
  • 网络parasitoidism;Parasitoid
  1. 是许多种昆虫特别是鳞翅目昆虫的卵寄生蜂,是目前在生物防治中应用最为广泛的一类寄生蜂。

    Trichogramma wasp , which can parasite eggs of many species of Lepidoptera , is the most widely used egg parasitoid wasp in world bio-control .

  2. 烃源岩已进入成熟阶段,处于生油高峰期。蝌蚪形的吸虫类寄生幼虫;成体阶段尾巴消失。

    Tadpole-shaped parasitic larva of a trematode worm ; tail disappears in adult stage .

  3. 鲍类寄生性病害研究进展

    Progress of studies on parasitic diseases of abalone

  4. 研究结果/结论将最终在理论上进一步丰富寄主取食行为在寄生蜂行为生态学上的进化意义,并在实践上为该类寄生蜂生物防治应用提供指导。

    The results / conclusions will enrich the evolutionary significance of host feeding behaviors in behavioral ecology of parasitoid , and provide a direction for the application of the parasitoids in biological control of pests .

  5. Bt基因表达的蛋白产物可特异性毒杀鳞翅目、鞘翅目、双翅目、瞒类、寄生线虫和原生动物等多种有害生物,而且对人畜和环境无害。

    The proteins encoded by Bt genes can specifically kill a variety of pests , such as Lepidoptera , Coleoptera , Diptera , acaridan , parasitic nematodes and protozoan . Bt proteins is harmless to human , animal and environment .

  6. 天敌有蜘蛛类、寄生蜂等。

    The natural enemies included spiders and parasitic wasps .

  7. 浙江省板栗蛾类害虫寄生蜂种类调查

    Investigation on the parasitic wasps on moths attacking hairy chestnuts in Zhejiang Province

  8. 新疆蚤类的寄生蠕虫

    Helminthes parasitized in fleas of xinjiang , china

  9. 患颤抖病中华绒螯蟹血细胞中类立克次体寄生的超微结构观察

    Ultrastructural observation on hemocytes parasitized by Rickettsia-like organisms of Eriocheir sinensis infected with tremor disease

  10. 索科线虫是一类昆虫寄生线虫,其形态多样而且具有较高的宿主特异性。

    Mermithidae is a group of insect 's parasitic nematode with diversified morphological characters and host specificity .

  11. 硬蜱是一类可寄生于多种温血动物(包括人)的体外寄生虫。

    Hard tick is a class of ectoparasites that can parasitize in a variety of warm-blooded animals ( including humans ) .

  12. 文章调查研究了云南14种无尾两栖类体内寄生多盘吸虫的自然感染情况。

    In this article , the author has researched the natural infectious-state of the Polystoma ( Monogenea ) parasitic in the urinary bladders of14 species of Anura .

  13. 两类专性寄生真菌侵染植物的组织学染色技术初步研究

    Histological Stain Technology Study of Two Plant Obligate Parasitic Fungi with Their Hosts

  14. 微孢子虫作为一类专营细胞内寄生的低等的原生动物,有着比较悠久的进化历史。

    Microsporidia are obligate intracellular parastic protozoa , and have a relative long evolution history .

  15. 七鳃鳗隶属于圆口纲,是一类因营半寄生生活而引发机体显著特化的动物。

    A commensal organism , especially an insect that lives in the nest or burrow of another species .

  16. 另一类研究是由于寄生菌种对寄生专化性的认识而产生。

    The other kind of study is that which has arisen from the recognition of host specialization by parasitic species .

  17. 根据葡萄园节肢动物的营养和取食关系,将群落划分为植食类、捕食类、寄生和中性类亚群落。

    The arthropod community was divided into three sub-communities , which were phytophages , predators , parasitoids and neutralities .

  18. 在天敌功能团中,瓢虫类恢复能力较强,蜘蛛类与寄生性天敌类较弱。

    Among the functional groups of natural enemies , ladybirds had a stronger ability of recovery , while spiders and parasitoids were weaker .

  19. 生态位重叠指数以寄生蜂类对食蚜蝇类最高(0.1017);生态位相似性比例指数以食蚜蝇类对寄生蜂类最高(0.8127)。

    In spring soybean fields : the niche breadth index of hover flies ( 0.8419 ) and the niche overlap index of parasitic wasps to hover flies and the niche similarity index of hover flies to parasitic wasps ( 0.8127 ) were the highest among the insect enemies , respectively .