
  • 网络class body;quasi-subject
  1. 类主体视野下教育管理模式研究

    A Study on the Modes of Education Management in the View of Quasi-subject

  2. 当前中国的社会转型有三重文化背景:个体性文化是主体文化背景,类主体性文化是前瞻性文化背景,群体性文化是历史性文化背景。

    There are triple cultural backgrounds to the social transition in China at the moment : individualistic culture is the subject cultural background , quasi-subject culture the prospective future and group culture the historical cultural background .

  3. 特定于常量的类主体是enum关键字的一个受支持的特性;不过,它们的使用应该受到严格的限制。

    Constant-specific class bodies are a supported feature of the enum keyword ; however , their usage should be severely limited .

  4. 对于具有特定于常量的类主体的enum常量,该方法返回的值可能不同于Object.getClass()方法返回的值。

    The value returned by this method may differ from the one returned by the Object . getClass () method for enum constants with constant-specific class bodies .

  5. 法律是否应支持这类主体提起的精神损害赔偿请求?

    And should the law support the compensation for their mental damages ?

  6. 走向类主体&论当代主体范式的转型

    Towards Human Subject : On Transformation of Contemporary Subject Paradigm

  7. 教育必须适应这一变革,走向类主体教育。

    Education must be reformed to meet the challenge of such change .

  8. 环境政策指引方面分别阐述了四类主体功能区的环境政策。

    Secondly , the environmental policy of four principal functional areas are described .

  9. 合作教育研究中两类主体间关系的研究

    The Relation between the Theorist and the Practitioner in University-School Collaborative Educational Research

  10. 走向类主体&当代社会人的转型与教育变革

    Mode Transition of Contemporary Social People and Educational Reform

  11. 接下来,我将解释特定于常量的类主体。

    I 'll explain constant-specific class bodies next .

  12. 然后分别就这两类主体在进行人力资源社会风险防范时需要做的工作进行了分析和总结。

    Then , the things need to do by these are studied and concluded .

  13. 它是当代人自我意识中,类主体、交互主体的具体化。

    It was particular thoughts formulation of class subject and mutual subject in modern self-consciousness .

  14. 在我国的动物福利立法中,其价值选择应是将动物作为法律上的类主体。

    The animals should therefore become the species legal subjects in the animal welfare law in china .

  15. 从个人主体到类主体,是现代社会对人的发展的要求。

    It is the demand of contemporary society that human develope from individual subject to human subject .

  16. 资本市场主要由投资者、上市公司、中介机构这三类主体构成。

    The capital market is dominated by three main bodies & investors , listed companies and intermediaries .

  17. 从类主体的角度看,良知最初是通过外铄途径得来的;

    From the perspective of human being subject , conscience initially was acquired by the approach of external cause .

  18. 通过对四类主体需求点的分析,可以发现文化旅游产品是有层次性的。

    We can find that the cultural tourism product contains four levels by analyzing the demand points of different subjects .

  19. 这些特征表明,本区三类主体岩石为岩浆结晶分异作用的产物;

    All these characteristics show that three kinds of main body rock in this area are the product of crystallization differentiation .

  20. 本文提出协会自治团体的概念,试图从经济法主体的角度明确这类主体的内涵与外延。

    This article proposes a conception of autonomy group as association and tries to definite it from the theory of Economic Law .

  21. 这三类主体的法律人格和法律地位不同,它们在国际能源活动中的作用也不同。

    These three subjects have different law personality and legal status , and so their roles in international energy activities are also different .

  22. 结果表明,该类主体分子与阴离子形成氢键配合物,溶液由无色转变为黄色。

    The results showed that hydrogen bonding complexes were formed between receptors and anions , which turned the solution to yellow from colorless .

  23. 可持续发展呼唤“类主体”出场,但决不意味著“个体主体”的退场,而是两者同时在场。

    Sustainable development calls for the presence of human subject , which doesn 't mean the withdrawal of individual subject , but the concurrence of both .

  24. 杯芳烃作为继环糊精、冠醚之后的第三代大环类主体化合物,对金属离子具有较强的选择性萃取作用。

    Calixarene is a kind of respecting host macrocyclic compound followed cyclodextrin and crown ether , and has strong ability of selective extraction of metal ions .

  25. 其中,通过判断天然气价格(井口价)由哪类主体制定来确定其主要协调机制,通过一系列附加结构的特征来判定辅助协调机制。

    The main coordination mechanism is recognized by judging which determines natural gas wellhead price , and the secondary coordination mechanism is recognize by judging structural characteristic .

  26. 企业既是经济活动的一类主体,同时又是可用以替代市场机制的经济机制。

    Firms are not only one of the kinds of economic subjects , but also the economic mechanism which can take the place of the market mechanism .

  27. 环境正义德性的自我价值是指环境正义德性本身就是一种内在价值,即类主体自身的价值。

    The self-worth value of Virtue of Environmental Justice is an intrinsic value itself of Virtue of Environmental Justice , that is the value of the class itself .

  28. 搞清建设用地变化的特点并对建设用地做出科学合理预测,也是为区域划分四类主体功能区划提供参考和依据。

    Clarifying the change characteristic and doing a reasonable forecast of the construction land is also the reference and basis for four kind of main body function regionalization .

  29. 两类主体间交往和转换的质与量,决定了教育理论与实践相互转化的深度和广度。

    The qualitative and quantitative degrees of interaction and transformation between the two kinds of agents decide the depth and extent of mutual transformation between educational theory and practice .

  30. 21世纪人类的交往实践格局,呼唤类主体的出现。

    It is the practical situation of communication among human beings in the 21st century that requires the emerge of intersubject , which is what needs to be cultivated .