
  • 网络Saga;Blue and Black
  1. 撒加瓦曾是StanfordBernstein证券的分析师,现在康涅狄格州斯坦福德市的Sector&Sovereign调研公司负责分析技术、媒体和电信行业。

    Sagawa , a former analyst at Stanford Bernstein , now covers technology , media and telecom forsector & sovereign researchin Stamford , CT .

  2. 五旬以上老人组织撒加(saga)的前总主管奥尔特曼最近称,购买退休金的储户将面临前所未有的“巨大风险”,可能永远也不会有任何收益。

    Altmann , a former director-general of over-50s group Saga , recently said pensioners could be taking on " the biggest gamble " of their lives when they buy an annuity , and many may never live to see any return on their money .