
  • 网络disease association
  1. 遗传学研究中的疾病关联分析方法及其程序与应用

    Disease Association Analysis in the Study of Genetics : Methods . Program and it 's Application

  2. B淋巴细胞刺激因子及其受体与疾病关联性的研究

    The Relationship between B Lymphocyte Stimulator and Its Receptors and Diseases

  3. HLA-DR、DQ座位等位基因与慢性疾病关联的研究

    HLA DR and DQ allelic polymorphism associated with chronic diseases

  4. 结论本结果可作为我国HLA多态性研究的群体资料和正常参考值,对群体遗传、疾病关联研究以及寻找HLA相合的异基因造血干细胞供者具有重要意义。

    Conclusion It 's important to the study on population genetics and disease associated , and is helpful for potential receipts to find optimal donors .

  5. 首先使用凝胶迁移检测和疾病关联的SNP是否会影响某些转录因子的结合。

    First , we carried out Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay ( EMSA ) to investigate the binding difference of SNPs and transcription factors .

  6. 方法:应用疾病关联分析方法对HBsAg和抗HCV阳性献血者与同期健康献血者的ABO血型资料进行比较分析。

    Methods : The data of ABO blood type between health blood donors as control and the donors with positive HBsAg and Anti HCV were analysed by the correlation analysis of diseases .

  7. 其中HLA-DQA1等位基因的分布及其与疾病关联受到很大的关注。

    Moreover , HLA-DQA1 allelic distribution and association with diseases should be paid great attention .

  8. 关于药物临床试验设计与基因&疾病关联性的统计研究

    Statistical Studies for Drug Clinical Trials Designs and Gene-Disease Association

  9. 人类复杂疾病关联研究中群体分层的检出和校正

    Detection and controlling for population stratification in association studies of human complex disease

  10. 复杂疾病关联分析进展

    Advances in the Association Analysis of Complex Diseases

  11. 在数据收集方面,它不需要收集家系数据,这是与家系数据疾病关联分析的一个区别&它的应用条件比较宽泛。

    In data collection , it does not involve to collect family information , which is different from association analysis of the family data , its more broad application conditions .

  12. 而HLA与疾病的关联主要取决于其丰富的基因多态性。尤其是HLAⅡ类基因多态性。

    The different susceptibility to disease of HLA depends on its wealth genetic polymorphism , especially the polymorphism of HLA class ⅱ .

  13. 近年来,从基因组结构变异水平对拷贝数变异(CopyNumberVariations,CNVs)与疾病的关联进行研究逐渐成为热点。

    Recently , the studies focus on the genome-wide study of association between copy number variations ( CNVs ) and diseases at the level of DNA structural variation .

  14. 结论:FⅧVal34Leu变异在中国人群中不是多态性,与缺血性心脑血管疾病没有关联,不是中国人群中防止动脉血栓性疾病的保护性因素。

    Conclusion : Val 34 Leu variation is not polymorphic and not associated with ischemic brain and heart disease in the Chinese population . 34 Leu allele is not a protective factor against the development of arterial thromboembolic disease in the Chinese population .

  15. 本研究应用PCR-RFLP和DNA的非变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳银染法分析人的单核苷酸多态性及SNP与疾病的关联性的工作中,取得了比较满意的效果。

    In this study , PCR-RFLP and DNA non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis by silver staining are used to analyze human single nucleotide polymorphisms and the relevance between SNP and disease , we have got satisfactory results . 4 .

  16. 目的研究湖北五峰县土家族190名无亲缘关系健康个体HLA-A、B等位基因及单倍型频率的分布,为进一步研究HLA基因多态性与疾病的关联奠定基础。

    Objective To investigate the genetic diversity in Chinese populations . And HLA-A , - B alleles and haplotypes of 190 unrelated healthy individuals of Tu nationality from Wufeng county Hubei province were identified for the associated studies of HLA gene polymorphism and disease .

  17. “我们只是刚刚开始理解生物学网络和他们如何与疾病相关联,”Inouye博士说。

    " We are just beginning to understand biological networks and how they relate to disease ," Dr Inouye said .

  18. 且缺陷基因与疾病的关联性的确定应有专门委员会进行,保险公司无权自行制定。

    And faulty gene and disease relevance determine technical committee , insurance company has no right to make .

  19. 基底膜胶原蛋白结构和功能的异常往往和一些先天遗传性和后天获得性疾病相关联。

    Abnormalities in this basement membrane collagen structure and function are connected to both inherited and acquired diseases .

  20. 在遗传流行病学中,利用病例-对照研究可以找到复杂疾病的关联基因。

    In genetic epidemiology , genes associated with complex diseases could be found by using case - control study .

  21. 通过了解哪些基因与特定病人的疾病存在关联,会使药物的使用更加精确。

    Knowing which genes were involved in a particular patient 's disease would allow drugs to be deployed with greater precision .

  22. 铝是人体非必需矿物质,已发现铝元素摄取过多与多种疾病相关联。

    Aluminum is a nonessential trace metal to human and the over intake of aluminum have been proved associated with many disease .

  23. 这种药丸也将会受到女士们的欢迎,她们一直在担心含有激素的女性避孕药与乳腺癌以及威胁生命的血栓性疾病有关联。

    The tablet will be welcomed by women worried about the hormone-laden female version 's links to breast cancer and fatal blood clots .

  24. 髓过氧化物酶与很多疾病有关联,其功能和遗传变异可引起很多疾病,如炎症、肺癌、白血病和心血管疾病。

    Myeloperoxidase ( MPO ) is found to be associated with many kinds of diseases , such as inflammation , lung cancer , leukemia , and arteriosclerosis .

  25. 肥胖是全球的公共健康问题,肥胖与多种血管形成有关的疾病相关联,如糖尿病、心血管疾病和癌症。

    Obesity has become a global health problem , and it is linked to the development of many angiogenesis-related diseases such as diabetes , cardiovascular disorder and cancer .

  26. 近年来,慢性感染被认为与一种可以引起动脉生垢的疾病相关联,即心脏动脉粥样硬化,为心脏病发作的主要原因。

    In recent years chronic infections have been associated with a disease that causes " furring " of the arteries , called atherosclerosis , which is the main cause of heart attacks .

  27. 环境反应相关基因SNP的发掘和环境反应相关疾病的遗传关联研究

    The SNP discovery in environmental responsive genes and the genetic association studies with environmentally-induced common diseases

  28. ApoE基因因与一系列神经系统疾病的高关联性而成为候选者之一。

    ApoE gene may be a candidate due to its high connection with a series of neuropathy .

  29. 目的探讨复发性口腔溃疡(RAU)的发病与口腔幽门螺杆菌(Hp)感染及消化道疾病之间的关联。

    Objective To investigate the association of recurrent aphthous ulcer ( RAU ) with Helicobacter pylori ( Hp ) infection and digestive diseases .

  30. BHF的科学家正努力揭示交通污染与心脏疾病的生物学关联。

    BHF scientists are gearing up to unravel the biology that links traffic pollution to heart attacks .