
  • 网络The Samaritans
  1. SIM正在同撒玛利亚救援会合作,在利比亚运营一家医院。

    SIM is partnering with Samaritan 's Purse to run a hospital in Liberia .

  2. 慈善组织撒玛利亚救援会(Samaritan'sPurse)在其网站上发表声明称,在利比里亚受到感染的两人病情危险。

    Two , infected in Liberia , were in grave condition , according to a statement on the website of a charitable organization , Samaritan 's Purse .

  3. 该组织名为撒玛利亚救援会(Samaritan'sPurse),其副主席肯·艾萨克斯(KenIsaacs)说,“我认为护理工作将在家庭中开展,这一点不可避免,而家庭护理这个概念可以发挥更加突出的作用。”

    Ken Isaacs , a vice president of the group , Samaritan 's Purse , said , " I believe inevitably this is going to move into people 's houses , and the notion of home-based care has to play a more prominent role . "

  4. 人道主义机构撒玛利亚救援会表示,紧急运送就医将于下周初进行。

    The humanitarian agency Samaritan 's Purse says that medical evacuation should be early next week .