
  1. 该文重点介绍了单类说的发展进程,并对归类不确定情境中的特征推理进行了展望。

    The article will introduce the development of the single-category view .

  2. 归类不确定时特征推理的单类说理论

    The Development of the Single - category View When Categorization Is Uncertain

  3. 李敖的排比艺术类说

    On the Types of Parallelism Art by Li Ao

  4. 研究表明企业员工“如果将全部精力都用于应付这类说一套做一套的风气,就无法好好完成工作”。

    Research shows staff " can 't get their work done , [ if ] they 're spending all their energy " dealing with such dissonance .

  5. 把这类创新说成“必要”或“有用”实在过于牵强。

    It is a stretch to call such innovations necessary or useful .

  6. 这类事变说得再多也没用。

    It is no use saying any more about it .

  7. 这类组织说,正是改换雇主的权利划清了雇佣和奴役的界限。

    It is , they say , the right to change employers which distinguishes employment from slavery .

  8. 很多年前,我当时还是一个少不更事的牧师,而且也不知道该对这类事情说些什么。

    Years and years ago , I remember when I was a young minister and pretty dumb about this things .

  9. 法则、公理这类与其说利用还不如说误用其天赋的机械工具,是持久不成熟状态的脚镣。

    Statues and formulas , these mechanical tools of a serviceable use , or rather misuse , of his natural faculties , are the ankle-chains of a continuous immaturity .

  10. 研究发现,该类节目说大人话,少儿主持人像大人一样说话,以成人视角选择和报道新闻。

    The study finds that this type of program will invite child to host the show in a adult way , selecting and reporting the news from the adult perspective .

  11. (该类,顺便说一句,可能在PHP随后的版本中有变化,因此不要在开发中直接使用)。

    That class , by the way , may change in subsequent versions of PHP , so don 't use it directly in development .

  12. 注意,所有J2SE类本质上说都可用于一个包。

    Note that all J2SE classes are available natively to a bundle .

  13. 所以这类结构可以说就是烟尘环。

    So these structures are literally smoke rings .

  14. 这个类(比如说ResourceManager.java)提供了将特定于本地语言环境的资源包加载到缓存的函数。

    This class ( say , ResourceManager . java ) exposes the function to load the locale-specific resource bundles into the cache .

  15. 伦敦自然历史博物馆的古人类学家克里斯·斯特林格说,这项新的研究工作“突出了早期人类历史上跨越撒哈拉的外迁通道具有重要性。”

    Chris Stringer , a paleoanthropologist at the Natural History Museum in London , says that the new work " highlights the importance of trans-Sahara corridors during early human history . "

  16. 鸟类兽脚类恐龙起源说得到了来自世界各地化石证据的支持,而对公众产生最大影响的证据则来自中国带羽毛或者类似羽毛结构的恐龙化石。

    The theropod hypothesis of bird origin is based on a wealth of fossil evidence from many localities around the world but the discovery of dinosaurs with feathers on feather-like structures from China , has the greatest impact on the public .

  17. 苹果营销高级副总裁菲尔•席勒(PhilSchiller)预料到了这类问题。他说,当这么多其他组件必须安装到一部智能手机里,单一用途的模拟式耳机接口“无意义”。

    Anticipating such questions , Phil Schiller , Apple 's senior vice-president of marketing , said that single-purpose analogue ports for headphones " don 't make sense " when so many other components have to be packed into a smartphone .

  18. 他人从来没有以这类体例和他说过话。

    He has never been spoken to in this way .

  19. 他们认为,这类措施,比如说降息,将会反过来提振股市。

    Those moves-such as cutting interest rates-in turn help stocks , they argue .

  20. 撇开这类禁猎区不说,山区为麋鹿提供了最安全的栖息场所。

    Except for such preserves , the mountains have offered the elk their safest habitat .

  21. 有些这类宴会,比如说由埃尔顿·约翰举办的,目的是为了给艾滋病慈善机构筹款,而且总是座无虚席。

    Some of these parties , like the one held by Elton John , raise money for AIDS charities and are always well-attended .

  22. 但是也有这样一类行动对于社会说来,就其有别于个人之处来看,只有(假如还有的话)一种间接的利害。

    But there is a sphere of action in which society , as distinguished from the individual , has , if any , only an indirect interest ;

  23. 然而,对于一些女孩来说,知道从事科技类工作(比如说海洋工程师)能够赚取多少钱,的确会产生不一样的激励效果。

    Yet for some of the girls , Dr. Chow said , knowing how much you can earn as , say , a marine engineer really makes a difference .

  24. 这类人会先说“噢,我没有那么好”或者“我可能会把事情搞砸”,然后才有胆量采取行动。

    These types say things like " Oh , I 'm not that good " or " I 'll probably mess up " before daring to take a specific action .

  25. 然而,对于一些女孩来说,“知道从事科技类工作(比如说海洋工程师)能够赚取多少钱,的确会产生不一样的激励效果。”

    Yet for some of the girls , Dr. Chow said , " knowing how much you can earn as , say , a marine engineer really makes a difference . "

  26. “巴特西猫狗之家”的资深犬类行为学家克莱尔·马修斯说:“对人类来说,拥抱可能是社会交往中正常的问候,但对狗来说不是这样的。

    Claire Matthews , Senior Canine Behaviourist at Battersea Dogs & Cats Home , says : " A hug might be a normal social greeting for humans but it isn 't for a dog .

  27. 聚类分析又称群分析,它是研究(样品或指标)分类问题的一种多元统计方法,所谓类,通俗地说,就是指相似元素的集合。

    Cluster analysis group , also known as analysis , it is to study ( samples or indicators ) Category A pluralistic statistical methods , such as the saying goes , popular , that is similar to those elements of the Assembly .

  28. 根据对赌博行为属性的不同认识,我们将赌博分为两大类:一类是游戏说;另一类是营利说。

    Based on the different views , we divided the kinds of gambling into two parts . One is playing game , the other is making profit .

  29. Automobile类中具有成员motor,这意味着您如果创建另一个子类,比方说Bus,您就还需要将motor(及其相关方法)加入到Bus类中。

    Having motor in the Automobile class means that if you create other subclasses of Vehicle , such as Bus , you 'll need to add motor ( and its associated methods ) to the Bus class too .