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  • type conversion
  1. C语言数据类型转换的方式及常见问题探讨

    C Language Data Type Conversion Methods and Explore the Frequently Questions

  2. C语言教学中强制类型转换运算运用探讨

    Discussion on the Compulsory Type Conversion Operator in C Language Teaching

  3. NET程序开发过程中有关类型转换和接口方法调用的正确使用方式。

    The correct use of class transformation and calling interface method is also presented .

  4. 您需要编辑Transformer阶段以调用正确的函数进行数据类型转换。

    You need to edit the Transformer stage to invoke appropriate functions for your data conversion .

  5. 隐式转换操作符将Point类型转换为int。

    The implicit conversion operator is defined , which converts a Point type to int.

  6. PHP还有用于算术运算的自动类型转换。

    PHP also has automatic type conversion for arithmetic operations .

  7. 显示视图时,表达式语言和类型转换程序再次将数据从Java类型自动转换回字符串。

    While rendering the view , expression language and type converter again converts from Java types to string value automatically .

  8. 黄土高原西部地区末次冰期和全新世有机碳同位素变化与C3/C4植被类型转换研究

    Variation of soil organic carbon isotope and c_3 / c_4 vegetation type transition in the Western Loess Plateau during the last glacial and Holocene periods

  9. BC模式也允许某些自动类型转换。

    BC mode allows certain automatic type conversions to occur .

  10. 尽管Oracle支持隐式的类型转换,但是最好应该避免它。

    Although implicit type-casting is supported by Oracle , as a good programming practice , it should be avoided .

  11. 会首先使用JAXB将复杂数据类型转换为XML,然后传递给服务调用者。

    Complex data types are first converted into XML using JAXB and then passed to the service invoker .

  12. SDO引用属性没有类型转换。

    There is no type conversion for SDO reference properties .

  13. 它只需调用底层Hibernate方法和添加强制类型转换。

    It 's just a matter of calling the underlying Hibernate methods and adding the casts .

  14. 这个异常是由显式类型转换抛出的,因为测试用例试图把类型为String的东西转换成Integer。

    The exception is thrown by the explicit cast because the test case is trying to convert something of type String to an Integer .

  15. 对数据转换方法的相关技术进行分析与设计,主要包括报文类型转换、数据元转换、数据元代码转换和XML格式的转换。

    It analyzes and designs technology relevant to data conversion methods , mainly including the message type conversion , data element conversion , data element code conversion and XML data format conversion .

  16. 向导能修复的一些常见问题有:使用varChar(max)替换text列、将用户自定义类型转换为基类型等。

    Common problems it can fix include replacing text columns with varChar ( max ) and converting user-defined types to their base types .

  17. 如果在应用程序代码或数据库对象中已经使用了隐式类型转换,那么在迁移到DB2时应该改为显式的类型转换。

    If implicit type-casting has already been used in application code or database objects , then while migrating to DB2 , you should move to explicit type-casting .

  18. 在Java语言中进行向下类型转换最常见的原因在于,经常以专用的方式来使用类,这限制了方法调用所返回的参数可能的运行时类型。

    The most common reason to downcast in the Java language is that classes are often used in specialized ways that restrict the potential runtime types of arguments returned by method calls .

  19. 尽管发生了非常糟糕的double到integer类型转换,但是当用g++–Wall选项编译以上代码时,编译器不会发出任何警告。

    When compiled with the g + + – Wall option , the compiler did not emit any warning for the above code despite the very ugly double to integer type conversion happening .

  20. 这种设置意味着Category组件的事件会在应用值阶段(而不是在调用程序阶段)进行处理(以及类型转换和有效性验证)。

    This setting means that the Category component 's events will be handled ( and converted and validated ) in the apply request values phase , rather than the invoke application phase .

  21. Python中既有强制类型转换也有强迫同型,通常使用更多的是前者(“显式优于隐式”)。

    Python contains a mixture of casts and coercions , with a usual preference for the former (" explicit is better than implicit ") .

  22. BC模式允许进行某些自动类型转换和自动选择节点集的第一个成员。

    BC mode allows certain automatic type conversions to occur , as well as automatic selection of the first member of a node-set .

  23. 这些数据类型转换不仅使Java代码变得更加拖沓冗长,而且它们还降低了静态类型检查的价值(因为每个数据类型转换都是一个选择忽略静态类型检查的伪指令)。

    Not only do these casts make Java code wordier , they also diminish the value of static type checking ( since each cast is a directive to selectively ignore static type checking ) .

  24. 谢天谢地,JSRGroovy引入了as关键字,它是一个方便的类型转换机制。

    Thankfully , JSR Groovy has introduced the as keyword , which is a short-hand casting mechanism .

  25. 在Java和C中,此方法也是可能的,而且使用它们的自动装箱功能,在需要时这两种语言还可以把这种简单的内置类型转换为Integer对象。

    The same is possible in the Java language and C # , and with their auto-boxing capabilities , both of those languages can turn this simple built-in type into an Integer object when necessary .

  26. Sequel执行类型转换是在从数据库获取数据时就进行转换,而ActiveRecord直到使用数据时才延迟进行转换。

    Sequel typecasts data when it is retrieved from the database , while ActiveRecord delays typecasting until use .

  27. 基于Nakamura的各种场地类型转换方法研究

    Research On Changing Method Of All Kinds Site Conditions Based On Nakamura

  28. 提出了一类考虑工序相关性的Jobshop调度问题,对工序相关性从代数描述、甘特图表示和类型转换等方面进行了较为系统的数学描述;

    It proposes a job shop scheduling problem with process relativity , defines the concept of process relativity . Then the mathematical description of operation relativity is given systematically from algebraic specification , Gantt chart expression and type conversion .

  29. PL/M96语言中的类型转换问题

    Problems of Type Conversion in PL / M96

  30. 如果会绕过索引,应该对比较表达式的RHS执行类型转换。

    If the index is being bypassed , then the RHS of the comparison should be type-cast .