
  • 网络technology integration;technological integration;technical integration
  1. 首先,本文明确了技术整合的概念。

    Firstly , the concept of Technology Integration has been highlighted .

  2. 企业并购的技术整合研究

    A Research on Technology Integration of Merger and Acquisition of Enterprises

  3. 使用工作流管理技术整合Web服务,提供了一个跨平台的、语言无关的、便于复用的柔性计算环境,能满足现代企业提出的敏捷制造要求,是现在研究的热点。

    Web service composition using workflow management technology , can provide cross-platform and language independent IT environment , which is also easy to reuse and adapts to change .

  4. 并利用JavaScript来将这些技术整合起来,实现浏览器与Web服务器的异步交互。

    XML , and use JavaScript to bind them in a powerful way , realizes asynchronous interaction between Web browser to Web server .

  5. 在分析贵州省分散的中药材数据库现状的基础上,提出了一种利用WebServices技术整合大量分布式资源的中药材系统。

    On base of analyzing actuality of decentralized Chinese Traditional Medicine database in GuiZhou Province , Chinese Traditional Medicine System that could unify so much decentralized resource by Web Services is presented .

  6. 3S技术整合在区域地质调查研究中的应用初探

    Discussion on integration of remote sensing , gis and GPS technique for regional geological surveying

  7. 从长远来看,LindenLabs想要将这两种技术整合起来:使用MonoTasklets实现快速的continuations,使用自己的技术实现需要序列化的continuations。

    Long term LindenLabs would like to combine the two techniques , using Mono Tasklets for fast continuations and their technique when continuations need to be serialized .

  8. B2B领域有巨大的潜力;通过将新技术整合到传统业务当中,创业者们可以显著提高效率,开发新市场,解决长期存在的问题,在某些情况下,甚至会颠覆整个行业。

    The B2B space is rife with potential ; by integrating new technologies into traditional businesses , entrepreneurs can dramatically improve efficiencies , uncover new markets , solve longstanding problems and , in some cases , disrupt entire industries .

  9. 微软还将旗下Skype视频聊天软件的技术整合进了XboxOne,使用户能够与朋友互动。XboxOne还拥有更加精良的Kinect动作和声音传感器,并且能播放和控制来自有线电视和卫星机顶盒的视频节目。

    Microsoft also integrated technology from its Skype video chatting subsidiary into Xbox One , allowing customers to interact with friends using a more refined version of the Kinect motion and speech sensor . Xbox One also can play and control live television streaming from a cable or satellite set-top box .

  10. 课程与信息技术整合的理论分析

    The Theoretical Analysis of the Integration of Course and Information Technology

  11. 信息技术整合在教师课堂教学活动中的体现

    Incarnation of Integrating Information Technology into Teacher 's Classroom Instruction Activities

  12. 技术整合的概念、作用与过程管理

    The Conception , Function , Process Management of Technology Integration

  13. 企业技术整合及其战略意义研究

    Study on technological conformity of enterprise and its strategic meaning

  14. 对工科高校工程课程与信息技术整合的思考

    Thoughts of the Integration of Engineering Course & Information Technology

  15. 乡土课程资源开发与信息技术整合的创新实践

    The innovation practice of local curriculum resources and communication technology 's Integration

  16. 信息时代的整合性学习模型&信息技术整合于教学的生态观诠释

    A Model of Integrated Learning in the Information Era

  17. 中小学学科教学与信息技术整合模式及支撑软件研究

    Research on IT Integration Model and Assistant Software in Course Teaching in Primary Schools

  18. 技术整合机制、整合能力和技术合作效果关系研究:以我国某重点汽车零配件公司为例

    Integration Mechanism , Integration Capability and Technology Cooperation : An empirical Study in China

  19. 基于问题的学习与现代信息技术整合研究

    Problem-Based Learning and Modern Info-Technologies Integration Research

  20. 最后,对知识管理与情报学的流程整合、过程整合、技术整合以及竞争情报与知识管理整合等问题进行初步探讨。

    It has also tried to integrate the study with knowledge management and information science .

  21. 同时,产业组织模式与企业技术整合能力之间相互影响最为显著,产业组织模式对质量管理措施有显著正影响。

    Meanwhile , the interaction between industrial organization mode and technology and integration capabilities is significant positive .

  22. 这是制卡和会员卡制作者将两种技术整合在一起的一种很好的方式。

    This is the business card printing and membership card maker will two technologies together in a good way .

  23. 时代与学生的新变要求唐诗宋词教学必须突破传统教学模式,与信息技术整合。

    The changing of times and students ideas call for a breakthrough of the traditional teaching model of poetry .

  24. 但是关于高校理工科专业课程与信息技术整合的论述却很少。

    While , there are few thesis which discuss the conformity of university science or engineering courses with information technology .

  25. 经过一段时间的技术整合,美元似乎即将开始再度走强。

    Having gone through a period of technical consolidation , the dollar seems set for a fresh phase of strengthening .

  26. 用数字技术整合中华民族文化,使之成为可持续发展的新的战略资源。

    Using the digital technique deal with our national culture , we will make it to be new stratagem of sustainable development .

  27. 受训教师的信息技术整合能力和新课改理念下教学设计的能力得到极大提高。

    And the trainees ' ability has improved especially in using information technology and designing teaching plan in terms of new curriculum .

  28. 基于网格技术整合和管理网格中分布的各种资源,实现网格中资源的充分共享与协同工作已经成为一个研究热点。

    Grid-based integration and management of Grid distribution of resources Grid realize the full resource sharing and collaborative work has become a hotspot .

  29. 风险管理与项目管理的整合包括组织整合、技术整合和流程整合三方面,使风险管理过程得到有效实施。

    The integrating includes organization integration , management technique integration and process integration , which can bring the risk management process into effect .

  30. 相信这样一种运用语音技术整合互联网与电话网络的系统,是一个有实用价值并且值得继续深入研究的系统。

    Such a system , we believe , with the integration of Internet and telephone network is very useful and worthy of further study .