力培养、方法训练、平台提供等内容于一体的系统,是技工教育落实办学方针、适应市场经济、提高学生素质的需要,其内容体系意义重大。

    Occupational instruction in technicians schools is a system integrating ideological guidance , ability cultivation , technique training and platform offering , which can meet the needs of carrying out the educational policy , adapting to market economy , and improving students ' quality in technicians schools .